take the white pill you'll feel alright [inky]

Jul 20, 2022



Today was the day. Yup. He was gonna walk right up to them and open his mouth, and if it backfired and he ended up sounding like a total idiot, well, that was fine. Well, not fine, but he was willing to live with it. He'd been in Windclan for weeks now, and while he still wasn't considered a full warior yet, the copper-gold tomcat was no longer feeling as out of place. He had been watching the other cats like a hawk since the day he joined, trying to figure out where the boundaies and expectations were before he overstepped or failed to meet them, and if he was in the mood to bet he would go so far as to say it was working. Sootstar no longer seemed as formidable toward him, and Hyacinth, despite remaining as sharp as ever, no longer seemed to regard him with open suspicion. He was working hard and his patience and willingness to be pushed around just a little was allowing him to win over the cats around him, slowly but surely.

But there was still one part of all of this he still had to overcome. One vital piece of the puzzle he had not managed to find yet.

Dusk had never been a coward. He couldn't afford to be. If you didn't fight and claw and play dirty then you didn't survive, it was as simple as that. And while it wasn't the path he would have chosen, it was the only path he now knew. Coming to Windclan meant he had to unlearn so much of what he thought he knew, things that had been certainties in his world. In fact, it was almost the complete opposite of everything he'd know, which might be why he was so eager to belong. And through it all his bravery had remained, unshaken. He had braved twoleg place in all its chaos, carving out a place for himself among stray cats and dogs, roaring cars, and more humans than he knew what to do with. He'd later braved the moors, facing starvation as he taught himself to hunt live prey as he bounced between the fields and twoleg place. And he'd braved Windclan, seeking out their border and enduring all the skepticism and coldness.

So why was he having such a hard time trying to talk to someone?

It was almost laughable that it was taking him this long to get his shit together and just go start a conversation with another cat, but every time he tried he found himself hesitating. Nine times out of ten his interactions with the other Windclanners were started by them, and he wasn't too sure how to initiate it himself. No, scratch that- he knew how to initiate it. All he had to do was walk over and say hello, but every time he worked up the nerve to try, he found himself overcome with this deep wrongness. Because where he grew up this sort of thing wasn't normal. You didn't just go near the other cats. You didn't play friendly with them or show them trust or kindness. And no matter how much he wanted to do those things, he just couldn't shake the feeling that it was going to come back and bite him in the end.

This is stupid. Your acting ridiculous, just walk over there and open your stupid mouth. go!

Nowhere near as confident as he casual stride made him appear to be, Dusk took the plunge and made his way over before he could stop himself. He was already in motion now, and if he suddenly turned back then his clanmates would think he was stupid or something. So he crossed the sandy hollow that they now called camp until he reached the shady spot that Inky had found for themselves. He came to a stop before them, clearly his throat softly as he shifted on his paws, uncertain. But he'd seen the other cats do this with each other hundreds of times by now, right? He just had to do the same things..

"Um, hey Inky." he greeted, hoping the other couldn't hear the nerves in his tone. "You, um- do you want some company?" he asked, hating the way his words tripped over themselves. He felt stupid, and he was pretty sure he sounded stupid too, but he stood there all the same, ears burning in ambaressment as he waited for the others response.

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
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Windclan was a rather strange place. It had rules and boundaries, cats worked together and supported one another- something that the world outside never held. One would be so lucky to be able to find another cat to live with, to work with, and that was why they were so grateful to Ferret. He had allowed the black cat to go along in his adventures, even if Ferret forgot a lot of things in a concerning amount of time. Still, it made things much- simpler- to be within a clan than anything else. There wasn't as much of a fight to survive, but they did miss the freedom that traveling had taken them. What lied beyond the moorland? Was there more to the twolegplace? Inky knew he would never get to expierence, but it was nice to think about.

Cats in Windclan were rather friendly, even if some of them like Hyacinth thought he was rather weak for not sharing ideals like they do, most where rather friendly. Honeytwist was a very sweet she-cat and he adored her kittens, he adored most kittens regardless, and Sootstar was rough around the edges- but she seemed rather nice in her own way. Well nice to her kittens, but what mother would purposefully be mean to their kittens? A soft sigh escaped a maw of a black muzzle and they rested their head on their paws for a moment. They had always wanted kittens of their own. Though it seemed like there was never a good enough time, or a good enough cat to have children with. So it caused him a bit of sadness to think of Honeytwists or Sootstars children, it was something he always wanted but never meant to be he supposed.

