TAKE ME OUT — o, trying not to fall out of a tree

〕As a rule of thumb, Slate hardly left the ground. One would never see the Maine Coon heaving himself up a tree where he was certain he would eventually lose his balance and fall to his death... or at least a broken bone. Bold and brave was the lead warrior, except in instances where he was faced with a tree. Many times, squirrels and avians would evade his claws by scaling the pines, leaving Slate irritable and empty-jawed. Today, however, was a little different.

A perfectly juicy and delectable-looking bluejay rests in the center of Slate's vision, seemingly unaware of the pair of determined eyes upon him. The cat's teeth are primed to kill, as well as his claws to bury, but he is not looking to score a meal for just anyone. He knows of a certain molly who would appreciate the gesture of being gifted a freshly caught bluejay ( he could have sworn that they were her favorite prey ). Slate doesn't even stop to consider just how unusual he was acting; he was once a starving rogue who had only hunted for himself, he had once been a brutish tom who growled whenever anyone strayed too close to his meal. Shucking his roguish tendencies has been a long and difficult path to follow, but Slate rarely struggled with giving up his kills to other clanmates nowadays... as long as prey didn't run scarce and there wasn't any competition for it.

Birds were seldom his choice of prey; the lead warrior could sometimes manage to capture large crows as they were slower to move away, but smaller birds were much more elusive. He was not a tom who was built for stealth or speed, but he really wanted to land this catch. The charcoal-hued warrior swipes a pink tongue over his broad muzzle, picturing himself beaming with pride as he carries the limp avian into camp and marches straight up to a form of red and white. He could do this.

What was supposed to be a simple pounce turned into a chase, leading Slate to dig his beastly claws into the trunk of the pine as he hauled himself to a branch of medium height. This was undoubtedly the highest he had ever climbed. Holy shit, holy shit. Slate's mind is frenzied with curses and expletives as he lowers himself, ivory talons outstretched and digging into the bark below for dear life. He balances to the best of his ability on the limb, jaw clenched tightly, his trembling stare steadying onto the bluejay that was perched on the bough directly across the way.

He would have to jump to catch it.

Foxdung, what was he doing? Was he really going to do something so idiotic? Slate tenses his legs, bunching them in preparation to spring. He had climbed all this way; he would not forfeit now, not when the perfect kill was in his sights. He had been one of SkyClan's worst climbers for so long... maybe, if he was successful, he could drop the rather embarrassing title. Maybe this was his first step in overcoming his fear; staring death in the eyes straight-on was surely one way to do it. Don't be a kit. Slate tells himself in the same manner he'd tell his own apprentice.

The bulky Maine Coon leaps, paws outstretched and finding purchase on the jay. Blue feathers ruffle and wriggle under his grasp, and quickly Slate moves to dig his canines into the creature's neck. Clean, quickly, it falls limp and the lead warrior hastily snatches it into his awaiting maw. He still stands on the branch! Had he actually done it? A wave of relief washes over the massive tom, pride beginning to glisten in his eyes as he realizes he'd caught a bird in a tree. A first for him. Maybe he wasn't so bad at this after all—

His limbs wobble, so much so that he loses his grip. "Gr- Ack!" A strained cry escapes him, voice muffled by a mouthful of feathers, as he scrambles to hold onto the pine branch. Like a caged bird his heart flutters madly, legs trembling as they clung for dear life. Fear seizes the lead warrior's heart again, lungs straining to replenish as his kill blocks his airway. What did he do?!

  • ooc.
  • SLATE —— lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 39 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 81989570_qOt9GUlhGgQcrtn.png

    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.
  • Wow
Reactions: ThistleBack
Stalking below the canopy, jaws slack to taste the staling scent trail of a vole. Scratches along the roots of the pine are obviously of rodent nature, and he idly scrapes away some dirt to freshen the scent to confirm the hunter’s suspicion.

The large dark form of Slate he spots briefly with a sideways glance through the undergrowth. Thistleback returns back to his slow hunt, only moving his sights to the lead warrior again as he disappears up a tree like a black bear. Grey eyes traveling further, to spot whatever the other was after but truly to no avail. The nettles were dense in newleaf, whatever Slate was after, he had a good eye for.

Claws scrabble against bark, and a tree limb whines from above. Thistleback steps sideways and around as he hears the tune of a muffled struggle. He can see the other’s powerful limbs working to keep him gripped, on the tree across from which Thistleback had seen him scale. An impressive leap, and an even more impressive catch.

Still clinging to the bluejay, " let go of the bloody bird! " he calls up his suggestion to the lead warrior, Thistleback was a strong cat but not even he could break the other’s fall safely enough for them both. Kicking off with his hocks like twin canons, his nails begin dragging him up the tree skillfully. Slate was a full grown Maine coon, closer to the weight of a dog than a cat. The piebald doesn’t have time to consider what the hell he was even going to do.

