private TAKE OUT THE GUNMAN || aspenpaw

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It's early; the morning air feels soft on his muzzle and nose as he greets the cold from Sootstar's den. The clouds cover the sky, Silverpelt fading with the rosy bud of the sun waiting on creeping hours to bloom. Though he loathes leaving the sweet comfort of his mate's nest, there's energy coursing through his long limbs.

Today is battle training.

He waits for Aspenpaw to stir after he prods her, and again for her to give herself a hasty wash and choose something to eat from the fresh-kill pile.

He stalks with purpose toward the Outlook Rock. His windswept tabby pelt ripples but his stride is strong in the face of leaf-fall on the moorland. He does not ascend the great stone -- once they arrive at the base, he turns to face Aspenpaw.

"WindClan will always be the superior Clan," he says. A sniff accompanies the boast. "StarClan has blessed our Clan over and over. We sleep nearest them, without dens or forest to block us from their light. We live closest to Highstones." It's the same preaching Sootstar often gives WindClanners, and it's clear he believes every word as he repeats the mantra to his apprentice.

"That being said, there are other Clans in this forest. Clans who do not follow StarClan's will as Sootstar does." He flicks his ear. "SkyClan, for one, who lets kittypets live among them and who harbors kit-stealers. We don't fear SkyClan but we must always be prepared for trouble."

With a nod, he turns to face her, dropping into a battle stance. "I've not been in a battle since I faced off against Cicadastar, but..." He flexes his claws. They sink into the sandy earth of the moor. "I never let my skills get dull, nor my claws. Attack me. Show me what you know, if anything. Do not hold back."

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( ) Despite numerous early mornings, Aspenpaw hasn't quite adjusted to waking up before the sun rises on her own terms. She's still sluggish as she rises, still shakes the sleep off as quickly as she can over a quick meal and a quick wash, as if it's still her first day of being an apprentice; the only real difference is that she's markedly less antsy now that she's starting to get the hang of her new duties. Border patrols, hunting, chores - all have grown quite familiar over the recent days, and while she tries to approach each task with interest and an open mind, she isn't exactly surprised by too many new things anymore. Most new things, she's found, are simply applications of other skills and techniques she's already started to learn. Following along after Weaselclaw, Aspenpaw idly wonders what they'll be doing today - hunting, perhaps, since they hadn't set off with any other cats. Soon, though, her thoughts are put on hold as they pause at Outlook Rock, and she stands up straight in preparation for whatever task she's going to be assigned.

Rather than open with what they're doing today, Weaselclaw instead starts with a declaration of Windclan's power among the other clans. That they're the best clan - of course they are! None of the other clans could ever hope to rival Windclan's strength, especially with the new additions (while she's still unsure of the rogues, there's no doubting that they're strong), and Aspenpaw's heard before that they've been blessed by Starclan, even if she doesn't quite know what that specifically means. Rapt with attention, she nods along to his words, soaking in the clear pride that he has for their clan and allowing it to settle within her, too. At the mention of Skyclan, her nose wrinkles; her only real interaction with them has been through Coyotepaw, and though he seems alright, it's because of the rest of Skyclan that he hadn't gotten to grow up in Windclan where he was born. The more that Weaselclaw tells her about Skyclan, the less she likes them, though she does heed his warning not to simply discount them because of the kittypets among their ranks. It's like chasing rabbits - you shouldn't underestimate your prey or your enemies, because they might have some secret trick to gain an advantage.

Almost offhandedly, he mentions fighting Cicadastar, and her reaction is surely written clearly on her face. He had faced off against Cicadastar? The leader of Riverclan? Aspenpaw wants to ask him what started the fight, whether or not he had won, but it's clearly not the time, as Weaselclaw squares himself against her, expectantly waiting for her to strike. Trying to put the new things she's learned to the side for the moment, she focuses on her mentor. Even if she doesn't have much knowledge of real battling, it won't do to give up before she's even begun. Giving him one more appraising look, she darts forward, hoping to use her small size to her advantage. Aspenpaw heads straight towards him, hoping to appear confident in her assault, but just before she makes it into range she attempts to swerve around to the side, as if she's following the motion of a fleeing rabbit. If her maneuver is successful in drawing his attention, she'll spring around, launching herself towards Weaselclaw's hopefully exposed side. Her goal is to get in and out without having to face a counterattack, though she knows her skill isn't high enough yet to pull off something like that without a hitch.
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Weaselclaw is pleased to see Aspenpaw put her all into her attack. She wastes no time in charging towards him, small and quick. In a display of surprising skill, she darts to his flank at the last second, and the tabby's attention is briefly diverted. Aspenpaw takes that second to launch herself at his side, and he feels the claws rake his fur with some strange satisfaction.

It's not enough to keep him from retaliating, though. His own claws slide satisfyingly from their pouches, and he whirls on her with startling swiftness, his paw aiming to come down heavy on her spine. It wouldn't be a blood-drawing blow; he aims only to stun her or send her to the ground. He's grinning despite himself, his heart rate kicking up. "Most enemies will be faster than you until you're a warrior," he says, his eyes gleaming. "But that was good. Always anticipate your enemy's moves if you can." He'll step back and crouch, his tail waving excitedly behind him. "Again. Pretend I'm a badger in camp, headed straight for the nursery. Don't hold back."

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