Those rather depressing thoughts broke as a voice spoke up, catching his name for a moment and lifted his head off his paws. A slightly unfamiliar scent touched his nose as he twitched it and the black cats' head tilted to the side a bit, "Dusk right?" He said rather warmly, and gestured with his tail for the tom to join beside him. Inky knew of Dusk, they had had a patrol together and he had been there upon their joining, but he didn't know much about him. Like what he looked like, or what he liked to do, favorite prey and so forth. Inky was a very friendly cat and he loved talking to his clanmates as he never had more than just Ferret to talk to. "Go right ahead, I'd love some company," He hadn't been doing much anyway, just laying in the shade of the hollow.
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A part of him had known that Inky probably wouldn't say 'no' outright. The other feline had been nothing short of kind on the few occasions that he and Dusk had interacted, and they seemed pretty friendly, the type to happily go seeking the social company of others. It was more so everything else that Dusk was worried about. He had no idea how to keep up a proper conversation or what the typical social cues were, and while inky may have been the sightless one among them, the copper-gold tomcat couldn't help but feel as if he were walking blind into unknown territory.

"Um, thanks." he replied, flashing the other a nervous smile even though he knew they wouldn't see it. "So, how's your day been?" he asked as he settled down beside the lanky black cat. It was a harmless enough question that he'd heard tossed around between clanmates more than once, and he figured it was as safe a place to start as anywhere.

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

'How was your day?' The words sounded awkward and uncertain, causing the black cat to tilt his head to the side a bit. Inky knew that Dusk wasn't one to be overtly social but he was trying wasn't he? That was a feat in itself! "Oh you know, not super exciting really," He answered with a small shrug of his shoulders, "It isn't like there is much to do around here besides hunt and I am not- exactly the best at that," Inky gave a small chuckle of emabressment and kneed at the ground with two paws. It was rather true, while Inky had been one to discover the tunnels while chasing that rabbit- he hadn't done much in catching anything. It felt like at every turn Starclan put a hole or a dip in the ground to make him fumble and fall over himself in his race for prey. It was annoying, but what could he do about it? Grow eyes suddenly? Probably not.

"How about you? How was your time with Sootstar and Hya?" Inky prompted the other with a gently smile across his maw. He knew Dusk had been rather busy since coming to the clan, always seeming to be on patrols or hunting or something, "You seem to be settling in quite well for someone who seemed to scared before," It was meant to be a compliment, but Inky realized that it sounded a bit- harsh. It made him flinch a bit and he gave a soft, awkward smile, "That was suppose to mean a good thing, sorry," He put a paw to his nose in show of his stupid comment.
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It must be difficult, Dusk thought, to not be able to see anything around you. Sometimes he would have wished for something like that back in that place, to not have to see the constant horror of what was going on around him, but he knew he was greatful to have all his senses. To be able to see that the world wasn't just ugly and cruel was something he probably needed after all of that if he was honest with himself. He wondered if Inky ever found it frustrating, or if they'd just been like this so long that it didn't bother him? A part of him hoped it was the latter, that the friendly black tomcat wasn't unhappy with his lot in life.

"I dunno," the sorrel tomcat replied, shrugging his shoulders out of habbit since body language was hard to control even if he knew Inky couldn't see it. "I'm sure we could you some fun stuff to do during the days. There's a bunch of kits around now you could help out with and teach stuff to, and I'm always down to play mossball or something." he suggested with a smile. Maybe Inky couldn't see the ball but he could certainly hear it tumbling toward them. And Dusk was patient, he didn't mind waiting for the tom to get the hang of it.

At the dark felines next words, Dusk couldn't help but let a playfully offended scoff escape him. "I wasn't 'scared'." he defended with a laugh, "I just.. didn't really know what to do? I'd never really met any cats properly before joining, so I was a little akward." he explained, not sounding offended in the slightest. "And Hyacinth and Soot have been... interesting." he replied. "I pretty sure Hyacinth expects me to murder half the clan in their sleep or something, and Soot.. I guess she's not too bad? I think i've managed to win some points with her, but it's hard to tell, you know?"

