take on the world [sangriapaw]



OOC- Okay! Because I’m lame and this took so long, we’re gonna use liquid time to say that this takes place the day of the meeting, just later in the afternoon since he had that meeting afterwards regarding Cherryblossoms promotion.

To be perfectly frank, Johnnyflame was feeling pretty darn bad by the time he finally finished with the private gathering that’d been called for Orangestars council after the meeting. Not only had the entire thing been tense due to the topic at hand, but in the back of his mind was the knowledge that poor Sangriapaw was sitting in camp waiting for him to be done, eager to properly begin her long-awaited apprenticeship.

And to be blunt, Johnny was eager as well.

Beyond his lead warrior status he was unquestionably a daylight warrior first and foremost, and there were few in the clan who didn’t know how much of an advocate he was for the kittypet warriors. As such, he’d been waiting for a chance to train one himself. Their kind was no stranger to discrimination in the clans, and if he could put another competent daylight warrior out there he’d consider it one of his greatest accomplishments. It was an honor to train any apprentice, but he’d be a liar if he said this wasn’t just a tad personal for him.

”Sangriapaw! Where’d you get off to, lass? It’s time to head out!” he called as he finally slipped free from Orangestars den, the council meeting done with and his focus free to return to less stressful matters. He wouldn’t allow his attention to be split on his apprentice's first day out as an official ‘paw’, and he intended to give her a proper first day just like anyone else- even if they were running a tad bit late.


The newly-named apprentice had watched some of the other apprentices already leaving camp with their mentors. But with her own mentor caught up in a council meeting, she’s left to sit impatiently while other apprentices are already out there exploring the territory. At least Coffeepaw, Daisypaw, Fluffypaw, and her all have to wait together, since all their mentors are part of Orangestar’s council. At first she had been determined to be patient—but gradually, the torbie’s patience erodes, and she’s left sitting there tracing lines in the dirt with a claw, trying desperately to stave off her boredom. She kind of wants to go in there and interrupt the council meeting, but that would be bad, wouldn’t it? She doesn’t want to be a bad apprentice so soon after being apprenticed to someone like Johnnyflame. The tom is her favorite lead warrior, and one of the clanmates she looks up to the most; she doesn’t want to disappoint him, ever!

Lass, he calls her when he asks where she’d gone to, and Sangriapaw turns to the lead warrior with a shining grin. Her tail flickers with excitement as she stands up as tall as she can, her white-patched chest puffed out happily. "You’re finally done?" She chirps out, darting forward to meet him halfway. Bright green eyes meet yellow, her impatience and frustration fading to nothing in the face of pure excitement. Johnnyflame says that it’s time for them to head out at last, and she does a little hop in the air with joy. "I can’t wait to get started! What’re we doing first?" Will they be going hunting? Patrolling? Exploring?

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore


Johnny loved mentoring. He’d been fully grown by the time he moved into town and discovered Skyclan for himself, and so as happy as he was to be a daylight warrior, there was a small part of him that would forever mourn the upbringing he’d never get to have; one where he, too, was given a mentor, and a formal training, and childhood friends to grow into strong warriors with. The closest he would ever get was that feeling of excitement and thrill he felt with his first foray into the woods with Thistleback, back when he’d been brought to Skyclans camp for the first time.

That’s why he liked having an apprentice so much. Not only was it a satisfying feeling to know he was preparing the next generation of Skyclanners to carry on in their pawsteps, but it was also nice to share in those moments that made growing up so special. Your first time seeing the borders, all the silly competitions that went on between the apprentices, making your first catch, winning your first skirmish.

”First you get the grand tour, of course!” Announced the bobtail with a grin, leading the way out of camp and into the pine forest beyond. ”Every good warrior needs to know the lay of the land!”

He’d take her along the same route he’d taken Glittersun all those moons ago, showing her the landmarks and the borders all in one.

”There’ll be rules, though. Don’t be getting too far ahead of me, and if I tell you to do something you need to listen right away. Todays gonna be fun and I know you're excited about it, but we need to keep our wits about us too, aye?”

For all the adventure there was to be had for an apprentices first time out, there were still very real threats to be mindful of as well. The world and it’s creatures didn’t stop their own lives and matters for Skyclans apprentices, and he wouldn’t see any harm come to the ginger shecat under his watch.

In her eyes, the lead warrior can do no wrong. He’s a snake-catcher and a strong warrior who’s been on Orangestar’s council since even before Sangriapaw was born. Johnnyflame has been alive for, like, forever. So of course he’s all wise and smart about training. Plus, he’s a daylight warrior—a daylight lead warrior, even. She wants to be just like him when she grows up! So when the tom tells her she’s getting the grand tour first, the girl is all too happy to oblige. Most of the other new apprentices probably already got their grand tours done, but she doesn’t mind being late, really. She’ll have all the time in the world to spend with her mentor now.

As the two leave camp and pass under the full cover of the pines, Sangriapaw looks up, awe written all over her face. She’s never been able to really focus on it before, in all her trips back and forth from home. She’s always been a little scared, honestly, since Blazingpaw and his littermates got attacked and got all scarred up. She’s always felt like she had to keep an eye out around her, and she’s probably supposed to now, too. But it’s way more cool to just stare up into the pine needles, finding the cracks of blue sky that can just barely be seen past the trees. SkyClan’s territory really is pretty, and now she’s gonna get to see all of it!

