pafp take me out * escapee kit

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. the camp doesn't seem to have the capacity to hold him. the preoccupation with the death, the destruction that looms heavy over camp has his paws itching. he has wanted to be back home so badly, wanted to have his nest back, wanted to have his belongings back, but both of those have been thrown asunder, scattered underfoot.

it's not an endeavor he can achieve on his own. only when it starts to get late does he dare make any moves. he needs out of here. he has precariously - presumably with some assistance has teetered his way across the rocks out of camp, yet to learn the art of staying afloat for more than twenty seconds.

look at the flowers!" as soon as he exits the camp bitekit isn't bothering to keep his voice down - the thrill of having the freedom to explore, to scout out what was beyond the water surrounding the camp doesn't have him thinking about being captured in the act. the airy laugh, is especially rare. he turns to his current partner in crime, hazepaw, gasps an inconspicuous: "did you know there were rivers everywhere out here?" the excitement manifests in a way that is totally unlike him, the feeling thrilling him entirely.

it's late, and approximately no one but bitekit would surprised if the alarm were to be raised at camp for a kits absence, particularly from his poor mother.

ooc/ please wait for @Hazepaw to post first
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In Hazepaw’s defense, here is how that train of thought went:

She saw Bitekit sneaking out. Give her some credit; if anyone knows how to spot a kit going where they’re not supposed to go, it’s her. Haze wasn’t going to tattle. Not only is she not a hypocrite, she gets it; the urge to leave, to escape the chaos of displacement, the death hanging over the clan. Sometimes you just need to get away. But she wasn’t going to let Bitekit leave alone either: she isn’t that irresponsible.

So… They came along. Alone. They’re almost a warrior anyway; it’s fine. Some… some last hurrah before every outing becomes a patrol, every adventure a duty; one last freedom. One last mischief.

(They wish they could have done this with-- Ah well.)

Bite will explore a bit and Haze won’t look away one second, to keep him out of danger, and then they’ll go back in a bit with no one the wiser. And if anyone asks, they found him outside and brought him back -- now aren’t you glad they were out and about?

(It’s not as if their mentor could accompany them anymore. They miss his shadow lurking after them; patrols will feel empty without his ghostly form.)

In spite of the grief, there’s something wonderful in watching Bitekit discover the same wonders they themself fell in love with the first time they went out of camp… at about the same age, really. Haze smiles and nods earnestly at his exclamations: the flowers, the glittering river. ”River forever,” they say, gesturing to the serpentine path of the water off in the distance: going on and on to the edge of the territory and beyond.

They nudge him closer to the edge of camp with their nose, mindful not to let him go too far (though the urge is there) and drag their paw through a small pile of fallen leaves, scattering them in the air, a flurry of red and gold.

sneezefur & 32 moons & demi-boy & he/they & riverclan warrior

Sneezefur is too old for this.

Not that he isn't still young - no, he's still got many moons to go before he'd even consider joining the elders in their den. But he'd never thought he'd be parent, once was bad enough but twice? Of course, this time it is his own selfish choice coming back to bite him - no pun intended. It isn't even the first time his son has slipped away from camp - sometimes unnoticed, other times sending the sickly queen he calls mom into a frenzy. Tonight is one of those times - pleading driving sneezefur into action.

Thankfully, he doesn't have to go very far - seafoam eyes close as he sighs, exasperation and relief potent. When he opens them again, there is something fond he cannot hide, despite the annoyance. Crooked figure ambles over in silence to join the wo runaways, head dipping in silent thanks to hazepaw for keeping bitekit safe. He's not stupid, he knows exactly who's idea this must have been.

