camp tale of the shadow — confrontation [ pafp ]

die with memories , not dreams .
He nearly stopped himself from taking something from the fresh-kill pile, staring at the flimsy mouse he had nudged around for and deemed it good enough. His appetite lacking with a throbbing headache that refused to go away, leaving him in a constant state of aching that he couldn’t scratch. The bi-colored male outright refused to seek Ravensong, used to the steady aches after another hefty lesson from his father, or staying out until the sun rose the next day with warm prey locked in his grasp for the Ripple Colony.

He settled, tucking into himself with a steady thrum, tail curling around the bulk of his frame to stare at the skinny mouse with furrowed brows. Did he deserve this? He could be hunting. Or collecting moss. His headache persisting, Dawnstorm couldn’t stop the feeble frown from forming, almost as if he was disappointed at the small mouse nestled between his paws, but that was far from the truth. He could do more. He dared not disappoint his father, not unless he risked another open display and receiving odd looks from the others, complimenting him and telling him that his father’s words were false.

He perked up at the sound of paws approaching, bi-colored hues glancing up to see Asphodelpaw. Helm tilting, Dawnstorm blinked. “Did you want to share?” He couldn’t help but ask, glancing down at the mouse, shortly after his gaze returned to the apprentice.

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*+:。.。 Valepaw, Claypaw, Wavepaw - all of their names made Asphodelpaw's pelt itch with a cold fury. They were the loner born who had to prove themselves, and yet it was Asphodelpaw who suffered now the most? No one was more loyal to Riverclan than he! And he could easily prove that by the simple fact alone that he seemed to be the only one who remembered the rogues' effect on their clan! And those had been rogues who hadn't weaseled their way into the heart of Riverclan - did no one else feel that fear? The territory they wouldn't have the choice to run into battle but would instead wake from the vulnerable sleep already in the midst of one? How could his clanmates defend cats that could very well carry the same goals and empty-heartedness that Sasha and Deacon had?
How was no one else as afraid as him?

His anger only mounted at the thought. If he was afraid - which he wasn't! - he had every right to be! If he found the shadows of his river's depths growing darker, slinking like an army of snapping rats chewing away at even more of his home, the inside of it - it would be reasonable to be afraid - not that he was! Because he wasn't.
He wasn't scared of the unknown now looming over what was once familiar and comforting. He wasn't scared of the sight of the loner's snickering face now appearing in the smiles of his clan mates - he wasn't! He just - he wasn't!
He wasn't - he wasn't - he wasn't - he couldn't be!

And he'd prove it, damn it!

The young teen spotted the biggest, meanest-looking Ripple Rat and immediately fuffed up his thin coat. He'd prove it.
Storming over to Dawnstorm, the words - what, is our prey no longer good enough for you?! - already scorching the tip of his tongue, only to be drowned out by Dawnstorm looking up, meeting his gaze, and selflessly offering to share.

Asphodelpaw was taken aback for a moment.

But fear - the what if - took back it's control and Asphodelpaw refused to see the kind tom for what he truly was. Instead, Asphodelpaw aimed to smack the mouse away from Dawnstorm hissing, "Did you even check to see if the kittens and elders had been fed first?! Not that i'd ever share prey with a Ripple Colony rat"

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently

( ) the blatant bias against the former ripple colonists over the past few days has not gone unnoticed by the smoke feline. ever since smokestar's life loss, since deacon and sasha had been put up for bounty, there's been a change. no longer does riverclan feel like a safe and inviting place for all. willowroot intervenes when she can, shoots glaring looks at gossiping elders and discriminatory warriors, but she is only one cat. it seems that cicadastar's last big decision has backfired beautifully. she can imagine her mottled friend watching from the stars with a huff of annoyance and a ruffle in his fur.

she emerges from the nursery, having just dropped off hazecloud and co.'s meal, and is greeted with the growling voice of riverclan's most irate apprentice. asphodelpaw is a general asset to riverclan's ecosystem- he hunts at his level, is always eager to defend his clan. lately though, he's been the topic of many a conversation. he is irritable and cruel with his words, especially towards the newest members of the clan. watching him spit insults at dawnstorm, who, for all the world, seems to have done nothing wrong in his life, is painful. long legs carry the feline across camp, tall tufted ears folding back slightly as willowroot inserts herself. "dawnstorm and i just came back from a hunting patrol, kiddo. i just brought prey to the queens, kits and elders. he knows the code, and he's free to eat." green eyes flick to the mottled tomcat, sympathy clear in her gaze. she's doing her best to rescue him without causing more of a scene.

the smoke turns back to the apprentice with a sharper tone. "i would've ignored your outburst, thought of it as a stern reminder of our rules, but you had to go and insult his heritage," a muscle in their jaw twitches. "dawnstorm is a riverclan warrior. same as i, same as your mentor, crashingtide. i suggest you get that idea into your head before someone decides to take more drastic measures."

they've watched this kid grow up- helped him with his loss, attempted to give him at least somewhat of a shoulder to lean on. it's just that this behavior is getting old. the warrior flicks their tail, turns back to dawnstorm. "that's a pretty small meal for two, otherwise i'd offer to share. but we can sit and chat while you eat, if you're up to it."

