private take me to church || blackstrike


‧₊˚✧brat prince✧˚₊‧‎
Jul 6, 2024
✧*:.。. Wormwatcher meandered into camp with a confident stride, a limp toad grasped in his maw. He sauntered past many clanmates, inclining his head politely in greeting, as he made his way towards the prey pile to drop his catch unceremoniously. The wiry tom leaned downwards to nose nudge the toad closer to the rest of the lifeless creatures before spinning around on his heel quickly, his angular features generally expressionless. It was near sunset and he already did all the tasks expected of a warrior such as himself, so he was allowing himself the time to relax and bask in the waning sunlight. He trotted towards a spot in which he could be within the maximum amount of rays and sat lightly on his haunches, his jaw unhinging into a loud yawn. Wormwatcher flicks his gaze about as he yawns, peeking to see who he may be able to conversate with. He shuts his maw and quirks a brow as he rests an icy stare upon Blackstrike, his senior by just three moons.

“Come sit?” Wormwatcher mews in the tom’s direction, his tail flicking over a narrow slice of sunshine besides himself. “Not too much sun, but still nice nonetheless.” The gray chimera scooted on his haunches to make room for if Blackstrike decided he would also like some company, sacrificing much of the sunshine for him. But what was he if not a good host? Wormwatcher stretches his spindly legs forward and he slowly slides downwards so that his hindlegs are beneath himself. He positions his head on his legs and stares at Blackstrike, his tail lashing eagerly as he waits for him to make up their mind.

Blackstrike was not one that Wormwatcher speaks to often, unless out of absolute obligation. It does not mean that he has gone unnoticed, however; as Wormwatcher oftentimes watches the shadowy tom from afar. Wormwatcher feels very warm suddenly and swallows back an odd feeling gathering in his throat. He dismisses this with a quick flick of his ear, choosing to ignore this sudden wave of nervousness.

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➼➼ The day is nearing its end, sun sinking ever closer to the horizon line. Blackstrike can’t stand the daytime, where the summertime heat and the humidity of the marsh come together to create an environment so suffocating he nearly wishes he had stayed back at the horrible carrionplace. He’s found solace in resting on his side in an area of camp lit warmly by the sunset, mismatched eyes blinking slower and slower as he relaxes.

Suddenly, a figure strides through the camp’s entrance, and it’s not just the heat that makes Blackstrike’s breath catch in his chest. He’s not normally one to find others eyecatching—his interest in his clanmates lies in their individual personalities and the depth of his interactions with them, not their appearances. But the way fading sunlight reflects upon gray and black fur, the self-confidence in each step he takes toward the fresh-kill pile, catches Blackstrike’s attention readily. He sits up, attention now fully on the other tom. Wormwatcher hasn’t seemed to notice him yet, preoccupied with depositing his surely hard-earned catch onto the prey pile. A good hunter, a good warrior… yeah, that’s Wormwatcher.

At last, the other tom turns that icy gaze upon him, and Blackstrike sits up fully, licking down an unruly patch of fur that’s sprung up on his chest. Wormwatcher invites him to sit closer, and mismatched eyes narrow with amusement. What a pleasant surprise, being asked to join his clanmate in this moment of rest. The black-striped warrior comments on the sunlight and—there, that’s my chance!—Blackstrike says, perhaps a bit too loudly, a bit too forward, "Eh, who needs the sun when you’re around?" His question is accompanied by a broad grin, meant to appease the other tom after his attempt at flirtation likely falls flat. "I’m sayin’ you look nice," he adds, with a flatter tone of voice this time, just in case it didn’t get through to the other warrior that he’s being complimented.

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    BLACKSTRIKE ❯❯ he/him, shadowclan warrior
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
✧*:.。. The oh-so reserved tom was unsure what overtakes himself when he invites Blackstrike to sit with himself but he instantly feels anxiety bubble within himself, threatening to burst. Wormwatcher’s pulse sings as he observes Blackstrike situating some rebellious fur on his pearly chest before inviting him over, shocked by his own invitation towards Blackstrike. He tries to remain as still as possible as he awaits the bicolored tom’s reply, while simultaneously preparing what to say when he inevitably declines, No! No problem… Ah, was going to go hunt some more anyways… Fine. Suit yourself.

When he hears Blackstrike’s loud voice, Wormwatcher slackens his maw to snap some retort at Blackstrike but shuts it quickly as he hears the droll inquiry, his eyebrows knitting upwards in a mixture of confusion and amusement, Blackstrike’s flirtation was loss on the gray tom. But when Blackstrike adds his explanation, Wormwatcher careens his ears back and purses his lips, unsure of how to proceed. This was unknown territory he was trodding upon, a forbidden path he has blocked off within himself. It was undeniable that Wormwatcher invited calm tom over because he would deem him handsome but did he expect some sort of flirtation? No, hadn’t. To hear “I’m sayin’ you look nice” shocked him, causing him to react as he did.