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
  • Haha
Reactions: hyacinthbreath

A soft smile crossed a black maw and Inky gave a flick of his tail, he apperciated that. Inky loved kits and would love to play with them as much as possible but he knew it'd be difficult. Sootstar was very protective over her children, and Honeytwist was rather busy herself- maybe he could offer he a paw to help? Then again their kits where old enough to start training at this point so he doubted they would need much help. The black cat hoped that he'd get to train a kit at some point even though it would probably be very different from a normal mentor. Inky though thought he had a lot to offer in terms of being a mentor, showing them the world through scent, touch and sound rather than just sight.

The playful scoff that came from Duskfire made Inky grin in amusement, sure he wasn't scared cause his fear scent totally wasn't super strong or anything like that. Keeping the comment to himself, Inky gave a small nod in agreement. Hya was definitely an interesting character. Always seeming to think the worst of cats and blowing smoke up Sootstars' chimney, so it wouldn't surprise him if she wanted to murder half the clan in their sleep. Sootstar was- something else entirely. She was prickly and proud, but yet he couldn't help but feel there was more to her than that. That she had a caring side, a soft side if one will, but it was deeply rooted inside her. "Well she did choose you as deputy, so there has to be something she sees in you," he pointed out to the tomcat with a small shrug of his shoulders, "Suppose she needed someone that was fresh and more- open minded than herself," It was just a guess, but Duskfire was nothing like that of Sootstar. He was a kind cat, awkward but in a cute way.

Inky then moved to press his forehead into the others' tom shoulder before standing up from his spot on the ground, "Come on, lets take a walk for a little bit," he offered to the tomcat. It was better than sitting around in camp, gossiping like queen or elders, and he needed to stretch out his legs anyway. Maybe Inky could show Duskfire the tunnels?



Dusk had never really though about kits before- not in the sense that Inky had, at least. Back in that place, the toms never met the kits they sired when they were young. Most were sold, and the few that weren't were placed in a room or cage until they were big enough to be moved to the adult rooms. By the time the kits got anywhere near their sires they were adults hemselves, and half the time nobody even knew whose was whose. They all just left each other alone anyways, to focused on survival to care about whether the new cat was their kin or not.

But, he didn't think he disliked them. He'd had a few interactions with some of the smaller kits in the clan and they were pretty fucking adorable if he was honest with himself. Even the older kids, like Leech and Rose were okay. Of course, none of them were his kits. He had no idea if he'd even be a good dad, and then there was the whole problem of trying to get the cat he liked to like him back, which probably wouldn't happen any time soon given how much he sucked at socializing with others. This was technically the first conversation he'd initiated since he'd gotten here, and he'd been in windclan for weeks at this point.

At the comment about him being made Deputy, Dusk was humble enough to be a little embaressed at the toms flattery. "Honestly, I have no idea why she chose me. Soots always seemed so closed off to outsiders. I would have expected her to choose Hyacinth since they're so close." he admitted, honestly not understanding what had caused the blue shecat to pick him. He wanted to believe it was because she truly thought he deserved it, but that couldn't be right. Dusk was just... Dusk. He wasn't anything impressive.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Inky leaned over to press his forhead against him though, surprised by the random gesture of... what? Friendliness? Whatever it was, it made his heart skip just a little before hastening its pace in his chest.

"Come on, lets take a walk for a little bit."

Swallowing nervously but ultimately happy to have been invited along, Dusk would get to his paws, a smile ghosting his lips as he shook out his coat. "Okay." he agreed, tail flicking behind him as he waited for the other to lead the way. "Where should we go? We can just walk randomly if you want." he suggested, not really caring either way. He was more here for the company than the destination anyhow.

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

The humble response made Inky grin a bit, it was an expected response from Dusk as he had a point. Sootstar was very sketchy on outsiders and should've definitely chosen someone like Hyacinth for deputy cause they shared so much in thoughts. Though part of him was glad Duskfire was deputy instead of Hyacinth, he felt it would be a good balance in power to have someone more level headed and sweet instead of two very brash she-cats.

Inky was quite proud of Duskfire for that notion and turned a sightless face towards him as he asked where they had wanted to go. Inky wasn't sure, there was so much to explore yet he felt so trapped at the same time. There was a whole forest beyond the moorlands that they couldn't access because of other clans, which still made no sense to him. Why live so seperately? Was division really the response to give to a problem that had started out because of division? Inky wasn't sure, but he knew from his life as a traveler gave different answers.

