private take your pharaoh .. thunderpath border


the exception
Apr 15, 2023
⋆⍋ It felt like sparks ticking beneath his pelt. Every step among the patrol was forced, deliberated movement to keep himself an acceptable distance between the other cats of the patrol, and the senior warrior attending with them. It would be a lie to say he wasn't just a little shocked Flycatcher would place him on a patrol with the tom. After all Sunnyday had put his brother through, Basilwhisker couldn't pick another face in the entire forest he despised more.

He had been quiet since they left camp. Not even his breath caught sound (and skies knew patrols could make him feel winded), but he kept his eyes bared at the back of the other's head. Pale eyes burned with intensity weighed from the emotions he carried. Emotions he often felt so dull and muted compared to his Clanmates, now raw and flaring with the electric tension he carried.

A series of coughs suddenly lurched from his jaws and his body halted, taking a moment to catch his breath. He lifted his head to meet the stares set on him, unfazed.

"I'm fine." Came his typical bland delivery of reassurance. His tail flicked in dismissal of any other concern, his head tipping up as they were approaching closer to the ShadowClan border.

"We'll split into pairs to cover more ground?" One suggested, and no one protested. Now he found himself once again watching the back the toms skull, this time alone. The forest fell quiet. Basilwhisker noticed the eerie lack of birdsong.

"Why do you even stay here." The pointed tom spoke, ichor thick in his tone. A rarity such inflection found his voice. "If your Clan won't forgive you, do you believe StarClan will?"

Another day, another miserable patrol where he spent it in complete silence. Burnstorm, Mousenose, and... Basilwhisker. The gnaw of guilt was present as he thought about Lichenpaw in that moment, made to do so by the presence of his brother on the patrol. The golden coloured tom kept his head low as they picked their way along the well-worn route towards the thunderpath that marked the edges of ThunderClan's and ShadowClan's territories. Already he could feel the burn of eyes upon him and it only made his confidence wither away further.

Briefly his mind drifted to thoughts of Sabletuft and he pondered over whether or not he would be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his friend if they strayed close enough to the thunderpath itself. However the sound of coughing tore him from the blissful moment of hope as he snapped his gaze back towards the younger tom, concern in his eyes. There was swift dismissal, but the lingering feelings of concerns remained as the older tom forced himself to continue after the others.

The instruction that they would be splitting into pairs caught him off-guard and caused him to bristle momentarily as he realised that Burnstorm and Mousenose had already headed off into the undergrowth, and that meant that he would be paired with Basilwhisker. He quietly cursed to himself over his misfortune, though surely they could remain professional enough to finish their duty together so they could head home and avoid each other again.

Basilwhisker's words rang in his ears and he felt his heart beginning to race within the confines of his chest. Slowly he turned himself around so he could face the younger warrior with a look of uncertainty. The words hurt, yes, but he also assumed that this was Basilwhisker attempting to get some of their frustration out. "It's my home, that's why. And only StarClan can make that say, not anyone else. The day I pass on is the day that I will know their judgement." A harder edge to his tone slipped through as his feelings about StarClan were somewhat riled up. "Just get your frustrations out quickly, we still have a patrol to finish... I just wish that I didn't need to finish it with you." He quietly huffed as his mood began to sour.
⋆⍋ He waited with baited anticipation for the other's reaction, sights tearing into every movement Sunnyday made. Studying each move of his muscles, every prickle under his fur. His inspection had given him the results he wished for- Sunnyday was growing agitated. He did not care for any flash of anxieties that may have crossed the others, no, he wanted dig into the anger. To find the same anger he felt on that day.

Basilwhisker found himself stooping into his own to fuel his drive. He could feel his heartbeat beneath his paw pads.

"So you don't care for the judgement made by your Clan. By your victims." A hiss snapped between teeth, somehow he has still kept his claws in. He's teetering, though, he can feel it. Curiously he indulges himself to dive further into the feeling.

"Get them out? I am not some petulant child throwing a fit. Out of the entire forest of options, you hurt the one I only have left. You would be blessed if this were something I could get over and ignore like you have." His paws strike before he realizes, they've moved to push Sunnyday dangerously closer to the thunderpath.

"And I wish I didn't have to share the same air as you. I can make it so we both get what we want." His voice dropped to a low growl. His frame lowered as if he were hunting the older tom, tail-tip lashing in frenzied adrenaline. "Leave. Or I'll make you."

"Of course I care! But I've faced my punishment, I still am! Do you think I enjoy walking on shells all day?" He would always care about how the rest of the clan felt, but he knew that things would never be like how they used to be. He would never be a mentor again, he would always be treated with suspicion and left on the outskirts of the clan's social circles. It wasn't like he could blame his clanmates, his gradual descent into madness certainly wasn't helping his position, but at least he still had a nest, access to food, and could sleep in relative safety. It... it was enough.