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    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

Thistleback's shout upwards causes the medicine cat to lift his head from a throng of berries sprouting from a wild raspberry bush, the alarm in his voice sending Fireflyglow into a panic. Never has he heard of Slate being the type of cat to climb a tree, let alone even think of doing so. So when Thistleback launches himself up the trunk of the pine tree, Fireflyglow's head swivels to follow the sound.

"Dig your claws in, Slate!" He shouts upwards unhelpfully, not sure how far up the maine coon had gone. He circles the base of the pine anxiously, hoping he could cushion the fall if he did tumble towards the ground. To his own surprise, however, he definitely wasn't stationed in the right area to even catch Slate on his back. He was on the other side of the trunk, stupidly standing there. His blindness didn't help him.

Still, he maintains the determined look in his face as he stands still in place.​
Bobbie's toting a jay of her own back to camp today, though she'd caught it with nobody in particular in mind . . . except maybe herself, because much like Slate's target, she has a preference for the blue - feathered birds and is more than willing to go the extra mile to retrieve one. Unlike Slate's intended giftee, though, she holds no particular fondness for the rusted black lead—quite the opposite, actually, though her animosity has more than faded in recent moons. It's easy to overlook a single bird when you've a full flock to contend with, and her problems cling together like that old saying; birds of a feather flock together, so they say, and her own issues far outnumbered one petty dispute long ago.

That does not, however, mean that she'll kindly refrain from amusement at the tom's obvious struggle. Velvet - backed ears flutter, though somewhat limited in their motion by old damage, as quick in snaring the sound of the lead's strangled cry as her claws were in securing her own jay. Bobbie hurries in a smattering of pawsteps over to the base of the tree where a group has already begun to gather, her half - tail flicking anxiously at the prospect of some tragedy . . . and yet, she's not exactly surprised, almost relieved. Anticipation of the next bit of bad luck to befall her and her Clan looms over her at every turn, wide wings of a carrion bird casting an endless shadow, and to have her paranoia fulfilled would almost be a relief . . .

. . . but it's just Slate, stuck in an awkward climbing situation for . . . not the first time, if memory's serving her correctly. " Snrk— " The warrior's snort of amusement escapes around her own still - intact catch, and she sets it carefully by white - capped paws, away from the trembling shape of the lead warrior and his potential impact crater. She allows herself one throaty chuckle before judging her amusement inappropriate ( for the moment; once the tom was safe on the ground she'd laugh her ass off, of course ) and setting it deliberately aside, joining Thistleback and Fireflyglow in the little tableau wincing at the coal - pelted tom's struggle.

It's a bit of a disaster, and one that readily compounds itself. Fireflyglow stands tall and determined, ready to ( unwisely ) cushion the impact . . . completely on the wrong side of the tree. The other warrior stationed at the trunk leaps and starts hauling himself up the tree much faster than his bulky frame would indicate, and the tabby permits herself a moment of surprise before crouching and jumping to follow Thistleback upwards. Alone, her tiny frame—opportune for scaling trees in every way that Slate's heavy one is not—would more than likely end up bringing them both crashing earthwards, but perhaps she and the piebald tom's efforts combined can get Slate back to the safety of solid earth. Where she can point and laugh, of course . . . grief has not stolen her capacity for spite, perhaps even tripled it.

" Just—hang on, me and Thistleback are coming! " she calls upwards, rolling a shadowed beryl eye and muttering shortly after, " Great StarClan, I can't believe I'm doing this. " Still, if the lead warrior's shaking limbs and panicked scrambling is any measure to judge by, this is a time - sensitive rescue. That, and she probably climbs better than him with her forepaws tied together . . . That's what he gets for acting so superior, she thinks with a huff as she pulls herself up the trunk, only half - meaning it. Her feud with Slate is mostly weary tradition at this point, anyways.


That bluejays were so popular made sense, he supposed... a shock of a feather shone azure in the knots of his own tail, woven there by his mate moons and moons ago now. They flitted through the trees like Skyclanners did, and mirrored the blue of the sky that they were named for. Or maybe it was just that they looked nice, and there wasn't any poetic symmetry to it... either way, Twitchbolt could easily say they meant quite a bit to him too. Not really for eating, though...

Therefore, it was almost unremarkable to see Slate clinging to one so dearly. Twitchbolt was cradled by the pine needles himself, watching from a short height- wide eyes stared down in utter bemusement, all before the panic began to vibrate through him. Bobbie and Thistleback leapt up to the scrabbling tom's rescue, while Fireflyglow watched ... sort of... from below. Twitchbolt grimaced, leaping down from the height at which he perched to a lower branch.

He didn't want to risk overcrowding Slate and knocking him off from his precarious panic. Wary eyes dropped down to Fireflyglow, and he shouted to the tree-faring trio, "None of you drop on Fireflyglow, we can't give Dawnglare that many broken bones to deal with..." With that caution called, he bounded closer so that he could help with this... heaving rescue, if Thistleback and Bobbie couldn't manage it together.
penned by pin ✧