‘your leg is healing Starlingpaw you have to take it easy’ the adults assured her over and over again that things would be alright, her leg would heal and she would return to her apprentice duties, she would get to train by Granitepaws side once again. She finds herself missing her friends. Not just the gray and white furred tom but other cats too like Ghostpaw. She misses sleeping with them and her siblings, but she supposed that getting to spend time with her aunt wasn’t all bad. Besides, cats were kind to her, despite her thoughts that whispered that they all thought her dense, incapable of caring for herself. They brought her prey, spoke to her in kind words. Checked in on her. She appreciated it but she could not get rid of that nagging voice in the back of her head that repeated they hate you they hate you they hate you over and over again.

She lets out a loud sigh as she looks to the entrance of the den, her stomach letting out a rumble. For a moment she contemplates getting up and leaving to see if anything good was on the prey pile but that would mean leaving the safety of her nest. Perhaps when Bonejaw returned she could ask her to get something…

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He waits until he sees Bonejaw leaves the den, then the camp. He assumes she's out to collect herbs to replace the ones she shredded, though he neither knows nor cares as long as she's gone. The gray apprentices casts a watchful eye over those remaining in camp. After a moment, he's satisfied. He plucks a snipe from the nest before hovering just outside the entrance to Bonejaw's den.

"H'ng'y?" His voice is muffled by feathers. He can see how bright the white of her chest fur shines even in the cold gloom. Granitepaw carefully sets the bird in front of Starlingpaw, eyeing her warily. "Are you feeling any better? I can't stand training with Pitchstar without you. He's so much worse when you aren't there." He flicks an ear, then realizes his mistake. Voicing his opinion on Starlingpaw's brother out loud likely wouldn't go over well. "No offense. He's... fine. I just miss training with you... I guess." He glances away from her, eyeing the empty nests in Bonejaw's den. "Been bored in here?"

There are numerous reasons he does not like being in Bonejaw's den, and nine out of ten of those reasons are Bonejaw herself, but there's also something faint here, that lingering smell of sickness that is no doubt all in his head. Sparkkit had spent so much of their time in here, and for what? Just to end up dead anyway.

Just as quickly as the thought of hunger is in her head, he is there. When Granitepaw walks in her heart flutters in her chest. She feels a weird mix of happiness and gratitude as well as some other feeling she does not quite understand when she sees him. She knows that he is not a fan of her aunt, but still he had risked running into her to come to see her, to bring her food. How was it that he always seemed to know just what she needed? Starlingpaw smiles up at him brightly as he enters the den. "S-st-starving" she admonishes, nodding her head. "You wa-want to uhm y-you want t-to to sh-share?" Her stutter is lessened slightly when only in his presence, her mind clear of thoughts of secret loathing and hatred. She knows Granitepaw is her friend, it was easy to feel at ease when he was around. "It's- i-it's not the uhm i-its n-no-nooot the m-most ex-ex-eeexciting place t-to be" she admits with a small shrug. "I miss y-you too" she says softly, her voice quiet "Yo-yo-you'll ju-juuust have to-to h-hel-help me help me catch u-u-up when I-Im b-b-b-better" she feels a faint tug of excitement at that idea. How fun would it be for him to show her what she missed? Just them two. As much as she loved her brother, his training methods could be a little... extreme...

She watches the way her friend looks around at the medicine cats den, his expression sad and bothered and it slaps her in the face so suddenly. Sparkkit. He was probably thinking of his sibling, the one who had passed away when they had been children. She did not blame him for not wanting to be here. Sparkkit had spent much of their life in this den. "D-d-do you w-w-want to uh do you want to eat th-this out-ou-outside?" she asks, gesturing with her head to the mouth of the den. "Its a n-nice day, I c-c-could use a lit-little su-sun-sunshine" A lie of course, the last thing she wanted was to go outside and see her fellow clan-mates, their pitying looks, and fantasize about how much they resented her for putting herself and Granitepaw in danger, but for him, she would do it.