Crooked, scarred muzzle wrinkles as blue-tinged tail flicks out to boop the inkblot kit on the nose, expression as plain as day even without having to use his words - chastising, as though to say 'Why did you run off? You know better,'

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a stick figure feline, all sharp lines and awkward angles, sneezefur's body bears the story of a harsh life on the twolegplace streets. his mostly white pelt is littered in scars, leaving him looking rather unpleasant to most. the one exception is shockingly bright seafoam gaze, long-lashed and angular, shining like gemstones upon his face. he's never once said a word to his clanmates, his vocabulary seemingly limited to quiet hums and grunts, but some swear they've heard him talking when alone.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#50c878]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


PETALPAW — Keep about your wits.
There was a rocky history between Petalpaw and being in any proximity of the nursery. As a young apprentice, she could recall on several occasions where her moss and other materials had been stolen, clutched in the jaws of a scrap of fur zooming away with giggles heavy on their tongue.
It was safe to say Petalpaw avoided the nursery when she could. Kittens were nothing but trouble.
Yet, when a tiny bundle of fur accompanied by Hazepaw comes trotting over to her general vicinity, Petalpaw tenses. Kits were not to be trusted.
"What’re you two doing out here?" The older apprentices prompts lightly from where she weaves twine and reeds together, despite the distrustful glance she spares Bitekit.
Her wariness is truthfully not personal, but her lesson had been learned far too many times.
Subtly, she holds her materials a bit closer to herself. One could never be too careful.

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. "rivers forever." he echoes, green eyes taking in the rivers spanning far, dedicating it to his memory, the nature that is unique to sight when escaping the confines of camp is terribly exciting. if he were someone else, hazepaw might have received a thank you. the bulky black kitten affords himself the chance to experience the excitement, thrilling chills running across his body. it's short lived however - the world proceeds to fall apart.

when his father comes into view he recognizes sneezefur with a stuttered gasp. "dad." bitekit's eyes rounden, clearly not taking into consideration the potential of being caught, although the occurrence is obviously inevitable. if it were anyone else but his dad he would be prepared to unleash a spiting tirade, bitekit still has his furious rant tucked in his throat. it's not unfamiliar to him, being in trouble. even if the mean streak has been more of a recent development, the victims of his horrid attitude in shadowclan can attest to as much.

"you-" paws are scuffed into the soft ground which shifts under underfoot. words stick to his tongue, he's not sure what he should say to his dad. what he can say to stop disappointing him, it seems to be all he can do. "i don't like it there." the tone is oddly quiet. with the apprentices approach he sours, the judgmental stare is something he's long since accustomed with, despite petalpaw's intent he receives it, as with many things as deeply personal. he knows he's going to be in trouble knows the looks are going to be repeated. in camp he's going to be suffocated in their response directly, rather than their mood.

unfortunately, containing his frustration results in petalpaw receiving the nonsensical, furious words that he's scrambled together, as the cold shock of being caught washes over him. "think you shouldn't care!" the words are suitably childish, spat out even as he shrinks back into himself. "flea-brain, you should just go away!" he gives it a little time, lets the ugly, hot thing bubble down in his gut and attempts to retreat behind sneezefur, casting a despairing look towards hazepaw.
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Runaway kittens aren't common in Hazecloud's experience, and she hadn't been presently home when Nettlekit had wandered out either. So when the smoky molly came upon not just Bitekit, but the sleek forms of her Clanmates seemingly stumbling upon him too far outside the nursery to get here on his own, her reaction was clearly shock.

Her eyes grew wide seeing the void of pitch fur dart for Sneezefur's protection and she turned her head up to look at the tom quizzically. "Was he alone this whole time?" She glanced over her shoulder, as if more cats would suddenly appear from the direction of camp. "Who is the queen looking after him? He could have..." Drowned. Swept away by the current, tumbled into hard stones. Swooped up by a bird. Picked on by a fox. Flashes of every possible turn of death she had just faced herself appeared for Bitekit's escape and she had to take a deep breath to shake it all away.

"Bitekit." Her tone turned more gentle toward the stowaway. "There are dangers out here not even a warrior can survive alone. You're meant to stay in camp so that when you're old enough, you can learn what's out here with a mentor. It's not to punish you." Smokethroat surely will not be happy about this.