pafp take your hand đ“‹Ľ hiding out

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 It was a bit of an obvious escape... one that could be easily identified by the sheer, exuberant amount of time spent in one particular spot. They ducked between shadows, lunging behind dens to stay out of sight, cowered behind adults that could (barely now that they were nearing ten moons) hide them alike tree trunks. Sliding into the nursery with a bird ripped off the top of the fresh-kill pile (it was dwindling but not empty and while Edenpaw would not admit they were hungry, their belly betrayed it in grumbles), their verdant eyes squeeze shut in a practiced display of friendly excitement.

"Butterflytuft," they chirp in greeting, trying to see over the prey in their mouth to make sure they weren't about to stomp on her cute little babies, "I brought something to eat! And maybe a toy for the babies?" Were Fluffykit and her litter-mates big enough to eat solid food yet? In the haze of trips back and forth to the Twolegplace, they are sure they might've missed some milestones.

Was Fantastream doing okay with her Twolegs?

The thought of a warm, rough hand at their scruff makes their skin crawl. They plop down to sit by the pretty, dappled molly with the offering dropped gracelessly to the floor. A piece of string probably wasn't an exceedingly epic new plaything but it was what they'd managed to scavenge amongst the alleys from neighboring yards- it was brightly colored, draped over their shoulders to stay secure while they'd trotted back with a mission to entertain the youngest in SkyClan.

"As long as they don't try'ta eat it!" Paws pluck at the thin fabric to place it in a coiled pile near the outskirt of the nest before their focus returns to their clan-mate with a cheesy smile. "Mind if I hang out for a little while? Promise I'll help with the kittens if you need it! Or I can go fetch new moss too, are you comfy enough?"

-- @butterflytuft
The greeting brings a simple smile to the queen’s lips as she greets the apprentice with a dip of her own head. “Hi, Edenpaw,” Her mew comes gently, a friendly tilt of her head cast towards them. They’ve become a frequent visitor of the nursery, so she has come to expect these little pop-ins and doesn’t mind the company at all. “Thank you, that’s so kind! And I’m sure they’ll love the gift,” She purrs, nudging her sleeping kittens with her nose to wake them. “Look what Edenpaw has brought you, sweethearts,” She coos to them and gestures towards the colorful string. It’s been awhile since she has dwelled in a twoleg nest, but the toy is somewhat familiar to her.

She returns her attention to Edenpaw as they ask if they can spend some time here, and offers themselves to help in any way they can. The queen purrs and shakes her head, “Oh, don’t worry about it! I’m fine, really. But you’re welcome to spend as much time here as you’d like - I like the company.” She settles in and tucks her paws under her chest as she leans forward to take a bite of the bird. If any kits want some, she would offer them a nod to let them know they can come eat, too.

// interacting with @FLUFFYKIT @Daisykit @weedkit but no pressure to reply!