private Taken by the sky ❧ Edenberry

Feb 20, 2024

Ever since Florabreeze joined SkyClan she tried to be more aware of who lived in her neighbourhood. She never followed the other Daylight Warriors home or anything like that, she just liked to notice who walked beyond her streets, who stopped before them and who seemed to go in the same general direction. Edenberry was chalked up to be somewhat close by, Blue had seen them around a few times, like when they dug up Sandra’s flowers. So that must mean that they’re not suuuper far away, she could just be wrong though.

Nonetheless, she found that she walked to camp a lot with Edenberry and their sister. They just seemed to rise together and generally seemed to be close enough for their path to cross early on, today seemed as such. As Florabreeze passed beyond the thunderpath and towards SkyClan’s border she noticed the familiar black and white pelt of Edenberry. Noticeably, their sister seemed to be absent, she frowned at the idea and hoped that Spicepaw was alright. She reasoned that if she wasn’t then they wouldn’t be out right now, no matter how deep the devotion.

“Edenberry! Fancy seeing you here” she comments with a boisterous laugh, as if it was a daily occurrence to see them if not on the way to then definitely on the way back from camp. Still, she pranced over to them, feathery tail raising in greeting with a nod to her head. The maine coon gestured with a paw for Edenberry to walk ahead, taking her place by their side as they walked past the border. It seemed the forest was waking up, with a stray squirrel running around in the corner of her eye or hearing baby birds screeching for their morning meal. She hummed to herself as she walked, a common occurrence, it was very rare for Florabreeze to ever be truly quiet. Always needing to occupy herself in some way, she hoped they didn’t mind but she didn’t care enough to ask if they did.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking a personal question but how long have you been part of SkyClan for?” She found herself asking as they walked, aiming to fill the silence between them in conversation. The maine coon thought that her clan-mate was a fun conversationalist, she was always eager to strike up a chat with them. The question had been on her mind for a while, they seemed so acquainted with everyone here and for the most part everyone was really friendly with them. To her that implied at least a few months if not a pawful of them, it certainly didn’t seem like they were a recent joiner or anything like that. “To add onto that, how did you end up joining? I bet it’s an interesting story” there’s a glint to her eye, something mischievous and whimsical that only appeared when she was really eager to listen to a tale about to be spun.

  • (takes place sometime before Edenberry get's "sick") @edenberry ?!

  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Every day threatened a new risk... not that they thought SkyClan ever meant them harm but there was a bit too much gossiping going around for their liking (ignoring how much of that they contributed to). If they were going to pull this off, they'd need to stay alert... vigilant... serious... attentive... no distractions... just pure, unwavering focus on everything happening all at- "Edenberry!" The black and white cat practically jumps out of their fur, having already failed in their mission to be more situationally aware. Turning a scarred face towards the playful, bounding voice of Florabreeze, the daylighter pulls a friendly smile onto their face without hesitation.

It's just another part-time kittypet... nothing to fear. Besides, Flora had been there when they'd run into those strangers and had been friendly too. They appreciated that kind of good-natured spirit! "Oh good morning Florabreeze," they chirp, bowing their head at her offer to let them cross first. Paws carefully patter across the tar, waltzing across the border with moons of confidence under their metaphorical belt. And it seems... that's exactly something their friend wants to address, leaning in close to inquire as to their background.

That was... a long time ago wasn't it...? This greenleaf would mark an entire cycle of seasons... A wistful grin holds itself there, "Oh I've been making trips since I was small," they purr, bobbed tail attempting to curl despite its lacking length to do so, "I think it was actually Slate that tried to scare me off... I wasn't just shy of being apprentice aged- well... that was before the code changed." There were clans that had started even younger than SkyClan had though... and still it was their apprentices who found the most danger, the most trouble...

It was lucky that none of them had died... Lucky that the other leaders didn't argue against Blazestar's last decree. "I've always loved to explore! And I'd been hearing about this group of 'sky cats' from some of my neighbors... I thought they really meant they lived in the clouds or something. So, I decided I'd go find them! And I'd make them take me on adventures too... Turns out, SkyClan doesn't actually live in the sky... imagine my disappointment." A small laugh grows stifled, thinking about other future, tiny lives that might subject themselves to that wild imagination... that would hear stories and grow with a wanting to chase Edenberry into the forest each day.

