✧ . It’s a… sort of do-over, Orangestar’s requested of the morning’s sun. A gathering of sorts to make up for the mess of the shrouded night before that leaves Greeneyes’ stomach twisting at the suggestion, at the reminder of the gossip that followed. But it’s not ShadowClan, it’s not WindClan — it’s just RiverClan and SkyClan. Would it be any better, then, just the two of them?

Unfortunately, he has to wait to hear the answer to his question, has to wait for his worries to be later quelled. For he sits in the midst of SkyClan’s camp instead, the gathering’s partakers long gone and probably at the River’s border by now. Left in charge of the clan, of those left behind, clouded paws knead aimlessly at the ground beneath them as he watches over his home. He looks to the side, toward Johnnyflame, who shares the task with him as everyone else is away.

Do you think it’s going well? “ he asks the daylight-lead, though uncertainty wavers his tone at the possibility for things to go awry. Surely it won’t — RiverClan and SkyClan are amicable, aren’t anything like ShadowClan and WindClan, right? Orangestar wasn’t bound to come back with news of Lichenstar attacking her, and Fireflyglow… Fireflyglow would be just fine. ​
  • // @Johnnyflame , but no need to wait!
    takes place at the same time as this thread, for any skyclanners not pinged within it!
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack


”Well enough- better than what we’d get from the other clans, most likely.” It felt bitter to say, considering just weeks ago he would have also listed Thunderclan as ‘cats they could mostly trust’. Now he wasn’t sure where loyalties lay within the clans, but he was at least confident that Riverclan was the least of their worries.

”Feels weird seeing the camp so empty during the day.” he noted as yellow-gold eyes scanned the clearing.

Johnny often stayed back from the gatherings to watch over camp instead, but in the dead of night it was easy to pretend that his clanmates were just asleep in their nests. Early in the morning like this, the camp should have been bustling with activity as daylight warriors made their arrival or hunting patrols were sent out. Only the familiar sound of the kits in the nursery assured him that all was well, he found himself hoping that Starclan was still with them even if the little ‘gathering’ wasn’t at Fourtrees.

OOC- Yup! For anyone who didn't get to go to the Riverclan/Skyclan gathering :)


In stark contrast to Greeneyes and Johnnyflame sitting still, yolk-splashed paws had been carrying the coward back and forth for what felt like hours at this point. Eggshellbloom had neither the heart nor nerve for politics, so the skittish Scottish Fold was completely in the dark as to the finer intricacies of Orangestar’s attempt to mend things.

He felt like a child, casting amber eyes towards the duo whenever they opened their mouths and hoping to gain some nuanced insight. Alas, it was all colored by his own anxiety. “M-Maybe they - y’know - got ambushed” the milksop muttered, imagining hordes of cats descending on his friends, or the ground opening up to swallow them whole. “C-Can that happen?” Eggshell asked, as if he wasn’t the one to conjure up the ridiculous hypothetical in the first place.

Anxious eyes now looked towards the entrance of camp, fully expecting to see a swarm of enemies descend on them. Riverclan and…some fish that could walk on land. Yes, that must be it, and unholy alliance of predator and prey made to destroy Skyclan.

In the back of his mind, for a moment, Eggshellbloom wondered why Orangestar deemed it best for him to stay in camp.​
  • Dead
Reactions: ThistleBack
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
Duskpool had done his best to fill him in on what a gatherin’ was — straight to the point as ever and downright dull with describin’ the thing, Outlaw had to tear the information out of him to get the gist of things. Mother fudger ain't ever been good at tellin’ stories. Deadpanner than a corpse and the expressions ain’t nothin’ to brag about, but his brother tried.

Failed miserably doin’ it too.

“Peace ain’t always forever. Somethin’ was about to give. The gatherin’ just seemed to be the tippin’ point.” He mused, tuckin’ a wooly plumage around large paws, sigh rumblin’ in his chest. Outlaw won’t say he knew enough about the gatherin’, but given what he did know; the gatherin’ sure ain’t gonna do any of ‘em favors if they counted actin’ like kits.

He raised an eyebrow, fiery hues starin’ at Eggshellbloom. “Reckon we’d be hearin’ somethin’ by now darlin’. If not, someone runnin’ back, then the sounds that’d sure make.” The kittypet commented from a few lengths away, bitin’ back a snort of amusement. Nothin’ wrong with the imagination, but that sure ain’t gonna be healthy. Who knows what else the little fella had cookin’ in that head of his? “Have some faith in yer clanmates, darlin’.” He had faith in Duskpool, even if the fudger had a few screws loose when it came to his health, Outlaw trusted him enough to return with the rest of the pine folk.
thought speech
A bitter taste sits on his tongue. Born in part by the absense of someone that irritated him to no end... Their presence comes with unwantedness. Their absense with the same — it is paradoxical, seemingly all in the interest of keeping him miserable. A glower meets the open sky and the unseeable things that sat in it. Stars to be seen only later; the only one bumbling enough not to hide himself or his smile throughout the day... He had apparently been deemed not important enough to go to the tongue - sharing of SkyClan and RiverClan. Not that he cared to — but his whole existance was this: obligations that bled him dry. Even that which he's never wanted is cast aside, disregarding for the thing shiny and new that Fireflyglow was. Perhaps Orangestar had thought only his paws fit enough to stay busy throughout the nonsense... but all he tasks himself with is chewing at his own lip. After all, Orangestar had never thought as much before.

He didn't care for it to go well. StarClan could rain upon all of them... but of course, for his lack of presence, it was unlikely. A tense face battles with the placement of his paws, sprawled out as if uncaring. " I hadn't realized we cared quite so much about... RiverClan. " drawled with the extent of the sympathy he had for them. Did Orangestar only seek to finish what Blazestar had started? Both kings were dead now, thick heads lain in the dirt... So suddenly, he feels a certain age. Enough of it for his friend to have had two litters... enough for his litter to have litters... Here Dawnglare is, terribly and wretchedly the same, stuck somewhere that has changed beyond his understanding...

A thick sigh has him resting his head onto his paws. " If we cannot hear the river itself, then we could not hear their screams, " he remarks. " No on there is exempt from foolishness, " no matter the lives ordained. No matter how keenly the stars seemed to smile upon you, once...