  • // " speak "

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

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  • Love
Reactions: Asphodelrain
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — It was hard, trying so desperately to integrate when it felt like the entire world was working against you. Of course, such a statement was an exaggeration - not everyone in Riverclan was against the former colony members, as Willowroot thankfully demonstrated. Still, some days it felt as though there was no reason to rise from her nest, because she would only be forced to deal with sharp, unwavering gazes and gossiping elders. Some naïve part of her had hoped that her experiences were somehow just personal, a failing on her part instead of a bias instilled in Riverclan by the actions of both Deacon and Sasha. Unfortunately it seemed as if even the best of them were going to suffer for it, Dawnstorm's bi-colored gaze full of no hostility as Asphodelpaw approached. In fact, he even tried to share with the apprentice, an offer that made Swiftfire smile from her place across camp.

Her smile vanished when the boy began to speak, though, his harsh words making her entire body recoil from shock. She couldn't even begin to imagine what had warranted such a reaction, words dying on her tongue before they could leave her mouth. There was a desperate want within her, a desire to defend Dawnstorm and shoo Asphodelpaw's harmful attitude away. But there was another part of her that was terrified of the consequences, not wanting to somehow rot her own reputation - or make the general view of the former colonists even worse. It felt like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place, her claws digging down into the dirt in a mixture of fright and frustration. Only when Willowroot spoke did she seem confident enough to rise, slinking over to Dawnstorm's side as if to provide an extra line of defense.

Truthfully she wasn't really sure what her plan was beyond that, gaze simply digging into the apprentice's already scolded form as if that might somehow make him snap out of the warpath he seemed to be on. She considered not even saying anything at all, though she found her voice eventually - shaken and quiet, sure, but her voice nonetheless. "I doubt you would like someone calling you a rat just because of where you came from, whether because of your parents or because of your clan. Isn't Dawnstorm allowed the same courtesy?" She knew how terrible the actions of Deacon and Sasha had been, and how much they could affect that clan going forward. But Dawnstorm had done nothing to hurt Smokestar or his kin, so why was he being shouted at?

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Robinpaw had lingered in the nursery for a moment longer to speak with Apricotflower before exiting to catch up with Willowroot. She is not present for the entirety of the scene Asphodelpaw had pulled with Dawnstorm but she can gather enough from the conversation drifting between her mentor and Swiftfire. The tortie is well aware of Asphodelpaw’s passionate nature - she had witnessed it after some apprentice pulled a cruel prank on her a couple moons ago. Yet she had never envisioned her fellow apprentice being so cruel to one who did not deserve it.

She is reminded of the confrontation between Velvetpaw and Cicadapaw moons ago over much the same issue. Just because one isn’t RiverClan born doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy to be called a RiverClanner. Robinpaw moves to stand near Asphodelpaw, offering him a gentle brush against his flank with her tailtip should he accept it. ”Everyone deserves a second chance. If Cicadastar could accept me back after my twoleg capture and shameful attempt at joining SkyClan then we can accept the former ripple colony cats as RiverClanners,” she urges gently, using her own story as evidence. Even her, a born RiverClanner, could make mistakes and deserve redemption. The ripple colony cats who wanted to integrate into RiverClan hadn’t made mistakes but they still deserved to be treated with respect and given the chance to prove themselves just as Robinpaw was given the chance to prove herself.
Tidesong tries to keep to herself and avoid trouble, especially now. She is small and easily looked over, making it easy for her to find spots to stay out of the way and out of the gazes of those critical of the Ripple colony. Every night fills her with paranoia, how can she sleep with cats who hate her and would love the chance to slit her throat when her guard is down?

She sees it every day and wonders how she should go about dealing with it. Should she sit and take it? Would standing up for herself cause more trouble? She's not sure.

But seeing Asphodelpaw slap Dawnstorms mouse away made her bristle. Other cats come to his defense, but she still makes her way over to glare at the apprentice.

"Don't you have anything better to do, or does picking on those you consider beneath you make you feel better about yourself?" She hisses. "Dawnstorm has been loyal since the day we joined. Leave him alone." She finishes.

