private take me on // gentlestorm


Sunshinepaw stares down at his paws - a small pile of leaves sit between them, and the gentle rough of his medicine cat's voice echo between his ears. Sort these ones from those ones, he had said. But the point of these ones and the names of those ones were lost on the mottled child, and though he eventually pursues his personal conquest, it is not without casualties. By the time Gentlestorm returns, the leaves are separated into two piles, but neither are discernable from the other. His vision warbles and warps and his sense of smell was never that great, so the simple task ultimately goes unfinished, despite the pride that lays in Sunshinepaw's slacked posture.

"I... I think I did it, Gentlestorm," he hums, though as he does he lifts a paw and places one leaf left to right - and then swipes it left again. He makes no mention of it, simply watching the older tom's gaze for any sense of approval or disappointment. Regardless of the outcome, however, the young moggy speaks, "Hey, I've been... thinkin', a little bit..." His nerves spike a bit, something unusual. Even when he helped fight the owl, he hadn't had too bad of a spike of anxiety. But he thinks of that rotten ShadowClan apprentice, of his failed skills as a warrior's apprentice, and more, more - the yet to fail accomplishments that are waiting for him taunt him, and he presses forth, hoping to avoid them altogether.

"Y'er, uh... you're gonna be lookin' for an apprentice at some point, yeah?" Sunshinepaw presses, "Maybe... Maybe I could do it? I mean, I've been helpin' out like Howlingstar told us to, 'nd I think I can spot a poppy seed from a mile away now," the joke is that he can't, but he hopes Gentlestorm may find it funny. "'m no good at warrior stuff, anyways. I bet Mousenose would sooner turn me loose in ShadowClan's marsh than see me to my graduation," he clicks his tongue, the sorrowful thought passing through too-too quickly, before he finds his way back to hope, "'nd I thought... maybe you'd like a buddy here," since so many of his own companions are now... dead. Ouch. In any case Sunshinepaw leaves it there, hopeful in that Gentlestorm will take him in.​

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The pale healer had been out after assigning Sunshinepaw the task of organizing wintergreen and ragweed into separate piles, he hopes that the older apprentice can do the task while he tried to search for some herbs while he's out. It isn't long until he returns and his snowy coat brushes against the ferns that lead to his den, his snowy capped paws stepping inside before letting a low breath escape his jaws. His golden gaze focusing onto the mottled apprentice as he speaks up saying that he thinks that he did it and he glances to the two piles of herbs, both of his ears prick forward taking note that they were slightly mixed but not by much... He'd have to go over them to make sure of it and offers a small smile to the apprentice. "Ah, I see. Thank you again, Sunshine." Gentlestorm speaks in his usual tone getting ready to gather the piles but stops when the apprentice mentions that he has been thinking about something and the former warrior turns to Sunshine wondering what it could possibly be "Oh? And what have you been thinking about?"

It's genuine curiosity about what the other's pondering but its his next words that make Gentlestorm try not to grimace or wince not because Sunshinepaw's asking about such a thing or his next words about not being at the "warrior stuff". He doesn't have a single doubt that the older apprentice couldn't be trained into a proper medicine cat with lots of work and patience that he can provide but if Sunshinepaw only wishes for this path since it seems easy when it is not... Well, it's certainly not the route for him. Cats still died but its his responsibility to put together a vigil for a final night of remembrance, place rosemary onto their corpses to hide the scent of death, and send them their way to Starclan. The metallic scent of blood is one that makes him wince, he hates it, and the aroma of death is too strong that even the rosemary isn't enough to muddle it away from him. It coils around him like a snake ready to constrict and squeeze until all the breath from his lungs is gone... And the starry prescence that he had felt when Leopardtongue had given her life to bring forth her new kits. He had been there and Gentle had felt it.

His training has yet to be completed and what Sunshinepaw says is true... He would search for an apprentice soon but it certainly wasn't now, no, he'd rather carry the heavy weight of caring for the clan on his own and facing the laws that had been laid out fot the medicine cats restricting them from a life too similar to a warriors. It's Sunshinepaw's final words that make him wince and it reminds him of everyone that he's lost within the last few moons, his heart aches and his once softened gaze grows more hardened with his brows furrowing to help him with his stoic expression. "As of right now, I'm not searching for an apprentice." Gentlestorm begins in a calm voice and a soft sigh slips from his slightly parted jaws, "And I won't be searching for one once I'm finished with my own training." At least, not right away. His copper gaze fixed onto the dappled apprentice trying to figure out what to say to him especially since Sunshine doesn't believe that he's not good at what he does and they still have a few moons ahead of him to train. And Mousenose? Great Starclan, she would hate Gentlestorm for even taking away her apprentice to train her younger sibling to the path he has taken on.

"Give yourself time, Sunshinepaw. Your time will come that Howlingstar will call a meeting and you'll recieve your warrior name and a lot sooner than training with me. You will amount to make great things you simply need to work and have patience." The medicine cat continues as he takes a seat in front of the other and uses a large paw to bring one of the piles closer then focuses onto the other, "As a medicine cat, you must train longer... There are more strict rules than that of a warrior. It's a lot heavier and I'd rather carry that weight alone." He says finally with a small shake of his head and fixes his gaze onto Sunshinepaw once more before offering a small smile.

"You'll be a great warrior one day."


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking