His relationship with Coyotecreek was complicated and would continue to be so. He sought the tom out and asked to speak with them privately. Perhaps it was startling to the other tom, but he failed to consider such things. He simply wanted to chat with the other warrior and thank them for training Otterbite, considering his son was not the easiest of cats to work with. I can't believe he's a warrior now. The silver tabby took the red tom to a secluded spot within their territory to give them enough privacy. It was unlikely anyone would find them here unless someone was actively trying to find them. He doubts any lead warrior would call for him though. Once the pair have settled he sits and offers Coyotecreek a gentle smile.

"I w-want to say thank you, Coyotecreek for mentoring Otterp-bite!" I'm still not used to it. Then again, the meeting wasn't too long ago. He hopes Coyotecreek won't laugh at his slip up. Unsure of what else to say to the other tom, his maw moves before he can register the words "I know he can be a pain." The statement shocks him, green eyes widened in confusion is enough of a clue. And what follows is the slight tremble of his frame. Ah, there it is. His nervous tick, along with a paw that rubs behind his neck. A scowl graces his features as he forces or attempts to cease his trembling. It only worsens and he's shaking like a leaf during a storm. Great. Just great. If Coyotecreek is looks in concern his face falls and eventually lips curl into a forced smile, "A-ah, uhm. It'll s-stop in a uh bit. S-sorry for this." Stupid body!

Wanting to cease the other warriors worries he tries his best to move along the topic. Well... It would be a lie to say changing topics wasn't a distraction for himself as well. "You know, I, uhm... H-have been thinking Coyote. We're getting old, huh?" Maybe this is the point where Coyotecreek screams for mercy, expecting something else. After all, things have been confusing for them. They agreed to start over as friends yet they've had no problem teases each other and find themselves gravitating towards each other. Somethings they've done are questionable. Let's not even get started on Pikesplash asking about a mating stone and never bringing it up again. It was sure to put the red tom in turmoil.
  • @coyotecreek
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 52 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou