Takes more strength than it gave me | dozing off


The howling of the wind that cuts to the bone; the crackle of ice breaking off under the onslaught of the river’s current; the soft crunch of frost under paw pads during dawn patrol — leaf-bare is hardly a silent season. But it is a quiet one. There are no more birds departing for distant, unknown parts in a flutter of wings, no more frogs splashing into the water, few prey skittering through the underbrush; the branches swaying in the wind do not whisper with shaken leaves. What the cold doesn’t smother to stillness, it will soon muffle under a thick layer of snow.

It sounds… empty.

This is the fourth leaf-bare Snakeblink is alive to see, and he still cannot tell if that absence of sound is unnerving or relaxing.

He guesses it’s been keeping him awake, a bit. Without the rattle of cicadas filling the night, he can’t help but spend his nights with his ears pricked, waiting for the tell-tale noise of too many paws swarming their camp — more rogues, or windclan perhaps, or the physical manifestation of a dozen other anxieties coming to claw at him more tangibly. He doesn’t know what he searches for in the dark, and he doesn’t find it. Nor does he find rest, only an uneasy sort of sleep that sees him stumbling out of the warrior’s den at dawn to take his apprentice on the first patrol of the day.

Days are short in leaf-bare so they must make the most of them, fish while the river still thaws under thin sunlight and hunt what prey hasn’t gone to ground for the season. But stars, Snakeblink sometimes wish he could do the same thing as them — curl in some deep, dark burrow as his namesake does and sleep until the days are long and warm again.

Yawning, he blinks the grit from his eyes and focuses on the water before his paws again. He brought Carppaw along for some more fishing after their first hunting patrol, but he has yet to catch anything — he should check how she is faring. Are there fish who leave until the air warms, like birds do? Where would they go? He should ask Willowroot; she has lived near distant waters, he thinks, perhaps she would know…

Another blink, closing his eyes for just a second. Staring through the grey of the sky reflected on the water’s surface for the darting shadows of fish is making his eyes tired. His head nods forward, jerks back as he shakes himself. Just one fish, and then they can return to camp. It would be nice to do some weaving later, to make sure the nursery is well protected for the coming kits…

Snakeblink follows the muddled thought down, slipping into a light doze without noticing. His head nods forward again, lolling on his neck as he sits rigidly next to the water’s edge, breathing evenly — mostly asleep.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @CARP-PAW apprentice tag
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Unlike so many of his nightmare-addled Clanmates, sleep and good rest was never a concern for dearest Otterpaw. In fact the apprentice looked forward to when he could finally rest his paws against soft moss and settle down into a dreamless sleep. He found it odd when his older Clanmates dragged themselves across the stretch of fields and down the peaty shores, knowing they would cycle the regret of not doing enough but holding themselves back with pushing too far. Maybe it was due to the fact Otterpaw was also ready to give up when something made him frustrated enough. Some of these cats were too insistent for their own good.

"Snakeblink." The chimera grumbled. The last time he had found the Lead asleep somewhere unusual he had just been a squeaky kit. Now his tone spoke with coarse rough volume like his vocal chords were grated through stone. It didn't seem to wake the tabby immediately, though. Not one known to be patient Otterpaw glanced around before pushing his paws against Snakeblink to shove him into the water.

Whether he was successful or Snakeblink miraculously balanced himself from the jolt, Otterpaw would jump back from the waters edge with a sinister grin curled at his maw. "What do you have against your nest, Snakeblink? Don't like the moss I've replaced it with?" He'll make sure to put ants in it next time, then. ​
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die with memories , not dreams .

He would have offered words of warning, blinking owlishly at Otterpaw’s display of action, whether or not the other was successful, Dawnstorm shuffled awkwardly. He had been near the waters to seek more practice, if not to stop the quiver of his paws when water splashed against his pelt. “Why?” He couldn’t help but utter, expression confused despite the monotone curl of his voice. His father would have done something similar, but far more sinister if he had been sleeping instead of doing whatever task he needed to carry out.

Blinking, Dawnstorm padded closer, peering at the water’s edge with a peculiar expression dusted across a bi-colored maw when he pulled back. “Can’t he take naps?” What if he didn’t want to sleep in his nest? Dawnstorm didn’t want to, sensations becoming too much to handle when he’d slip out to rest quietly away from the swarm of warm bodies. “Accidental.” He added concerning the other’s poor sleeping choices, helm tilted.

He would turn to Snakeblink, the name odd on his tongue. “Go sleep.” He meant it as a kind gesture, offering to stay behind while he rested, but it came out like a command.
thought speech
જ➶ Ever quiet, the void that the woman is slips among the reeds. Her eyes are watching Snakeblink as he gently nods off into the world of dreams. Thought linger in her mind but none she feels like partaking in. None that would do her well anyway. Afterall she had quietly followed after Snakeblink as he took his apprentice out to fish. Her tail curls as her eyes widen slightly when Otterpaw attempts to push her new Warden into the chilling waters. Though there is a glimmer of amusement in her molten hues. "Perhaps it's best to not doze off like that." At least not in leafbare, who knows what could be lingering out here. Esepcially with food slowly becoming scarce. Yet as she glances to Otterpaw, her muzzle twitching ever so slightly. "I'm sure the moss you had was fine. But maybe next time you could use the skin of lizards."

She is only jesting honestly and hopes the other doesn't take it as something to try. Her eyes ghen gloss over Dawnstorm and she picks up on their speech. Tilting her head she eyes them curiously.

He's only lightly dozing, drifting in and out of sleep like foam on the surface of water – not enough to be truly restful, but enough that when a paw pushes against his body, he doesn't have the wherewithal to save himself from a swift and brutal awakening by way of getting dunked into the frigid river.

Snakeblink comes back up spluttering, water dripping from his short pelt; he's too surprised to feel cold yet, and Otterpaw's words don't register immediately as his brain kicks back in gear.

”My nest...?” He shakes his head, sending droplets flying. ”No, no, my nest is fine– I'm fine,” he adds, directed at Dawnstorm. ”I didn't mean to fall sleep.”

It's not a good excuse, not an excuse at all really, but the rude awakening means he hasn't even pulled himself together enough to get out of the water yet let alone come up with a justification for his poor sleeping habits. His tail aches distantly, the sting of tiny kitten fangs biting into it – Otterpaw keeps stumbling onto him napping at inopportune times, it seems.

Finally he shakes himself one more time and pulls himself back on ground, pettily shaking his pelt next to the apprentice. He throws Boneripple a weary glance, clearly rolling his eyes where she can see it. ”Thank you for your input. Why not brambles and thorns while we are at it?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

A sinister grin remained as he watched Snakeblink thrash and stammer in the waters. Flustered by the sudden cold embrace of the river, perhaps that would help him stay awake for the rest of the day. He rolled his eyes as Dawnstorm tried to defend the tabby- it was just Snakeblink. What was he gonna do? Tattle to Smokestar? And he would tell the speckled leader exactly his thoughts onw hatever he had to say too. Too many of his Clanmates assumed the 'right' authority would back him into submission, clearly not even Cicadastar's wrath was something the tom blinked at.

Boneripple is there to support his little crime and he looked at the striped warrior more fondly than the others. It's strange now, how he now rivaled in size with the molly. Only some time ago he was still looking up at her like she was a tree's height away.

"Hey!" Otterpaw hissed at Snakeblink's sneaky revenge, shielding the cold spray from his eyes. "I'll put more than that in there. Careful what you ask for." He grumbled his threat with a sudden lash of his tail. "Why are you sleeping all the time anyway? S'not that hard, just close your eyes at night."