"I got a proper apprentice ceremony... with my friends- they weren't really my friends yet but, you'd recognize them now- Lupinesong and Cherryblossom... Doompaw was cool but... I don't.. think he's coming back. Oh and their litter-mates of course... up until Crowsight started fawning after this RiverClan boy... Eugh... if you see a tom named Otterbite, give him a good smack for me by the way." Blazestar had only ever given the guy a verbal lashing... if Edenberry was lucky, they'd get a chance to repay him for the scars the crest down their shoulders, for the permanent disfigurement of their face.

"What about you? What made you want to join SkyClan?"

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​

A gasp of shock escapes the Maine Coon as she listens to them explain that they have been making trips since they were small.“oh right it didn't always be six moons right? I'm not surprised it was Slate” she chuckles as she tries to picture someone as large as him trying to scare off a small kit. Florabreeze nodded as they spoke, tail raised high and whiskers twitching with interest as she listened. It was always surprising to hear about all these other cats around twolegplace who had heard of SkyClan considering she never did until she stumbled upon them. Though she guessed that it was because while she listened to gossip in her area she used to tune out anything that wasn’t involving Twolegplace.

“I can’t say I wouldn’t be disappointed too if I expected cloud cats and ended up with cats like you and me” she commented with a laugh of her own. Writing off Edenberry’s stifled laugh as them just becoming upset over past memories rather than anything daunting on the horizon. She could understand wanting to leave the past behind them after all, so why would she think any different? The daylight warrior was thankful that Edenberry continued on past that stifled laugh.

It was nice that they got a proper apprentice ceremony, she wonders if it wasn’t all that common back when Edenberry was apprenticed. Either way, she thought it was sweet that this happened alongside their friends. “Oh! Lupinesong and Cherryblossom, I didn’t realise you had your apprentice ceremony alongside them. I know it’s been a long time since then but congratulations I bet you were very happy about that” she beams at them with a nod. Metaphorical eyebrow raising in suspicion over the mention of this ‘Otterbite’ it didn’t really seem like Edenberry to wish for someone to get a ‘good smack’ in on someone so she took it seriously.

“Must have done something bad to piss you off, I’ll give him a smack for you don’t worry. Daylighters stick together right?” She wasn’t sure if that was an official thing but to Florabreeze it made sense. It’s good to have that comradery so in that sense alone she would do it but Edenberry was one of the nicest cats she knew, she’d consider them a friend, or acquaintance? But what was an acquaintance other than a friend that you haven’t made yet? Anyways this only furthered her taking note of this ‘Odderbite’. The back and white cat's question brought her pause, tail flicking as she considered her answer. Compared to Edenberry she couldn’t say that it was anything as grand as wishing to join Cloud cats.

“Ah well, I originally joined SkyClan to look for a friend. She was- she is the adventurous type so when she went missing I thought maybe she joined them. I didn’t actually know that SkyClan was a thing until I found a patrol, my neighbours weren’t interested in any ‘cat-eating forest cats’ or what else is being said these days” there was a shrug as she spoke. Glancing away from Edenberry to look back at the slowly shrinking shape of the landscape that is known as the Twolegplace. “Originally I wasn’t sure how I’d go about this being committed to two places at once, I’m glad I stuck around though. I wouldn’t trade my time at SkyClan for anything now.”

That was enough sentimentality for one day though. Florabreeze had wanted to use this time to get to know Edenberry better. How dare they turn it back around on her, not that she was actually upset about that. “Do you have any wild or fun stories about adventures you’ve had while here? Surely with all these moons under you you’d have a story or two?”


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

They wish they could afford to forget things like the newer codes and when they were implemented... Blazestar had not been very happy with their little 'friendship escapade' and had insisted it be one of the defining factors of their training from that point on. If only it had not been an expectation demanded by death... passed off to Hazelbeam (though truthfully, they couldn't be gladder to have her as a sister now). "Can't imagine how the older cats must feel- they keep adding new rules anytime you feel like things make sense," they chirp.

Florabreeze is nice enough to offer some... late congratulations, which only manages to pull an amused purr from them- they were far more proud to have actually graduated with their friends than anything but... it had been the important start of a friendship back then, to be peers on equal footing.

