camp TALK TOUGH || apprentice only gossip


He hadn't been there when Smokestar had returned from High Stones, but the new spread fast, and the announcements at the latest clan meeting only deepened Nettlepaw's dislike for their neighboring clan. How could WindClan expect to get away with such a thing? It wasn't fair that they had access to the Moonstone. What would happen if leaders could no longer get their nine lives? Medicine cats could no longer go to their... weird, secret club meetings? Quite frankly, Nettlepaw doesn't have the best relationship with StarClan. Not since his mother passed to Yellowcough. But that didn't mean he supported WindClan's blockade either. They had no right to claim such a sacred place. Not only that, but he's heard of the rogue carcasses polluting RiverClan's river. No doubt WindClan's doing as well.

"WindClan is ruining the whole forest." Nettlepaw complains. It's evening, the stars and moon glowing overhead, and he's tucked into the apprentice's den with the rest of his trainees. Nettlepaw can't sleep, though. Not after recent events. He wonders if he's the only apprentice having trouble or not. "I don't get why we can't just band together with the other clans, and chase them out! I mean, we can't even fish without tasting blood in our own river." He sounds bitter because he is. Nettlepaw huffs. "And now they've claimed Highstones. When is it going to stop? They don't even deserve to be here anymore. They just act like rogues, so we should chase them out like rogues!" It was sound enough logic to the young tom. Perhaps the other apprentices would agree?

((just a gossip thread for apprentices in the apprentice den.))
And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​
Swanpaw feigned ignorance the best he could. If he didn't, well he's not sure what he'd do. There's comfort in familiarity, and familiarity to the tom is his thoughts and nothing more. In his mind, the clans were at peace, and all was right with the world. That's not reality though, Smokestar's recollection of WindClan's actions. A harsh reminder that dreams would never be reality. Surely there's a reason they lay claims on the holy ground, but to excuse their actions was to go against RiverClan itself. So he shuts himself up and pushes it aside.

He can't keep it at paws length for very long though. Nettlepaw's complaints fill the den and make Swanpaw frown strongly. Each statement worse then the next, until he can't take it.
"T-That's awful!" He cries out, ears pinned back. "Bad or.. or not, we'd be just as bad! Just as bad as the rogues that chased us out!" His heart aches and he tucks his paws closer to himself.

"Hold me" is repeatedly given​
  • ooc -
  • info -
    Swanpw riverclan apprentice he/him bisexual npc x npc sibling of bubblepaw penned by catburger

-ˋˏ ˎˊ- the apprentice den was heated with debate, carawaypaw sat idly in her next listening. nettlepaw had good points, as much as she hated to admit. windclan was out of line, attacking smokestar, claiming highstones, it wasn't right.

black ears twitch discontently at swanpaw's rebuttal. comparing riverclan to the rogues, even in a theoretical sense, had her fur bristling. "we'd never just as bad as the rogues." her statement was firm, absolute, leaving no room for dissonance. "windclanners are bullies, don't care for anything except their own tails. are we just supposed to sit here until they eventually drive us out of our own home because we're too scared?"

the forest would be better with them gone, carawaypaw can hardly believe swanpaw doesn't see that.

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Cicadapaw, as a rule, is not terribly given to socialization with his peers. He's painfully aware of exactly how unsightly he is, what with his bug eyes and ears that hang like rotten moss. He's painfully aware of how unsociable he is, what with his dead tone and penchant for starting fights. He spends his days as Iciclefang's shadow, and when he speaks, it's mostly to her. At dusk, when cats lie in lazy sprawls to wash each other's fur and decorate it with perfumed flowers, he trudges to the edges of camp to stare into the water, fur tangled and smelling of smoke and still water. And when night finally falls, he retreats to his nest alone and falls into troubled sleep.

However, WindClan's latest sins are a difficult topic for even him to resist discussing. He's in his nest, a sprawl of tangled limbs, waiting for the nightmares to come with the sleep. Nettlepaw's complaints are, for once, a welcome disruption. His case for WindClan to be chased out like the rogues they basically are is a compelling one, but Swanpaw is quick to strongly dismiss it. Cicadapaw flicks one heavy ear lazily; he can't say the gray tabby's argument is a terribly good one. Bad or... or not!