Fury was beginning to boil beneath Sunnyday's pelt, but the coil seemed to unfurl without a bang as he continued to listen to Basilwhisker rant on. What was the point in even arguing back? He knew that he had hurt Lichenpaw, and subsequently Basilwhisker in turn. It had been a horrid mistake on his part. Just because he had been partly reasonable for Lichenpaw getting a home in ThunderClan in the first place it didn't do a damned thing to erase his crime. So he didn't bother defending his corner. "Just let him get it out..." He thought again, this time without sharing it aloud.

His eyes flashed wide in alarm as he was sent stumbling backwards towards the edge of the thunderpath, only just managing to catch himself before his paws could meet the hard tarmac. The tom gawked at Basilwhisker in pure shock, rendered speechless at first. He didn't like how the youth was looking at him and it reminded him far too much of the day of the incident when the clan had circled around him with looks of hatred and anger. Panic enveloped him as he lowered his head in submission, but he held his position. "Basilwhisker, l-let's just take a moment. I get it, you hate me, I don't blame you, but I'm not leaving. ThunderClan is my home, Howlingstar already punished me."

Sunnyday was entirely focused on the cat in front of him, and it left him blind to the gentle rumbling of an approaching thunderpath monster. His heart was racing and he felt genuinely scared, and it showed. "W-we should return to the others. I promise I won't breathe a word about this, okay? I won't tell anyone, I swear!"
⋆⍋ //tw a car makes impact with Sunnyday in the 4th paragraph

A condescending scoff puffed through clenched teeth. His ears rang in a deafening song that he shared Sunnyday's ignorance to the oncoming monster. It's grumbling jaws too distant to overcome the roar of adrenaline. It's melody guided his emotions in a sensation he had not felt ever before. This was different than hunting a mouse in the brush. Different than hiding in tall grass as he watched Dovepaw get torn by that badger. No, this one lacks any fear. Void of any doubt and beautifully abundant with something more primal.

The sight of panic in Sunnyday's eyes felt like a satisfying click. The tempting allure to continue was paramount to any hesitation. The heated alarm of Sunnyday's begging was met with an apathetic stare. He had half a thought to swipe at him just for saying his name, for daring to breathe another inhale after.

"No. No I want you gone!"

One last, final lunge to push him off ThunderClan's land and onto the pavement. Basilwhisker was willing to chase him onto the other side if he had to. But it appeared he needn't to. A single blink, and the blaring, thunderous of the monster overtook the pleasant melody.

The tom released small gasp of his own surprise and started to back away. He's dead. He's dead! He's dead! Repeated in his thoughts like a siren. He couldn't keep his paws from trembling, aftermath of the coursing adrenaline. The pointed tom couldn't will himself to look at Sunnyday and instead, quickly fled under the assumption the warrior was dead. He could fix this... they wouldn't have to know. They didn't have to know anything he did.

When he ran a good distance away, he tracked the path Burnstorm and Mousenose had taken, breathless. He wasn't sure if his exasperation was from the distance he ran, the anxiety that rushed to grasp his throat, or the overwhelming unease that sank in his stomach. Maybe it was all three. The sudden exertion had him coughing once again, and he took a moment to catch his breath.

"Sunnyday... we were getting closer to the Thunderpath and he ran off. Right for ShadowClan. We have to tell Howlingstar." They would return to find a terrible accident. An unfortunate miscalculation and no one would have to know what he had done.
It’s strange but exhilarating to be able to patrol without being Silverlightning’s accompaniment. Mousenose finds herself full of spastic energy, half-wanting to run ahead of her patrol and hunt by herself, half-wanting to make a good impression on Burnstorm and Basilwhisker, who are—albeit only by a moon—her seniors. The actual patrol lead is Sunnyday, which had caused the messy-furred she-cat to grimace. They aren’t sure why Sunnyday keeps getting assigned patrol lead, but they suppose Flycatcher must have his reasons.

They’ve been gone awhile, huh?” She turns to Burnstorm, her bright green eyes inquisitive. “Thought they just wanted to hunt by the Thunderpath, not cross it and go exploring! Should we go check?” She admits she’s a little worried, but she’s sure it’s nothing. Mousenose doesn’t know Basilwhisker too well, but the two of them are surely cautious enough not to be hurt on the Thunderpath.