In the midst of her admiring, though, Johnnyflame starts talking about rules. She isn’t listening, not fully, but she knows the basics—stay close to me and listen to what I say. It’s the same thing her mama told her when she was a kit and first visited SkyClan. It’s important stuff, to keep her safe since she isn’t a warrior yet. "Yeah, I got it," she replies quickly, a grin on her face. "When do we get to see the border with ShadowClan?"

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore


To be honest, Johnny wasn't fully expecting Sangria to be paying full attention to things. Not only was she completely untrained at this point, but he could only imagine the excitement she must feel at being able to finally experience Skyclans territory properly. Asking her to bridle that energy to focus on anything other than taking it in seemed highly unfair, and so just this once he afforded her the leeway, acting as eyes and ears for both of them without fully expecting her participation.

It was a big day after all, and there was already so much for her to take in.

”Skyclan doesn’t share a border with Shadowclan.” he explained as he guided her south of the camp. ”Or Windclan, for that matter.They’re closer to Fourtrees, which is where the gatherings are held.”

Johnny had only gone to a few gatherings himself, usually preferring to remain behind in camp on those nights to help keep an eye on things. It was one of the few times he’d break his own rules to remain in camp overnight, and he was grateful that his twolegs never seemed upset with him for it. If anything, he thought he might see curiosity and amusement in their expressions whenever he wandered in through his catdoor in the mornings just in time to see them off for the day.

After a few minutes of travel the pines seemed to thin out and give way to a small clearing, and Johnny grinned as he looked up at the behemoth of a tree sprouting from it’s center.

”First stop on the tour- Tall Pine.”

Wait… ShadowClan and SkyClan don’t even share a border? And neither does WindClan? "Oh," she says, feeling a bit silly for asking about it. But at least she knows now, so she won’t make herself look silly later on. No ShadowClan border, and no WindClan border. That means there are only two other clans that have a border with SkyClan, and they’re both not-bad clans! Samgriapaw is grateful for that, since that means she won’t have to talk to any stinky cats from either of those clans except at the gatherings. Her enthusiasm brightens once again as the tom guides her in a specific direction, and then announces that they’ve reached their first stop. "Tall Pine? I bet it’s not that tall…" She makes a sound of disbelief, tail flicking to and fro. Surely it can’t be any taller than the other really tall pine trees all over the territory. But when she looks up at it, she has to tilt her head waaaaaay back to see to the very top of it.

Pale paws tap against the ground, surprise filling her expression. "WHOA… it goes up so high! D’you think I could, like, touch a cloud if I climbed all the way up there?" It looks like it would be so easy to just… reach out, and smack one of the white fluffy things that hovers overhead. Surely Johnnyflame would let her try, if she asked…

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore


He chuckled at her reaction, brought back to the first time he’d set eyes on the old tree himself. ”Not sure- don’t think cats can reach the tip-top.” he admitted, having never gone quite that far himself. ”The higher up you go in a tree, the thinner the branches are. It makes it very dangerous to climb up there since your weight could cause the branches to snap. And if you think Tallpine is tall now, imagine falling all the way from the top.You’d be flat as a leaf when you hit the ground.”

An amusing visual at a glance, perhaps, but Johnny had seen firsthand what happened to a cat that fell too high from a tree and it was far from funny. Blood and twisted bones and injuries that could strip a cat of their warrior title, if not their very life.

”You and the other apprentices will get a chance to climb the brute soon enough, but only after you’ve got some experience under your belt and a healthy respect for the trees.”

The last thing he’d have is an over-excited apprentice running halfway up Tallpine only to realize just how high they actually were and panic. Getting down would be a nightmare- if they didn’t fall, first.

Once again, her mentor’s response dulls the sharp edges of her excitement. The tree had seemed so fun to climb, but then the lead warrior mentions how thin the branches get and how easy it would be to fall. How come everything that’s fun is also super dangerous? Flat as a leaf? That’s horrible! She doesn’t want to die, or get hurt at all. Fantastream would be so sad if Sangriapaw died. Especially from something like climbing, which SkyClan is supposed to be really good at. "Oh," she repeats, disappointment coloring her expression for a second time. Johnnyflame assures her that she’ll get the chance to try and climb it, at least—but only after she has some experience.

"When do I get to have experience? And tree respect?" How is she even supposed to show respect for trees? It doesn’t make sense, but her mentor is a good warrior, and she trusts him when he says things to her. Anyway… she wants to move on, since she can’t even climb the super tall tree right now. "And where are we going next?"

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore


"Well, I expect the tour alone will take most of the day, so your formal training will begin tomorrow. I suppose you could start learning the basics to climbing as early as then." he replied, holding back his amusement at her excitement to learn. "Today is all about getting you properly acquainted with your home; learning the borders and the other clan-scents, answering all your questions- stuff like that."

He wanted to promise her they could do something after all that was over, but to be honest, she was probably going to be paw-sore and little overwhelmed by the time it was all over, and he didn't want her too exhausted for when the real work began tomorrow.

"And yes, 'tree respect'." he confirmed with a fond chuckle. "They aren't just for us, you know. Some branches aren't meant to be tread on by cats, and if you get too cocky and climb where you aren't meant to go, you pay the price. I imagine the top of Tallpine is like that- only for the birds and the squirrels." It was important to respect the boundaries and limits of each tree. What one allowed, another may not, and it became the climbers job to know the difference between the two. That judgement call was something he would work hard to instill in her, a lesson that would hopefully serve her well in the future.

"And the Sandy Ravine is next!" he said, gesturing for her to follow as he set off in that direction, careful not to outpace her as he led the smaller cat toward it. "Fun fact- you'll be able to hear the river from there."
