camp TALES OF THE HARE CATCHERS || storytelling

Jan 5, 2023




New-leaf meant that starvation had become a thing of the past. The windswept fields were flourishing with prey. Hares, fat from their own newly found meals, were big enough to put up dangerous fights, yet if killed, could feed several adult cats; a worthy prize. Having just returned from a hunting patrol, Tigerfrost is helping a few of his clan-mates carry one such carcass into camp, along with a few other smaller meals to be distributed. Field mice, a robin, and even a lizard, which had been caught sunning itself on a jutting rock.

As the patrol makes their way into the hollow, heads turn to greet them, and marvel at the successful catch that the group hauls with them. Tigerfrost and a couple of others decide to share the hare with anyone else who seemed interested, and take up a spot in the shade. With so much tension in the air, it was nice to see a bit of happiness in the faces of those who now chattered and shared tongues. Tigerfrost takes a moment to clean his dust covered paws, and catch his breath. When he feels he's recovered enough to begin eating, he speaks to those nearby, "I don't suppose any of you have some good stories from your past to share? No doubt we've all lived interesting lives, even before the formation of WindClan." He mews, interested in getting to know his clan-mates a bit better.
Even in the confines of their camp, Sunstride has never felt so at peace in the moorlands. He has not known a newleaf like this one before, yet settles into it easily with time. The chattering of his clanmates and the meals that they share. The great hares that come to their prey pile every few moon-cycles remind him of the hunts he had once taken part of, so long ago. Though these beasts were not so simple as to lumber along, wild-eyed and fearful of each muscle's twitch, it is no less a delight to take part in. It has made him cheerful now, his eyes as bright as a kitten's as they settle around their recent catch. The lead warrior digs in cheerfully, yet does not take more than his share. By the time that Tigerfrost has finished with his paws, Sunstride is already pushing the beast his way. He laughs through the chewing of his last bite.

"For being the one who asks, Tigerfrost, I know far too little of you." Perhaps it was that he was not born here, or perhaps the warrior was simply so greatly withdrawn. Still, it is a point well made in his mind. He dips his head, mirthful warmth abound. "Why don't you begin? I have shared tales of my hunts at times, and I will again– but they must begin to bore, at some point. Yours are far fresher on the ears."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Vulturemask had not joined the rest no, he had just had the unfortunately luck to have picked one of the shade spots not all that far away from Tigerfrost and his group as the medicine cat had been trying to rest alone not wishing for company. Never had he felt the camp to be so small and crowded before, not until he was trapped here just like a kit unable to escape from his clanmates unbearable company. Tch. Vulturemask might have decided to ignore them all or simply move himself to some other more isolated spot in camp before the next would decide to ruin his day. Only problem was that there was not many spots left in camp for him to be if he wanted to be left alone.

" No i dont." he suddenly spoke up from his isolated spot a bit away whilst his head contunie to rest upon his own paws with both of his eyes held close. There was no sign of him showing interest to share anything about himself to his clanmates. He simply wasn't interested to get to know any of them. However, there seemed to be a slight change of behavior as he opend one of his eyes to cast a side glance over at Tigerfrost. " Unless you want me to tell everyone how I bit your tail all this months ago... " There was a glimt of humour glowing faintly in his eye, a rare moment for their medicine cat to show that he actually knew how to socialize but that was only because Tigerfrost was here.

Sunstride on the other hand seemed interested to get to know more about their coworker though. Vulturemask wonderd how willing they would be to share their lifestory to all of them, a former rogue nonetheless.

For such a young kitten, Juniperkit isn't quite as boisterous as one might expect. Though the world is still just as shiny and bright and new as it would be for any child his age, the young tomkit tends to absorb everything in quiet contemplation. When he isn't snuggled up with Spiderbloom or being harassed by his siblings, he enjoys following around his clanmates. Especially the masculine warriors like Tigerfrost and Sunstride. They remind him of his father. Well, they remind him of what he imagines his father must have been like: proud, strong, and confidant. Capable of anything. Of protecting their territory and giving their lives for their clanmates. Juniperkit wants to be just like them. As for Vulturemask...well...the kid doesn't know what to think of him. When he spots the tomcats gathered together, Juniperkit wanders over with a confident stride. Bright yellow-green eyes shine with interest as takes a seat beside Sunstride, curling up at the tom's side in an open display of affection. "Have you been in lots of battles?" he asks Tigerfrost curiously. He likes to imagine himself running into battle with his clanmates. It's probably super awesome.​
Hazel eyes bright with interest track each of his clanmates’ movements, a small sigh leaving a chest that’s light, for once, not heavy with the weight of every problem that the world may throw at him. The past few days have been hard, marked by exhaustion and turmoil (and some kind of breakdown, he thinks?) but things are finally beginning to look up once again. He sits amongst his clanmates, warm despite being sat a safe distance away from all others, and a smile even teases at his tired muzzle.

He’s drawn in by Tigerfrost’s question and Sunstride’s follow-up, eyes narrowing with interest. He doesn’t have a story of his own to share, especially not one from before the time of WindClan—all that flashes across his mind is red, the iron taste of blood, and terrible fear-scent. He watches Juniperkit curl into Sunstride’s flank, and something within his stomach twists. It’s a nice sight, his little cousin getting some sort of comfort from the older cats of the clan despite Juniperfrost’s absence.

"Yeah, why don’t you tell us a story?" He asks good-naturedly, the grin that splits his muzzle facetious. He is terribly interested, though, to hear anything that the lead warrior might decide to speak about. The dark tomcat has lived a much longer life than Gravelsnap—he’s practically clawing at the elders’ den—so he’s surely got a ton of good life stories.