With Ferret and himself, they worked together and it made things easier. They could hunt for one another, fight for each other and keep each other company. There was no skirmishes over food, no patrols that ended horrible like the one Sootstar lead into Riverclan. It was just peaceful working as one, and he was sure they would see that five different places wasn't ideal. Though who was he to object? He was a loner, a traveler, so of course he would have different ideals than those around him. Still, it was nice to think of one day all five clans working together towards a single goal.

Inky gave a soft hum, considering the question, before taking the lead out of the camp entrance and moved rather confidently for someone who couldn't see their own paws. The black cat waved his long tail out behind him and gave a smile as he recalled something, "Oh I heard you were going to sire Hya and Lavs litter, that is very exciting. They will be adorable little beans," Inky purred with a smile. He had no idea what Duskfire looked like, he had a vague idea of Lavender and Hyacinth, so he couldn't say if they'd be cute or not, "Ferret and I thought about having kittens, but he keeps forgetting we have that conversation," He gave a small chuckle and a shrug.

Ferret had short term memroy loss really badly, so the tom often forgot his name, where he was and the like. It could be frustating, but Inky had grown use to it and often liked to retell things to the silver tomcat. It wasn't like he was anymore abled than Ferret was with developing no eyes or anything like that. Small paws moved across heather expertly, and his head was held high as a black nose twitched, "Will you be in the kits lives at all?," An eyeless faced turned in the semi direction of Duskfires' scent and he gave a curious head tilt.

Inky believed Duskfire would be an excellent father/parental figure/uncle to the kittens, whichever he so chose to do of course, as he was deputy. That and he was oddly sweet for someone who seemed to scared beforehand of other cats.



The chuckle he gave at Inkys next words had a nervous edge to them, but he didn't bother to deny it. "Heard about that already, huh? Yeah, Lavender pulled me aside after the meeting to ask me about it, and I figured it was the least i could do for them after the whole Deputy thing. Hyacinth definitely wanted it." he explained. "Besides, nothing wrong with wanting a family. Not sure why they'd choose me though."

At best things between him and Hya were tense, and right now he was a lot of Windclanners least favorite cat. Still, like when Sootstar had chose him as deputy, despite his doubt there was a glimmer of pride that he'd been the one they asked. He wasn't sure if it was because of the status he now held or some other reason, but if he could give Hyacinth and Lavender this then he would.

"Yeah, Ferrets a weird guy. I met him before all ths you know- out when I was wandering the moors. I was surprised to find him here." Dusk replied, remembering vividly the ghostly cat and the feeling it had brought up, ghosts of his past rearing their ugly heads to remind him it had all happened, that it wasn't just some nightmare he'd be able to completely forget.

Sometime he really hated cats with spots. Even hyacinth was hard to be around sometimes.

"Yours kids would be cute too, especially if they had your ears." he said, gaze falling to the rounded appendages with a grin. "They're really unique. I like them." he mused aloud. Friends complimented each other, right? And while he wasn't sure if he and Inky were necessarily there yet, he definitely wanted them to be.

Their next question would cause a moment of hesitation in Dusk, but he didn't deny the tom an answer. "I mean, I'll be around if they need me and all, but the point is for it to be their family, you know? I don't want to make it about me when I'm doing it for them."

He knew there would be some cats that didn't see it that way, that thought it should be his responsability, but he wasn't so sure. Obviously if the shecats asked him to genuinely be there for them then of course, he had no problem being there for it all and being an active part of the kits lives, but he didn't want either of the girls feeling like they had that obligation to him. He wouldn't be hurt by it if he wasn't seen as a parent- hell, he didn't even know how to be a parent, so really it was fine either way.

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat


A slim shrug of thin shoulders would come from Inkylotus, "I have no idea either, but then again I have no idea what you look like- so could be cause you're probably pretty?" He offered in amusement. From what others have told him, Duskfire was a golden bengal, meaning he was golden in color with rosette tabby spots. Well that is what he was told, it could all be a lie for all he knew and someone was just trying to mess with him. At the mention of Ferret this warm grin crossed his face and he flicked his ears back a bit, "He is a strange man, but I love 'em," Ferret had been there for Inky through their travels, always at his side and leading him onto the next grand adventure. Some did say Ferret was rather sickly looking, Inky could tell he was more on the sick side cause of his scent, with a cameo red coat. So a silvery base with red striping, then again this was all told to him but it came from Ferret himself so it wasn't a lie right?