The undergrowth being trampled underpaw alerts her; ginger and gray ears lift, her fur beginning to fluff out at the fear scent pouring from Basilwhisker. “Sunnyday… we were getting closer to the Thunderpath and he ran off. Right for ShadowClan.” Her jaw drops. “What?! Even Sunnyday wouldn’t…” Mousenose cuts herself off, seeing the frantic concern in her fellow warrior’s blue eyes. Swallowing, Mousenose shares a look with Burnstorm. “Should we just go back to camp? Surely ShadowClan’ll shred his fur off if he gets caught by one of their patrols.” She shakes her head, disgusted. “…You’re right. This is for Howlingstar to deal with.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
The span of time between when Betonyfrost first notices the squabble and when it escalates is small. She had listened with only mild interest as she scented the border — whatever interpersonal drama happened in ThunderClan was of no concern to her, but then one of them ends up on the Thunderpath just in time for a monster to come roaring by, and suddenly Betonyfrost's far more invested than a half-turned ear.

"So much for clan unity," Betonyfrost finishes scenting her spot and, caught in her curiosity, pokes her head through underbrush to look at the damage. It isn't like Briarstar. Betonyfrost's nose wrinkles regardless. She hadn't been planning on looking at a corpse today.

"StarClan pity whoever that was," Betonyfrost starts, just as she notices that StarClan must have either taken her prayer at its face or had decided to punish him in the most unique of ways. "StarClan," She says again, not in reverence but shock, "Is he still alive out there? Sundewtail or Needledrift, one of you should go check. And did someone catch either of their names?"​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 21 moons | tags
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She could hear an argument across the border, and she kept herself hidden to eavesdrop. It sounds juicy. But she still has to mark the border, so she did so with quiet steps. She isn't ready for what happens next.

She feels the monster coming and looks nervously at the cat being pushed onto the thunderpath. Is she about to witness a murder?? Should she say something??

She watches with a look of horror and a quiet gasp as Sunnyday is struck by the monster as it runs by. She sure did witness murder.

"Terrible..." She mumbles. She couldn't imagine doing such a thing to a clanmate. What... Should she do?

Betonyfrost points out that he might still be alive, and she steps forward to check. Maybe it's not too late! But Sunnyday looks far too big for her to move... She hesitates.

"Basilwhisker..... The one who pushed the golden one was Basilwhisker, this one thinks she heard." She says.

She looks both ways on the thunderpath. All is quiet, no distant rumbling.

"It's safe for now.... " She comments. " If he's alive... Someone stronger will have to pull him over here. This one is not strong enough." She adds.

She is small and doubts she could get Sunnyday very far ...

"Should we get Chilledstar??" She asks.​

//TW: brief mention of injury.

"No. No I want you gone!"

The chill that enveloped him was perhaps the worst that he had ever felt in his life as the words rang in his ears and drove deep into his heart. Run... he wanted to run but he failed to find the strength as he was rendered weak under the other tom's sights. A sharp exhale broke from his lungs as it happened. No longer could he feel the familiar ThunderClan verge beneath him, but instead the hard and cold tarmac greeted his paw pads. Then a sickening realisation struck him as he twisted his head round in time to see his demise barrelling towards him as his own reflection stared back in abject horror in the monster's chrome pelt.

Pain was the next thing he managed to process as he laid sprawled out upon the thunderpath on his side. So much pain, but yet... he was alive. The gash on his head throbbed and dripped crimson onto the black earth, as did the friction burns that marred his shoulders so cruelly from where he had slid across the road. The monster? He couldn't hear it anymore. He couldn't hear Basilwhisker either. Had he evaded death? Or was he destined to suffer slowly alone?

A whimper broke from his taut jaw as the tears came flowing. The world was spinning now and it almost felt as though his head was being crushed beneath a log. Already his stomach was twisting with discomfort as the nausea set in from the effects of the concussion being ravaged upon him. "Hel...p... me..." He croaked desperately to no one in particular. Or rather he felt as though his plea was meant for StarClan's ears and no one else's. Little did he know that he wasn't alone as he suffered. Witnesses to a grave act of cruelty were closer than he expected or knew.

Blackness edged his vision just as the first ShadowClanner approached like a hazy spectre and he slowly closed his eyes as unconsciousness claimed him with a final whimper.

"So... this is how it ends?"

When the call is made to split up, Burnstorm finds himself selfishly grateful that Mousenose had chosen to come with him. He did not know much about Basilwhisker and, like most in ThunderClan, he detested Sunnyday. Though unknowing to him, the ebony toms quiet hatred would have resulted in a much more favorable outcome for the golden warrior than what was to come for him. He pauses in his hunting to turn towards Mousenose as she ponders the length of time their companions had been gone for and it causes him to stiffen. They had been gone for a while… "Perhaps they found some good prey" he offers.