The two bump against each other in a show of companionship, something Edenberry is glad to accept especially under the guise of daylighter alliances. That certainly had been proven tenfold.. it was almost always another kittypet warrior that stood up for them when the more unsavory types had loud, hurtful opinions... or those who'd been ones once before. Applefrost and Hazelbeam above all.

It is with great interest that large ears perk forward to listen to the other molly's retelling of her joining- looking for a friend, one with a thirst for adventure and new horizons. Edenberry wonders, with a pitiful frown, if perhaps that friend did find adventure beyond their wildest dreams... if they underwent great feats of exploration the way Cherryblossom had when they were younger. "Well I'm glad to hear you feel rewarded by your time in SkyClan! I sure do. Plus... there's so many friends you can have in one place. I'm not so much a fan of all the fighting but.. I suppose anything worth wanting is worth defending, right?"

"Stories? Hmm... I was taught how to pick blackberries as an apprentice! I didn't know but they're like.. really good at staining things and uh... I've got particularly... white paws. My maw was stained purple like I'd committed some sort of berry massacre and Orangestar was not interested in a dyeing her fur... That didn't stop her sister though... Sometimes I wonder if she remembers that too! If that's why I'm Edenberry heheh.... It's one of the last good memories I have of... Jaggedstorm." They shrug past the knot in their stomach, uncertain they've got very many "good stories" to share after all. It's mostly just dumb 'coming of age' typical nonsense...

"I've also been to the Gathering! Have you gotten a chance to sneak away from home for a night to see one?"

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 14 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​

“Don’t want us to get too complacent then, huh?” She offered, weighing in on the thought that the older cats seem to be adding new rules. There’s a neutrality to her, not feeling a particular way on this stance, if anything she’s thankful that most of these new additions had been made before she joined their ranks. Less new things for her to remember that way, she did wonder what future rulings would be assigned in the future. “So what rule do you think you’d give if you were leader? I’d say that there should be stricter rules about respecting our clanmates” she huffs but lets out a light hearted chuckle. “I’d also say that there should be more celebrations, I don’t know what about though” Twolegs seems to celebrate a lot of things, with loud cheering and things that she had later learnt were decorations. Maybe that has rubbed off on her, there were a lot of things to celebrate in SkyClan after all.

“I’d be worried if you didn’t feel rewarded by your time in SkyClan, it’s nice to see you be so chipper about it. It kinda helped me settle in the idea that I’ve made the right choice by being a daylighter, positive influences and all that” She lightly flicks her tail against Edenberry’s side as a gesture of friendly good will. It was true, at least to Florabreeze, they were always around for their fellow daylighters and their enthusiasm was very infectious, in her opinion you didn’t need to be a good friend or an acquaintance to be affected positively by them. “I think you’re right. The fighting never seems to end but I think of it like fighting for your home, gotta keep your friends and home safe. So yeah, it’s worth defending!”

She couldn’t help but laugh at their tale, the idea of such a white pelt like theirs being stained like that. “No way that Orangestar actually got her fur dyed. What an accomplishment! Are you better at picking blackberries now?” Maybe they picked blackberries all the time and were so good at it that they didn’t stain themself at all. Her tail curls as they walk at the thought, lost in hypothesis for a moment. “Jaggedstorm?” She asks curiously, this was not a name that she was familiar with. Florabreeze is quick to realise the impulse of which she parroted this name, it seemed like a sore spot for Edenberry and she wasn’t planning on making a habit of upsetting those around her with probing questions. She leaves it there, not inquiring further and keeping it at just mentioning the ghost of a name. When her travelling companion changes the subject to that of Gatherings she follows their lead naturally. “I have! I know that there are other Clans out there but to think there’s so many cats. You don’t ever see that many in one spot in twolegplace” it was awe inspiring, that temporary bond of truce. One day she’d like to see that bond stretch beyond one night, but with so many conflicting personalities and long bloody history between these clans she doubted it. “Have you snuck out to see many Gatherings? Or do you like to not sneak away from home too often?” Maybe there was less of a pull to be back at twolegplace when they were supposed to since they had been doing this for a while.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}