Wormwatcher careens his black-tipped ears away from his cranium as he realizes that the reaction was a little too… much. He adjusts on his haunches and gives a crooked grin to Blackstrike, an appearance which is casted with doubts and insecurities. “Thanks.” Is all Wormwatcher musters. He inhales quickly and puffs, “You look nice, really… too.” You look really nice, too. Wormwatcher extends his crooked grin as he realizes he fumbled his words, a stupid mistake he would likely ruminate on for days to come. Never has he allowed himself the childish glee of flirting, the instant satisfaction of compliments given and received. He flicks his tail around his petite paws as if it will serve as a shield from the rest of the camp, from any who may be watching this act with hungry eyes– As he himself would do if he were an outsider looking in.

He inclines his head towards the spot beside himself which was bathed in sunlight. “Well, c’mon.” He gazes upwards at Blackstrike, his head still inclined towards where he would like Blackstrike to sit. Cheekily, Wormwatcher mews, “I don’t bite, afterall; I look sooo nice.” He cocks his head, keeping his gaze locked upon Blackstrike’s own mismatched eyes.

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾
➼➼ The other tom seems perplexed by his comment, and for a moment Blackstrike’s ears drop backward with disappointment. Shit. Did I mess up already? But then, after he explains his compliment, Wormwatcher casts him a smile, awkward but still not an overwhelmingly negative reaction. At first, he only manages a simple thanks, but then he speaks his turn in a rambling, nearly confused-sounding compliment. You look nice, really, too. It sounds wrong to Blackstrike’s ears. Him, a skinny, ragged-furred warrior still carrying about a lingering carrionplace-smell… Nice? "Y’think so?" The tips of his ears burn hot, slightly embarrassed by the compliment. Having his own game turned around on him is something he hadn’t been prepared for—what’s he supposed to say now?

Mismatched eyes flicker around camp for a moment, on watch for any onlookers or eavesdroppers. He can confidently say that he thinks Wormwatcher is an attractive tom, but that isn’t something the entire clan needs to know. The other tom invites him closer again, gesturing to a particularly comfortable looking patch of sunlight beside him. He’s struck with a burst of playful energy, and smiles at the black-striped tom as he steps closer at last. "I get it, I get it…" he murmurs, shadowy tail flickering behind him. When he reaches Wormwatcher’s side, he settles onto his haunches again, looking up into pale blue eyes. His flank brushes against the other warrior’s fur, and he shifts a bit further away so they aren’t quite touching. "Eh, I wouldn’t put it past you to bite. If I annoyed you enough, I bet you’d do it. Looks can be deceiving, y’know."

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    BLACKSTRIKE ❯❯ he/him, shadowclan warrior
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
✧*:.。. "I do, really. I'm no liar," Wormwatcher mews softly, his voice lilting in nervousness. As Blackstrike surveys the camp, Wormwatcher's lips purse in an attempt to mask amusement. He had just done the same thing moments ago, and seeing his counterpart do it too assured him of something: He won't tell... He's not sure what has got into himself, what encouraged him to finally approach Blackstrike... but it had not strengthened him to not be wary. He's still chased by a fear that had been instilled within himself since he could understand the ramblings of his deranged parents. Wormwatcher's mind roars, fighting for him to leave, be gone before he's exposed, despite knowing surely it would be alright? It was a norm, here within the clans...

His internal battle could not prevent the stark joy that breaks out on his otherwise solemn face when Blackstrike finally positions himself in the meager sunlight beside himself, and his joy remains even when their fur brushes. Wormwatcher will focus his attention ahead, on the brilliant blue and yellow eyes of Blackstrike instead of his troubles. He hardly notices the small distance between them until Blackstrike shifts,, inconspicuous. "I do bite... but you're not annoying, definitely not." His low voice seems to be lighter as he converses with the tom beside him, but he's rigid. It is as though he's trying to transform into an impenetrable bramble wall which could protect them from leering eyes. His contradictory body language was an attempt for outsiders to believe that this was nothing more than a conversation about... weather.

"Were you to annoy me, I solemnly swear not to bite too hard. But don't go telling anyone that you're an exception... I wouldn't want anyone to think I were turning soft," Wormwatcher murmurs in mock seriousness. It matters not that this could be an inconsequential moment for Blackstrike. To Wormwatcher it was a moment to let down his guard, finally flirt with someone he were actually truly interested in, a moment to voice his most suppressed thoughts.

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾, tags