If Inkylotus could blink he would, but instead his ears perked up at the compliment and he gave a small head tilt; unqiue? Inkylotus was some what aware of his own apperance, being that of solid black with his mothers oriental genes coming into play. Though he never thought of himself as unqiue, in fact he found himself quite boring in terms of what he potentially looked like, "Oh-thanks, I hope they'd look cute too," he mused shyly as those rounded ears flicked back. That was rather nice of him, and made Inkylotus feel a bit better about himself.

The legged cat lead them over a crest in the hillside and he perked up his ears, "Oh I know! Let me show you a place, I found it on my way through the moors before Windclan," Inkylotus murmured to him as if someone was nearby and would hear about this 'spot' he so claimed to know of. It did make him a little happy though to hear that Duskfire would be part of the kits lives if asked. Many toms wouldn't even acknowledge their own kits let along surrogate ones, so it was a feat in itself.

Without another word to Duskfire, the black cat bounded up the hill and disappeared over it with his long tail out beind him. Inkylotus, however, did wait for Duskfire on the otherside of the hill and continued to lead them onwards. Eventually tree began to pop up within the moorlands and there was a rushing sound not too far from them like wind had picked up, "You can't tell anyone about this place okay? It borders Riverclan and I know Sootstar would have a hissy fit," Inkylotus warned the golden cat with a furrow of his brow against empty eyesockets.

As they moved closer, the rushing got louder until mist started to form around them. It was humid here, making Inky's fur fluff up, and had thinning willow trees. Water tumbled over smooth, grey stones and casted up a cloud of mist from the force. Though it was loud, it wasn't loud enough to drown out talking or thoughts- but enough to know it was there. "I haven't been here since Windclan formed, its a waterfall and it is my favorite place to be," Inkylotus spoke so solemnly and settled down a few pawsteps from the edge of the waterfall. Taking in deep breaths and seemed so calm, so content in his place. "SPEECH

a long hair black ghost tabby with anophthalmia || Windclan Warrior || tags



Inky seemed really fond of Ferret, and it wasa thought that made the tom smile just a little. Dusk had never met another cat that he cared deeply toward, not really. Everything was always about competition before, and he hadn't really gotten to know anyone well enough in Windclan to say he loved them. Hell, he couldn't even fathom what that felt like. It sounded nice though, like the kind of thing a cat would want to have in their lives. Even surly Hyacinth had Lavender, and Soot -weather she said it aloud or not- seemed awfully fond of Rooster.

His thoughts were itnerupted when Inky suddenly leaned toward them, their words coming out hushed as if they were sharing a secret. Pointed ears would twitch forward to catch them, and the tom would find himself grinning slightly as Inky mentioned a special spot. "Okay, lead the way." he replied, the words brely leaving his mouth before the lanky black feline was racing off ahead of him over the hillside.

"Hey, wait for me!" he called, racing after them with his grin still in place.

Luckily, Inky hadn't run too far off, choosing to wait for him on the other side of the hill. Dusk fell into step beside them easily enough as they made their way toward the Riverclan border, and he hd to admit that it was nice to be out in the territory without having any actual business. Usually when the tom was out here it was to hunt or train or clear a border. It was almost weird to be out here just for the hell of it.

Eventually though, a noise began to fill the air, and soon inky was filling him in on just where they were going. "Sure. your secrets safe with me." he assured them, not seeing any reason to bring the exact details of their outing up to anyone.

It didnt take long after that for them to arrive, the waterfall intantly drawing green eyes to it as Dusk took in the smooth grey stones and tumbling water. It was nice to look at, but Dusk was quick to remind himself that wasn't what would have drawn Inky to it, and so he let his eyes drift shut. Was it the refreshing mist that blew in to dust his coat when the wind picked up? Was it the sound of water pouring pouring into the pools below? Or was it the smells, perhaps, fresh and crisp and full of summer?

Then again, maybe Inky just had fond memories of this place in general. It was a sentiement that Dusk couldn't really relate to. Honestly, the only place he could say he had decent memories of was Windclan at this point, and even then there wasn't anything especially noteable. It was just better than what he'd come from.

"You lived out here before Windclan was a thing?" he asked, making his way over to stand beside the other. "What was that like?"

