
  • LUPINEKIT LUPINEPAW ; a poised and resilient flower she doubts she emulates
    a girl trying to balance her deep well of emotions with her predisposition for rationality. once afflicted with terrible meekness, lupinepaw has made some steps out of her former shell and has become something of a socialite amongst her peers. she is a bit overly concerned with her image but quite affectionate and makes an effort to be compassionate always — despite the anxiety that seems to shadow her no matter what she does.
    ⤷ named for her fluffy tail and for the wildflowers that bloomed in the season of her birth
    — transgender girl; she/her ; solely accepts feminine terms ; questioning sexuality, monogamist
    — skyclan apprentice; loves her clan & sad for those living in harsher places ; kittypet heritage
    — created 6.11.23 at 2 moons / ages every 11th
    — penned by eezy; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST

  • a tall longhaired black smoke with low splashes of white and jade green eyes / REF
    In her kithood, Lupinekit had become recognizable as the tallest kit in her litter and perhaps the tallest in her nursery peer group, shooting up above the other kittens on spindly legs while otherwise keeping her layer of baby fat and downy puffball kitten fur. A childhood spent as spindly-limbed and awkward as a newborn fawn, Lupinepaw has finally begun to grow into her spindly features, becoming something of a willowy creature of elegance, towering over many of her clanmates at 13 inches tall.

    Lupinepaw's thick coat of dark fur rendered her nearly indistinguishable as a triplet in her infancy, though now a regular routine of careful grooming and upkeep distinguishes her silver-shimmering black smoke pelt from her brothers'. However, the cascade of white falling from her throat down toward her belly, as well as her two left paws and couplet of freckles beneath her left eye have always belonged solely to her. Her tail, long and fluffy since the moment she was born, is where she derives her name, and now serves her well in the high branches of Skyclan's pine forest.

    Much of Lupinepaw's build and appearance can be attributed to the Maine Coon genes of her estranged sire, but Lupinepaw wears some similarities to her mother, Bobbie, on her face. A smaller muzzle and more open expression lends itself to her half-moggie heritage. She shares Bobbie's eye color as well, though her pale jade green eyes are tinged with the smallest bit of blue rather than hazel.

    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.

    Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.

    - stalls reflexively with "uhm" when unsure of what to say.

    very empathetic, easy to befriend + social butterfly, wants to trust and often gives others the benefit of the doubt. "forgives but does not forget", somewhat prone to pettiness and jealousy
    SOUNDS LIKE: soft, but not airy. grounded and clear-toned, with a girlish flair voiceclaim
    SMELLS LIKE: sweet lupine and young pine needles
    speech is #HEXCODE

    BOBBIE xx DUKE sibling to crowpaw and drowsypaw | mentoring no one , mentored by dandelionwish

    NOTABLE FRIENDS: falconpaw, cherrypaw, edenpaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: crowpaw, slate
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    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
  • posting template
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