She curses Deacon and Sasha for putting them in this position. She vaguely fears repercussions for her words, but she puts it aside. If some Riverclanners have a problem with it, then she'll deal with it.​

"You seem to have a believe I have a horrible taste for friends, little man." First it had been Wavepaw, it didn't take much to overhear how the tom spoke for her. Voicing his own opinion on how or why she had taken to Wavepaw, making assumptions about her intentions with him. Wavepaw had just been a tiny kit when it all happened, his mother unable to commit to the life of a warrior to see him grow up. Hazecloud did not expect a child to fully grasp the reason behind her actions, and of course Asphodelpaw was far too young to know that was simply her thing before she ever had kittens of her own.

Still, it was rude.

Dawnstorm and Dewcloud had lingered in the same way. Shy souls with not much to say, Hazecloud found it quick to get along with them despite that. Her outgoing and extroverted habits had made it easy to grow comfortable calling them Clanmates. It wasn't hard, anyway, they were kind. So many of the Ripple Colonists were and it was a shame these apprentices were so resistant to accepting that.

"I didn't cuff your ears myself before since Lichentail already did that for me." And more, much to her enjoyment. "But I feel like our words have just been air between your ears. RiverClan, Smokestar, does not support speaking to our Clanmates like this. Your behavior, chasing down and targeting these cats just because they came from the Ripple Colony? That behavior sounds like a rogue. Like the ones who targeted our home just for belonging to a Clan."

Hazecloud stood protectively between Dawnstorm and Tidesong, looking between them with a more softer stare.

"If this one, or any of our Clanmates continue to treat you this way please bring it to Lichentail or Smokestar. I already hear it enough from my mate how little patience they have for this behavior- it will not continue." Not if those more sensible could help it.
die with memories , not dreams .
He gave a slow blink watching the mouse bounce away from him, ears swerving at Asphodelpaw’s words, heart sinking further. Did he? Bi-colored hues crinkled. “I—” He stopped himself, Willowroot appearing before he made a fool of himself. Oh. Right. “It’s alright.” He uttered, plumed tail curling around his flank, the tip twitching nervously despite the indifference he wore, muddled and confused. “It’s alright.” He repeated, firmer this time. He didn’t mind it. He didn’t mind being called a rat, even if it made his stomach churn, thoughts gravitating toward his father, surely somewhere to witness the incident.

It was only fair, even more, when Ripple Colony uprooted everything that RiverClan knew. When Sasha and Deacon—Dawnstorm frowned, helm turning away in hot shame, grief mixing to create an odd concoction of whatever the bi-colored male couldn’t pinpoint. “Oh. You can have it—” He paused, paw reaching out to draw it closer to him, paw patting it for any visible dirt, brows knitting in concentration. “You can have it.” He repeated, sure. “Talk. Yes.” He added, nodding hesitantly. He wasn’t hungry.

His helm tilted, ears swerving in thought. “My father is a rat.” He spoke so suddenly, out of the blue for something so serious. Not that he realized it. His father was a rat, figuratively speaking, Dawnstorm didn’t see it any different, staring at him from afar, promising pain and hard truths that made his skin crawl. Oh. He blinked, humming softly. “I don’t—” He began startled by Swiftfire’s need to defend because he was one too, wasn’t he? A rat. He’d been compared to worse. A rat wasn’t so bad, was it?

Bi-colored hues flickered to Robinpaw. “Different.” He responded, brows creasing. She had been a RiverClanner before. She had no control over that and she did the only thing she could do. Dawnstorm’s situation was different. The Ripply Colony situation was different. Robinpaw didn’t witness murder. She didn’t witness the crimson ichor splatter on the snow. She didn’t reach out to defend Sasha and Deacon, even if he hadn’t raised a paw to Smokestar or Lichentail. He still … He wasn’t … Frustration curled at his inability to think, no less speak what he wanted to get out, coming in a clipped speech pattern that made no sense. “It’s alright, Tidesong.” He mumbled, ears flat against his helm.

His gaze brightened at Hazecloud’s presence. A friend, although he hadn’t admitted it out loud, but he liked to think she saw him as a friend too. His heart ached, mismatched hues shifting elsewhere at the statement. I am not one of you. He wanted to say. He would never be. “Different opinions.” He added, glancing toward the apprentice. He had been compared to a WindClanner, and the accusation hadn’t felt all too well, and being compared to a rogue wouldn’t either, he assumed.

Oh. His gaze widened in surprise, maw parting. Could he? He frowned, expression doubtful, not for Hazecloud or well—Dawnstorm winced. He was there when it happened. Didn’t that speak for itself? “I–” He paused. “Yes.”
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