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat


Ears would move in the direction of Duskfires' voice, and he would give this fond smile, "I have been all over the place, from twolegsplace, to the mountains and beyond that," he mused to the tomcat with a swish of his long tail, "It was a wonderful expierence to have had as not many got to have the same as myself or Ferret. Though I wish I could've seen the sights like he did, cause then I feel like they would've been more- solid of a situation," He sounded fond but also saddened by the notion of being unable to see. Inkylotus would've loved to see the mountains or the lake beyond it, but alas it just wasn't in the cards for him.

The waterfall was a safe place for Inkylotus, a place he knew would never change or move. A place that always had a comforting aura to it like a mothers belly or ones first real home. So this place was special to him in a different way than one might think. A small, content sigh left the black cat and he turned a sightless gaze up to Duskfire, "What about yourself? Ever travels any where?" Something about the tom told Inkylotus that it wasn't a good place. With how scared he had been of other cats, or uncertain of them more like, it probably came from where he had lived before hand. "SPEECH

a long hair black ghost tabby with anophthalmia || Windclan Warrior || tags



Unfortunately, Dusk had no idea what 'mountains' were, so he had no way of picturing the scene for himself. But after what he'd seen of the world so far after his escape, he could only assume they were something large and astounding, something he'd never before laid eyes on. It was hard to comprehend what that might look like when he had no frame of reference, but he didn't interupt the other tom to ask, choosing to instead simply enjoy the reminiscing.

"Nope." he replied when Inky asked him if he'd ever gone anywhere himself, unfortunately lacking any grand or exciting tales to charm the other cat with. "I was born in some twoleg nest with a bunch of other cats. I only escaped a few moons before joining Windclan. Before that I was just bouncing between twoleg place and the moors."

It was nothing exciting, and he purposefully left out the details since there was no point in bringing them up if Inky didn't specifically ask for them. He was already alienated from his clanmates, and he had no intention of driving the black tabby away after he'd finally worked up the nerve to interact with them. And, unfortunately, he had a feeling that any explicit details from his birthplace would only result in disgusted opinions throw in his face.

"I'm surprised you and Ferret gave it all up to settle with Windclan. If I'd had a good travelling partner, maybe I would have just kept going, you know?"

It was hard to say how things might have been if Dusk hadn't been on his own throughout it all. Maybe he would have had the strength to not latch to the first thing he saw, maybe he would have wandered off straight to his death- who knew?

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
Everything Stays

Duskfire never went anywhere but the twolegplace? Sure there was a lot of different sounds, smells and things to listen to- but surely there was more to it? What would cause a cat like him to want to be in such a place? Fighting other cats for a scrap of fur most nights or sleeping alone under a trash can; it simply wasn't a life he'd expected out of Duskfire. The tom seemed so- well rounded? No, that wasn't the right word for it, but he did seem more stable than others he has come across. Though then again, the bar was set pretty low in terms of sanity so maybe the other was in fact crazy enough to have stayed in such a place for so long? Inky couldn't imagine what it would be like to be stuck in one place for too long- to grow up in a sense of a home weirdly enough.

Inky was about to question if Duskfire would ever consider going elsewhere at some point in time. Wondered if the other would want to travel the world and see it all for its beauty- but he was interupted by that of Duskfire asking why they settled in Windclan, "Ferrets' memory was getting much worse than before, so we had planned to settle down in the forest or something- but fate had other plans," He honestly answered with a shrug of his slimmer shoulders, "Nothing too exciting, and besides it was either join or get chased out- and I didn't think Ferret could find out way out of here anyway," A little chuckle came from the black ghost tabby though it was half serious.

Ferrets short term memory was getting worse, he was getting worse in general in terms of health, and Inkylotus didn't wanna risk the chance of him dying out in the world. Better to have a group of cats take care of him and help him in getting better, hopefully, so they can continue their travels. Though something in Inkylotus doubted he would leave Windclan now. After all that work he put into the clan and doing what he could to help- he didn't think Ferret and him would ever return to their once lives. Besides there were now friends in the mix; like Lavenderstorm, Dandelionpaw and even Hyacinthbreath. All important to him now, and he didn't know if he could live outside of their world anymore. Besides, he has been a traveler for the better part of his short life on this Earth, so why not take some time and settle for a little while?