camp take your time, take mine [return to activity]

Aug 14, 2022

Hollow Tree had spent a moon recovering from her dog bite. Since then, she had left a little out of the loop with things. The brown tabby made herself comfortable outside the warriors den. Wondering what had been going on with her clan mates since she hadn’t been the most social. Doing her best not to get lost in her thoughts once more.

“So… What’s been up with everyone? Sorry it took me so long to get better.”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

While some of Little Wolf's family had drifted from her because of her choices, she had felt that her and her littermate's connection had grown stronger and she is thankful for the brown tabby's support, it is something she had needed through her numerous losses. It was hard not to bother her every single moment she was in the medicine cat's den with their brother, hard not to keep checking on her throughout the day. When finally Hollow Tree has gotten the good to go, Little Wolf is there at her side in an instant, pressing her nose affectionately to her sister's shoulder in a relieved greeting "It's just good to see you up and about" she says with a purr rumbling in her chest
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When any warrior of the clan was put out of their duties every cat of the clan could feel it. There was one less cat to bring home prey, one less cat to patrol, and one less to hunt. A experienced warrior such as Hollow Tree went especially missed. Like her sister, Blizzard Fang was joyful to see her up and at ’em.

”You’ve not missed much,” Blizzard Fang reports with a flick of his tail, ”I’m sure you’ve seen the new warriors by now. Have you gotten to congratulate Roeflame and Sloestride?” Promotions spread across camp like wildfire, the masked Tom would be stun if he heard Hollow Tree hadn’t even hears or bumped into their new den-mates... ”…And of course, you’ve heard about young Howlpaw, haven’t you? Whole forest been lookin’ for her.” He reluctantly dares to bring up, knowing that the two were distant kin.

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"Hey Hollow Tree! Welcome back to the hustle and bustle, so glad you're feeling better." Shiningpaw beamed as he made his merry approach with a bounce in his step. Though the joyful mood receded somewhat when Blizzard Fang brought up the unfortunate news about Howlpaw. He could only hope that the missing apprentice turned up soon, if anything to put both ThunderClan and SkyClan at ease. Such stress and worry wasn't what they needed right now. "I'm sure Howlpaw will be found safe and sound soon. Also I'm sure you musta heard about Sunningrocks, right? We own it now and it is such a great hunting ground! Bet you'll get to see it real soon."
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Relief floods her system to see her clanmates still approach her with ease. Hollow Tree knew she wasn't the most social cat. But she likes to think she was close with most of her clanmates. "Thank you." She says softly, her yellow eyes beam with new found energy.

Sloepaw was finally a warrior? She was happy to hear that. Roepaw must be excited as well. Howlpaw was the one she was worried about. What caused them to go missing. She looks at Little Wolf with worry. "Have you checked Skyclan?"

Riverclan wouldn't have taken an apprentice as revenge would they? No. Hollow Tree knew they were probably upset but they lost. It was uncomfortable to think the borders were changing once more. Would they always be uprooted and replanted? She hopes not.

// mobile
So his eldest sibling was finally well enough to come out of Berryheart's den. The tabby watches the slow approach of Clanmates, including Little Wolf. The bond between littermates is strong, and he's glad his sister is able to draw support from hers again. He loves all of his mother's kits, but those he nursed with will always be closest to him. He listens with a half-out turned ear before approaching on heavy paws.

"SkyClan is the one who came to us," he mutters. He gives both Blizzard Fang and Shiningpaw a look before sighing and sitting with the small crowd. "No sign of her on either side of the border." The last thing he wants to do is upset Little Wolf, but Hollow Tree deserves to know the truth about her kin.

He changes the subject, however, unwilling to dwell upon his niece's disappearance. "How are you feeling? Any clue when you'll be able to get back to regular duties?"