pafp TALE OF THE FAE // stories


Jun 30, 2023

APPLESTRIKE — he/him, 78 moons [ light brown tabby ]
"Hot enough ta burn one's fur off..." Applestrike remarked as he peered out past the warrior den's entrance at the camp beyond. Fortunately he wasn't due on any patrols that day and he was damned thankful for that small mercy. Though hiding in a stuffy, smelly den wasn't an ideal option either. Nah, he craved some fresh air and more open surroundings. A quick glance blessed him with a viable place to flop down in some shade just below the highrock. The old tom made it over in a few bounding leaps and he flopped down in the shady patch of ground. Though the shady spot was big enough to host a few cats, and it wasn't long before another approached.

Applestrike lazily looked at the younger ThunderClanner and he offered a friendly smile in greeting. "A warm day it is, best to stick to the shade." His tail gently patted the ground next to him as he invited them to stay. "Now then, what can I do for you then? A story or two perhaps?"

//please wait for @Sleekpaw.

sleekpaw & 06 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

Sleekpaws pale, down-like coat leaves him at an advantage to some of his clanmates - the sunlight not nearly as bothersome as it seems to be for others - but that doesn't mean the shade isn't a welcome sight. Her movements are stiff, all prim and proper and dainty-like as she follow the older warrior, blue eyes glinting. Only when they are both seated and settled in do they dare speak, jaws parting slowly. "I... yes please," Sleekpaw has always been a curious kid after all, and he'd soaked in every elder-tell and queen-story he could get when he was younger. Now is hardly any different - and it's not as though she's needed on patrol right now.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically easy && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Brackenleap was growing older, but he didn't think he would ever outgrow the urge to listen to stories. He remembered his younger years when he would so easily dismiss anything that blurred his understanding of 'realism.' Then he saw the spirit of cats rise to call for change to life as he knew it, and Brackenleap felt his skepticism shed off of him like leaves in leaf-fall.

He didn't think he was the target audience for story time, so Brackenleap brought a mouse over for Applestrike as an offering. He hesitated, then asked Sleekpaw, "Do you want something?" His tail flicked towards the fresh-kill pile. It was Greenleaf, and Brackenleap felt comfortable eating knowing prey ran quickly in the forest. He was also already standing and it would be easier for him to grab a meal than the two cats who had settled in to talk. His ears flicked as a new thought crossed his mind - had he interrupted a story? Brackenleap blinked at Applestrike. He seemed like an easygoing fellow, so Brackenleap decided to hold back an apology for now.​
Rainbowkit's getting older now. They don't think that much of it, but being older means now they can leave and go places! As long as Sunfreckle can see them, and that's okay. Outside camp is where prey didn't come to him dead and tasty right away (Apparently, mice can run around just like kittens ca, which is so weird!) Outside, there are big scary things like dogs and twolegs, and Rainbowkit doesn't wanna see big scary things. He can hear about big scary things in the comfort of camp though, lying in the nice warm sun. Their life is plenty good already.

The sun is bright and warm today. Rainbowkit pads to the small group on steadier paws. A warrior asks if someone wants something and Rainbowkit isn't totally paying attention. Missing the flicking of the warrior's tail: " I want a story! " they declare promtply before flopping down right next to Sleekpaw. Rainbowkit always sat real close to his siblings, so Sleekpaw would have to do for now. Story times should be comfy.

  • OOC:
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 2 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

she is lounging aside the warriors den when applestrike ventures from the mouth, blocking the sun for a brief moment and prompting the woman’ to slit a single green eye in his direction. when he remarks a simple hot enough to burn one’s fur off. ” meeee? “ comes her lazy crow, blazing orange and onyx catching in the heady midday light where she is sprawled on her spine, thick arms outstretched above her head and a wild, amused grin painted wide on her mottled features, ” why, thank you, applestrike. “ the warrior moves along despite her teasing, strides towards the shades area nearest to tallrock and, well.. he was right. lifting herself onto an elbow, the ginger - mottled molly feels it — a wooziness, skull stuffed with riverwater and swirling at the temples. greenleaf blazes down upon them, and not for the first time freckleflame curses her thick coat, the heat, the humidity that gathers beneath her pelt from proximity.

the warrior peels herself from the ground, her bones are sluggish and slow. she releases an audible groan, stretching tense, heat - stiff limbs before rounding closer to the two. just then, rainbowkit tumbles from their place and demands a story meant for sleekpaw ; she grins, plops herself unceremoniously back onto a fluffy side nearby — only on her paws long enough to drag her sorry rump over to them, lying down in the cool dirt with an audible poof aside her little sibling. she fans her feathered tail, aiming to plop the fluffy tip over rainbowkit’s head, splaying ginger - black fur to obnoxiously conceal his gaze and most of his little form. she snickers quietly before throwing her gaze back towards applestrike, beaming as if she weren’t halfheartedly riling her little sibling in the meantime, ” i’ll stick around and listen, too. “ seaglass eyes crinkle at the edges, despite the sardonic glance she fixes brackenleap with — moving on without a verbal hint she’d even heard him, ” and you better make it a good ‘ne.. ‘cause i wont be able t’ hold this’n back if it ain’t. “ she drawls, flicking her tail to indicate that she meant the peppy child beneath her fur. after all, they had story time standards.