Flaming eyes shift to Sunstride, and Tigerfrost is not so sure he has anything of particular interest to share. His past was one shared by many in WindClan, though the former rogue would not know of such things. Pupils flicker toward Vulturemask at the medicine cat's humored jest, and while Tigerfrost is not an expressive tom when it comes to humor, he does offer the other a flick of his ear in an amused acknowledgment.

Toward Juniperkit, he nods. The dusty hued tabby had certainly been in a great deal of battles, but such was the life of a warrior. Combat was an expected part of that sort of life. Gravelsnap seems interested to hear from the Lead Warrior as well, and he hopes they don't expect anything too interesting.

"Before the clans were formed, there were two large groups of cats, The Marsh Group, and The Pine Group. Both groups had tensions with the other, especially in the moons leading up to the Great Battle. I lived in The Marsh Group, what is now called ShadowClan. Make no mistake, though. ShadowClan is merely an echo of what that group used to be." He points out bitterly. Whether it was from territory loss or frail leadership, ShadowClan was certainly the weakest of the five groups now. "Sootstar and I grew up together. In fact, Sootstar taught me a great deal in how to fight larger opponents. I would not be as skilled in battle as I am now without her guidance." He admits, thinking back on how he used to struggle in brawls against Jaggedoak.

"I supported the growing war against The Pine Group. Both of the groups were getting much too large, and territory was certainly an issue. Many cats were hurt in the skirmishes that took place within the forest that stretched between those two groups. I was there during The Great Battle, where I was scarred across my face by an opponent. My father passed away from wounds sustained in that warfare, but he died a noble death." The Lead Warrior goes on with a flick of his tail. No doubt that old tom was running with the stars, now.

"When the spirits of those lost appeared before the cats still fighting for their lives, I was there to witness it with my own eyes. Figures like frost, and paws that left starlight glistening upon the grass. It was an awe-inspiring scene. StarClan had been formed by the bloody casualties of war. Those killed in the battle were seen by all once again. After that, the five clans were formed, and the territories split between them. I joined Sootstar in WindClan, and as I am sure each of you know, the stars granted our leaders nine lives, in which to serve their clan." Tigerfrost shrugs a bit. He hadn't seen that part of things, as he had not been meant to.

"Some queens will tell stories of lions, tigers, and leopards. But I know what actually happened to form the five clans, because I was there." He states matter-of-factly. There were no questions within his mind, no doubts as to the validity of StarClan themselves. With a curl of his tail against the dusty earth, Tigerfrost moves to tear some of the hare free for himself, awaiting any reactions, questions, or stories from the other WindClanners present.
  • Love
Reactions: SUNSTAR


It felt like he couldn't get any true rest recently. He had been trusted with an important task along with his lead warrior, Wolfsong, and he had made sure he wasn't slacking in that regard. Although, because of the growing tension between the clans and the ever present threat of overhead attacks from predators, the tom found himself unable to relax fully, even when not at the Rock. It was the same now, Jaggedoak wanting to keep his eyes close yet every sound and shadow made him peek them open with a skipped beat of his heart.

It put him in a sour mood, less likely to socialize, nor speak his part. His brain was rolling on other things. That didn't stop him from listening in though, the sounds of well fed clanmates always helping to lighten the headache that was being caused by his constant worrying. When a group of warriors and kits started to gather not far from his divit to discuss tales and woes, his one good ear was turned in their direction. He didn't move otherwise, attempting to doze off while he listened.

At least, that was his plan until the familiar voice of Tigerfrost started telling stories of the old days. Lazily he peeked one copper eye open, looking towards the dark shaded tabby before his continued words of the past coaxed him into a more prominent loaf position. He couldn't help but crack a smile at the memories he spoke of, having been there himself. When he started to move on to the end of his story, the tabby couldn't help but raise onto all fours to move closer to the group. Something about speaking of the past and how far the colonies have come in so short of time, made him want to join in.

Sounds crazy when you hear it, right? But he speaks the truth, a quality I've always found respectful among the marsh colony. ❞ The large tom looked over at Tigerfrost with a small (albeit slightly forced) smile, giving him a dip of his head in greeting before settling down in a sit amongst the group. ❝ The Great Battle was bloody and chaotic. A whirlwind of claws and fur. If you didn't have the honor to join Starclan that night, I garuntee you walked out of it with an injury to call your own. ❞ There wasn't a touch of toxin in his words, looking back on the war like a fond memory. A tale to last the ages.

Just like Tigerfrost, I was given a scar to carry. ❞ A large paw came up, pressing into his chest to separate the fur and show off the horizontal slash. A slight wince was given, the area still sensitive from being torn open by that orange bitch of a Riverclanner. ❝ It was reopened recently in the raid against Riverclan, sullied by that stubborn fish eater. ❞ A small growl was given before he looked back at the others in the group and let his paw drop to the ground. ❝ The original warrior was brave for their size and confident in their abilities. They had went to slash my throat, but I was to tall for his claws to reach. I made sure to give him an honorable and quick death, where he went on to walk with Starclan forever.

Copper eyes looked to the sky, watching as the bright blue had faded to the dusk of the night sky. Small pinpricks of stars were starting to shine through the dying light. ❝ Im sure everyone who passed that night are listening to us talk about them. We must make sure their memories and honorable deaths don't fade over time. After all, what sounds better? Fantastical tales of cats to big for the forest, or a tale of war and passion where even your own blood pulled at the strings of fate~?! ❞ His voice grew passionate and he looked at the others gathered with a bright, knowing grin on his muzzle. ❝ I think I prefer the truth, right, Tigerfrost? ❞ Jaggedoak turned his gaze to the lead warrior, allowing him to take the mantle of story teller back, if he so wished.
⊱ ♞ ⊰