camp taking steps | attempting to settle in




The first step to trying to make herself comfortable here is making a nest. She knoes for a fact that she will need something dry to sleep on and so that is her first goal. Although she wants to get to know every cat here she feels herself holding back because of how they seem to carry themselves. Yet she will try, just not right now. That crow she brought before is proving useful in this endeavor. She did not ear anymore than that mouthful and she watched with happiness when the young ones got to have it. After it was all said and done she moves to the remains and starts to pluck feathers from the remains and from where they have fallen on the ground. The whole time she hums to herself, gentle and quiet as she starts to get her nest together. Her head lifts up and she spots one of the guards watching her and she only gives a soft smile. "Would you like to help me?" Her tone is a friendly chuckle as she gathers up the feathers as well as some thick dried grasses she has been able to scavenge. With her paws she begins to carefully weave the grass together, her muzzle tense as she works. The process is a long one but it's stress relieving to her. After a moment she has a small round patch and she starts to move the feathers around the rim and bottom of the nest.

Her gaze is calm and then she holds up a feather, examining it before she nods and weaves it in. It is easy to block out the world when she is busy with something. She doesn't have to worry about it all but she knows she will have to start doing her share soon. Hunting she can do though and she does want to get to work on repaying Shadowclan.

Despite being prejudiced against themselves, her parents often warned her of any strangers that entered ShadowClan’s camp. Rooktail, ma, especially would vigorously remind her to “keep way from new cats, Cinderkit. Let the clan determine if they are safe first. Stranger danger was not a mindset the friendly child was disciplined in following, from the moment someone new walked into the camp walls her mind buzzed with curiosity and excitement.

Rooktail had put Cinderkit down for a nap and accidentally had fallen asleep herself! So the black she-kit snuck away and was now making googly eyes from afar at the newcomer. They wore long silver fur with dark patches around their eyes, Cinderkit finds them quite beautiful. She even smiles at the cats guarding her, how could someone so pretty and so nice be mean? Surely this stranger was okay…

”My nest is filled with nettle. My nest with ma.” Boldly Cinderkit makes her move, there is not fear our caution to be found in her young heart. This cat was using feathers, they had feathers in their nest too, but da always insisted “nettles are far better than feathers if you want to keep yourselves warm. to which, ma always replied that feathers reminded her of home. At this comment, da had shut his maw and some type of silent communication had been sent between her parents. But gosh, Rooktail had just given him the most glaring look!

”Nettle keeps ya warm. Feathers make ya-h nest soft.” She suggests under the guise of informing what she has learned.


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )


· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her

╰ ‣ 3 moons . ages on the first

╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan

╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood


· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — 100%

╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes


[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish[/SIZE]

╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with

╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia

╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc



╰ ‣ lesbian.

╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .

╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .

╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornadopaw trots over to where her mother is situated with a mouthful of additional grasses and nettle. A gentle smile pulls at ebony lips as her cautiously steps around Cinderkit, a single ear rotating in the direction of the kitten as she speaks to Melisandre. Coming to stand beside the ivory molly she places the extra material beside the nest she's working on. Her attention drifts to the guards looming close and she gives an irritated flick of her tail. She was happy her mom was able to stay here in the clan, but she didn't find the guards watching her to be necessary. "I brought you some extra stuff for your nest mom." Tornado voices, smile growing just a bit wider as she settles down beside the woman.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
Lichentail sits outside of the warrior's den, one pale greenish eye wearily kept on the inside. The newcomer is within, weaving herself a nest. She doesn't know how she feels about the she-cat yet, though she supposes she can understand why Pitchstar had made his decision to allow her into the Clan. Tornadopaw looks at her mother adoringly, and although some of Lichentail's angrier Clanmates had grumbled, she too could not bear to see a mother and her daughter separated for no good reason. She knew what that was like.

Melisandre's voice rings out. "Would you like to help me?" Lichentail peers into the den, giving her a weary look. "I'm sure you've made a nest before," she murmurs. There's no acid in her retort -- only deflection. She doesn't know this outsider well enough to do an intimate thing like help her build her nest.

She's saved by little Cinderkit stomping in, defiantly joining the conversation and advising Melisandre to use nettles. "That's very true," she comments, throwing a glance in Melisandre's direction. "ShadowClan's territory gets a bitter north wind, so you'll want it as warm as you can get it."

She hushes up when Tornadopaw strolls by her, irritation clear in the set of her shoulders and the flicking of her tail. She doesn't blame the apprentice for disliking the guards standing near her mother, but it's the duty she was assigned today. She's nothing if not obedient. The curly-furred apprentice deposits nest materials for her mother, and Lichentail's heart begins to ache. Once, she and Briarstar and Pitchstar and Adderjaw and Hollyfrost had learned to make their nests together...

She looks away, unable to say anything else.


Like her clan-mate, Rainecho has a difficult time believing this new cat has never built a nest before. She knows that the clans do things differently than other cats but surely a nest was a universal thing right? She had been born into the marsh colony so it's not like she has ever known any other life. Perhaps this new character came from a place where she did not have one? Rainecho is unsure. She comes to stand beside Lichentail, her mismatched eyes watching the black and white she cat with a caution that only comes from living in the unforgiving swamp. She does not trust outsiders, they are an unknown, a change. She wants her to leave but she knows it is not her place. Tornadopaw needed her mother, though she believes mothers are overrated.

"What did you sleep on if not a nest?" she asks, only a hint of judgment in her voice as one of her brows raises in curiosity. She simply has a hard time believing an adult does not know how to rake together moss and lay on it. Thats how she did it anyways. Sure, other cat's nests were way prettier and probably comfier, but whatever gets the job done right? If she was in Melisandre's paws she would be embarrassed to have children offering their help. If she kept up the incompetence she would not last long out here...
Barkbreath rolls his eyes. Oblivious lot, this was; takin' er words as literally as they could've. Out of place as she may be, pretty thing out here in the sunken marsh, weaving amidst faces like snarled roots or more akin to the rats 'emselves; she clearly knew what she was doin'. Had more keen a paw than most here, he would guess. That wasn't to say her actual intent wasn't jus' as pathetic. Barkbreath twists his head wiff. a small crick, a gangly tail flicking near Lichentail. "Nah, girl knows what she's doin'. Her weird way 'f flirtin' er somesuch..." Doesn't work, though. Yeesh, talk about desperate.

"No one likes a girl who can't take care of 'erself." Directed to the lady, but accompanied with a nod to dear Cinderkit. Odd-faced as she were, it's not like 'er chances were high to begin with... but good advice for any young lady to hear. "Take it from me. My mate was dumb as a rock, an I killed 'er myself!"
  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette and Jay

Innocently she is smiling, bobbing her head up and down as clan-mates approach and offer help, their own advice, and other comments. In particular she notes the tabby tom, Barkbreath who approaches them talking some thinking about… “flirtin’”, Cinderkit knows that word has something to do with love. She doesn’t understand the connection.

No one likes a girl who can’t take care of ‘erself “ Cinderkit again, blindly agrees despite her own tangled and matted fur. It was hard to keep Persian fur clean in the wild! Though she quits her nodding and her smile turns completely upside down at “my mate was as dumb as a rock, an I killed ‘er myself!” ”Wha?!?!” Cinderkit blurts, petrified. Her eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of her head.


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 3 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood

· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — 100%
╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes

[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

╰ ‣ lesbian.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
  • Haha
Reactions: Floppie