It is not long after he has finished speaking that he hears rustling in the bushes. His ears flick and he turns his head towards the sound. Fully expecting Sunnyday to step out he thinks to himself ‘speak of the devil..’ he is surprised then when Basilwhisker steps out, alone. "Fox breath" he curses when he hears the other toms explanation. "And you’re sure he’s gone?" he can’t say he’s surprised or even sad or angry about Sunnydays betrayal. The tom had always been a thorn in ThunderClans side and it was his opinion that they would be better off without him. But still.. he was a clanmate and Burnstorm knows his grandmother would not be pleased by the news. His ears flick to the back of his head momentarily and his tail flicks behind him. He listens to Mousenose’s words thoughtfully. "If he’s truly gone like Basilwhisker says then theirs no use going and looking for him. You’re right we should head back to camp and let Howlingstar know what happened." he says and he casts one last look over his shoulder before turning with a flick of his tail to head back in the direction of camp.
Needledrift nods immediately in response to Sundewtail's question. Yes, they should get Chilledstar right away, and then... and then... then, before she can stop herself, her paws are moving towards the fallen tom. She almost skitters to his side, assessing the damage while trying to ignore her own shuddering heartbeat. (BADUM) his head was bleeding (BADUM) parts of his fur lay scattered in the road (BADUM) could they get to Starlingheart in time? (BADUM)

She lifts her head, her ears twitching as the rumble of the attacking monster faded into the distance. "Betonyfrost!" The gray warrior calls out in her crooked-mouth garble. "Come help me with him, we need to get him off the path! Sundewtail, go get Chilledstar an-and Starlingheart!" Her paws were covered in blood, white dyed to scarlet in a matter of moments.

Gingerly, as gently as she can, Needledrift grasps the strange tom's scruff in her misaligned jaw, biting down until pain laced up the right side of her face. She could feel his dead weight drag slightly against her teeth, but she couldn't leave him out here to become roadkill...
Betonyfrost hesitates at the border of the thunderpath, her paws kneading a nervous pattern into the ground. Sundewtail confirms that the ThunderClanner had survived and Needletail is running out to join them before Betonyfrost can get a word of warning in elsewise. Just because he had survived the monster didn't mean everyone needed to put themselves at risk; this was still a ThunderClanner.

"Fine," Betonyfrost snaps — she isn't going to convince either of them to move their tails back over to their side of the thunderpath without their StarClan forsaken or blessed guest, and she isn't keen to report back three bodies on the thunderpath. She stomps out to join them, tail bushed all the while.

"You were easier to like when you were quiet," Betonyfrost shoots Needledrift a scathing look and then grips the ThunderClanner by his scruff and, with the help of Needledrift, begins to haul him to safety. Betonyfrost's muscles flex beneath her fur with effort — he is hardly light and Betonyfrost is hardly careful with him, but with the combined effort between herself and Needledrift they manage to drag him off of the thunderpath before another monster could finish what the previous had started.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 22 moons | tags
She furrows her brows at Betonyfrost. Is it always necessary for her to be so mean? She doesn't understand. Sundewtail looks to Needledrift instead and nods. Getting Chilledstar is about the only thing she can do here, anyways. "Be right back!" She says, and rushes off into the marsh on quick paws. She has time to think on the run back, something about the situation pricking at the back of her mind. Something about betrayal gets her fur rising with unease. Plenty of things do this to her, from simple gestures and words to blatant actions.

Something keeps trying to resurface in her mind, and she wishes she could remember what.

But that doesn't matter now. She rushes and bounds through the marsh and barrels into camp, skidding to a halt. Her heart is pounding, and she needs to take a moment to catch her breath.

"This one- This one needs Chilledstar and Starlingheart to the Thunderclan border!" She shouts. After a few more breaths, she continues. "A..A Thunderclan warrior was pushed onto the thunderpath....He's still alive and he needs help!"

there is something to be said about waking a sleeping feline from their nap. they hear their name, and it's frantic, and yet somehow there is not real effort to move on their behalf. they lazily lift their head with a grunt, blue gaze staring out of their own den before they forced themself upon their paws. they walked put of their den with a slow stretch, yawn showing their sharp and gleaming teeth before they smack their tongue against the roof of their mouth a few good times. however, the next words intrigue the leader. their eyes momentarily light up with curiosity before they just dial it back to stoicism.

"pushed? by who, and why, i wonder. tch. lead the way."

they look for @STARLINGHEART . and @Magpiepaw but only for a moment before they're headed to the border. boring. bothering. annoying. all this ruckus, and they should have been sleeping. they hated their naps being interrupted.

"betonyfrost. who's your friend?"

they ask dully, eyes moving to needledrift for but a moment before they move back to see what was going on. they don't know why they're called, anyways. it's not like they could heal like those other two that were called along— and they certainly weren't going to try. they just didn't care enough to save cats not within their clan.