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

  • IMG_1436.png

  • Love
Reactions: Floppie

APPLESTRIKE — he/him, 78 moons [ light brown tabby ]
A yes was offered and it made the old tom nod his head before he took the opportunity to ponder over the available tales he had stowed away in his mind. The library he possessed was vast thanks to his many moons of life, though it did make it somewhat hard to settle on just one. Fortunately a moment's respite came when Brackenleap arrived with a mouse just for him. "Ah, thank you, Brackenleap. Much appreciated." Eagerly he devoured half of the mouse which helped to wet his tongue and to steady his thoughts. Though during that time others had arrived and it earned a chuckle from Applestrike. "It seems that I have quite the audience now, aye. Well, I better make it a good 'inn."

The tom straightened himself up as he swept his gaze across each of the present cats in turn. "Let me tell ya a tale of a land far fae here, a place where my pa heralded fae before he reached the very forest we live in today. His name was Kestrel, he was a bold and brash fella, shot his mouth just as fast as he could let his claws fly. He was a fearsome scrapper who would pick a fight wee anyone who looked his way. Tough as a badger he was. But as invincible as he liked to believe he was... there was a beast loose in his moorland home, and it terrorised all that lived there.

You see, this monster was smarter than any fox, more vicious than any badger, and just as large as those filthy mongrels who attacked us those moons ago. It's teeth were long and sharp, with eyes that glowed gold in the night. It's pelt was as black as the shadows beneath yer very paws, and its eerie howl could be heard echoing across the hills. Each and every night it came and it became a savage gamble as to who it would claim. There was always a victim to its miiiiGHTY JAWS!"
The tom roared as he whirled round on the listening crowd and gave a snap of his teeth to place emphasis on the heat of the moment within the tale. Gently he returned to his original seated position as he bore a broad grin of satisfaction. Now then, where was he?

"Again and again the morning's first light would reveal the beast's victims, and slowly the moor held less and less animals. The smarter and quicker ones fled of course, but not everyone could leave. For you see, my pa had a mate. Her name was Quail and she was with kits. Newborns who they could not carry with them to new territories beyond. They had a difficult choice ta make; save themselves and abandon their own children, or stand strong and endure. Kestrel and Quail refused ta leave. It was their hame, their family, and they were'nae gonna walk away fae it that easily.

Each night passed and they were untouched in their den, an ol' badger set beneath a gorse bush. But their luck soon enough ran out. There was no moon that night and the air held a tenseness to it. They could feel it with their whiskers; that tremble that let them know that their time had come. Claws began to tear at the entrance to the den and an immense snout would plunge in deep, armed with razor sharp teeth that craved the cats within. With no escape route they were surely doomed. Kestrel made his choice then and there, he would rather die fighting than die cowering. With a swipe of his claws he slashed across the monster's nose and it sent it reeling back.

With the opening clear he then bolted forth, slipping between the limbs of the beast before streaking off across the moor. The beast pursued him and was gaining fast. Kestrel knew that death was hounding at his heels, but that's when it happened. Lights, small and flickering illuminated a path ahead through the blinding darkness. Kestrel had never seen anything like it, and he found himself placing his very faith in them. He followed the lights towards a gorge. As he neared its edge the final light sank down slow as a way of revealing a hidden ledge. Kestrel leapt down onto it, but the beast didn't know that it was there and ended up making a mighty leap off of the edge thinking that its quarry was still ahead. Down, down, down it fell, swallowed up by the river below.

The beast was slain and Kestrel, Quail and their kits lived. Though never again did he see the strange lights that saved him. All that he told refused to believe him about the lights, but I believed him. I truly think someone or something was looking out for him that day. Faith can get ya a long way, that much is fer certain."

sleekpaw & 07 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

The amount of interest and attention they garner takes sleekpaw by surprise, pale figure stilling in uncertainty. The others are loud, intruding upon the peace and quiet she'd hoped to find, but she says nothing - only sends freckleflame a glare, the worst of the offenders. Head shakes slowly at brackenleap's offer, and then all attention is once more upon applestrike as he begins to spin his tale. Cats who lived far from here, long ago - before the clans, before starclan. They listen in rapt attention, baby blue eyes as wide as saucers by the time the older tom finishes "Do you think those lights were like starclan? The spirits cats who'd died maybe?" because if starclan existed, then certainly that meant there was something out there when you died - so where do all the non-clan cats go? Did they still becomes stars, or something more?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


It was quite an audience who had appeared, and while the crowd made Brackenleap's tail tip twitch, it also eased his self-consciousness over lingering for a story. Rainbowkit turning down Brackenleap's offer of food in favor of the story made his whiskers twitch in amusement, as did Freckleflame's easy confidence. He wondered if her affect was as honest as it seemed, or if she put on a show for others. He supposed that it wasn't really any of his business - but maybe one day he would gain the courage to ask for advice regarding his own demeanor. In the meantime, he settled in to listen, enjoying the company of those around him.

Applestrike was quite skilled with his story-telling. Brackenleap found himself leaning in slightly, enthralled, and nearly jumped out of his skin when Applestrike went for a dramatic and demonstrative bite for his audience. Brackenleap chuckled self-consciously and licked his chest fur several times to settle himself. Kestrel was a good choice for a protagonist in Brackenleap's opinion. Kestrel's refusal to submit, his clever skill, and even his rescue by something that could be traced to StarClan were all similarities that would endear him to ThunderClan listeners. He wondered how much of the story had actually happened but in a fond and distant manner. Brackenleap wasn't invested in "the truth," because this was a story for entertainment.

Sleekpaw voiced Brackenleap's own wonder over what the lights could have been. The warrior was inclined to believe it was StarClan - hoped, even. If StarClan didn't watch over those outside of the clans, who did? The idea of there being nothing sent a chill through him, and the tom shook himself free of such thoughts and the spell of a good story. Instead, he glanced at his fellow listeners, wondering what they had thought of the tale.​