but he never really quit, he'd just say he did
Sep 4, 2023
Aspenpaw he learned. That was the name of his, no Mottledove's child. Can't believe she changed her name. There are just some things that don't stay the same, huh. I don't know if I'll change my name. When he first looked at Aspenpaw he knew in a heartbeat they were related. The resemblance was unmistakable. He wouldn't deny that there were some parts of Mottledove passed down to Aspenpaw, but from first glance based on fur color alone one could tell the child looked like him. He has her mane. Although his is longer. He looks pretty young, he's still fluffy. He'll grow into himself. It was difficult not to pin point traits between him and Mottledove. He supposed it was because all in one day he had been slapped, pushed, told to go away, and then given the bombshell that Mottledove had been pregnant with his kits. Looking at Aspenpaw he didn't feel love towards the younger tom. He felt drawn to Aspen, yes, he will not deny. However he couldn't say fully that it was out of love and not out of curiosity.

Mottledove had established that he will not be given the right into their lives, which he understood. It made sense. If he wasn't there, then why should he be given them now? Besides, he didn't know them either. Who was he to just jump in and tell them I'm your father now obey me? Yeaaaahhh, no. That was totally not a cool thing to do either. I never even saw myself being a father. What the heck is a tom supposed to do with his own kids? He shakes his and is so lost in thought that he bumps into the cat whose mere existence plagues his thoughts. "My bad, little dude." The silence that follows is strange. He knows he should be on his way, but come on! It was kind of hard to ignore that he had a son that looked almost identical to him save for the white fur and blue eyes.

I guess it's too late now to walk off. Chi-Mottledove won't kill me if we just talk like strangers right? Does he even want to know me as his dad? Ugh, Stormy you're gonna hurt your pretty brain thinking too hard about this. "Soooooo....." He gives Aspenpaw a smirk, "Whatcha been up to? Wake up on the wrong side of your nest? Or you're feeling right as rain? Personally, I'm bummed my streak was broken. Picture this!" A blue paw waves near Aspenpaw's face, as they were both looking at the same imaginary scene. "You've gone days of successful hunting. You're feeling on top of the world. But. One day while you're chasing a nice plump looking mouse, a stupid hawk swoops in and picks up that nice. plump. juicy. mouth watering mouse. It sucks, right? Nothing you can do about it though, unless you want to fly high with a hawk and risk going KERPLAT! Maybe Aspenpaw is questioning why he's even listening to this whole story. It seems to come from nowhere. Maybe the benefit of listening to his tale is amusement. Because the telling is not at all serious and there's bits of enthusiasm, as if Stormy himself would leap and become a hawk himself at any moment.

With his tale finished he chuckles. Why, he's so proud of himself. It's in this moment he decides to impart wisdom to Aspenpaw. "What can you do, you might ask? Whelp. You just gotta moan and groan about the loss, then get up and try another time. My streak might have been broken, but tomorrow's a new day. And it's gonna be a good one!" The manner in which he says such a thing, speaks of his will. It's not that he will try for a good day, No, he will have one. Whatever it takes. Perhaps, looking at Stormy. His muscular frame riddled with scars and sporting torn ears, it was proof of his unbreakable spirit.

/ @Aspenpaw