"We should kill them all," he offers in a rasping drawl blurred by sleep. Forget about chasing them out. For Cicadapaw, death is the better fate for the cats who had nearly taken all he had left away from him. It's a selfish motivation—who cares if the medicine cats can get to their little meetings?—but it's a genuine one. An eye for an eye; the life of his father (or nearly so) for the lives of the WindClanners. His voice is flat and dispassionate. "Make them know what happens when they attack Smokestar. Make them pay for it."


  • 5mGwJgx.png
    cicadapaw ; apprentice of riverclan
    x. he/him ; 5 moons ; tags
    x. unsightly black-and-white tom with heterochromatic amber and blue eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. son of smokestar and cicadastar ; brother to beepaw and starlightpaw. apprenticed to iciclefang.



He glares at Swanpaw through sightless eyes that glimmer with frost. Before he can respond, though, Carawaypaw butts in. To Nettlepaw's surprise, she actually agrees with him for once. That only serves to deepen Nettlepaw's dislike toward WindClan. Cicadapaw offers a far darker option, killing their neighbors as opposed to chasing them out. Nettlepaw is known for having a cold shoulder and an icy heart, but he's not so sure he likes the idea of a slaughter. WindClanners killed while chasing the rest out was one thing, but purposefully butchering the entire clan? He flicks his tail back and forth with silent, broody consideration.

"They've turned their backs on StarClan. They're basically just rogues calling themselves a clan. Ridding the forest of them would be no different from ridding the forest of the rogues that chased us out." Nettlepaw points out, blind eyes flicking back toward Swanpaw pointedly. Nettlepaw purposefully avoids specifying his thoughts on slaughter, merely stating his vague comment on ridding the forest, as he had. "Besides, I think we all know, without a doubt, that if WindClan ever got the chance to chase us out of the forest and claim our territory, they'd do it without a second thought." In other words... could RiverClan really afford to live next to such a looming threat?
FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET Beepaw slips into the apprentice den noticing that there were a few others and had caught onto their conversation due to curiosity and her bicolored form makes its way to Cicadapaw where she sits near her brother giving him a soft nudge of her snowy paw before focusing her mismatched gaze onto the apprentices that were currently present. Swanpaw saying that they wouldn't be better than the rogues that chased them out from their homes, the fur along her body bristling in the slightest, and she speaks with a shake of her head "Windclan has been nothing but a thorn on every clans side and the fact that they attempt to take away our only way to communicate with Starclan and nearly took away Smokestar even after we aided them against the rogues. They're not to be trusted, they are deceitful snakes. They are no better than rogues, their very actions similar to that of them." Her pupils narrowing into dangerous slits as her bottlebrush tail lashes briefly only to wrap around her paws neatly, she holds not pity to Windclan and if there was any chance they got chased out of their home once more then Beepaw would rather drown the lot of them just as she had with that one rogue than ever give them refuge.

Nettlepaw's next words make her large ears twitch and she answers "Windclan would be stupid to try coming onto our land. If they did then they'd meet a watery fate. Out of all clans that is our advantage, whereas a Windclanner would flail helplessly in the river, we can swim without a struggle." Beepaw, unlike the blind tom, can silently agree with Cicadapaw's opinion of simply slaughtering the other clan though does not voice it. If there had to be death and bloodshed for victory over Windclan then she would do it for her clan alone, she'd give her life to Riverclan and her kin. Her claws flex underneath her tail, hidden from the eyes of her denmates, and the molly sighs quietly not wanting to imagine what would have happened if Smokestar hadn't made it to the Moonstone in time to receive his lives and it's enough to make her insides twist.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 5 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed

Black tipped ears are pulled forward as he listens to the conversation. Knowing he is not too eloquent with words he doesn't say anything for the moment. Though he wishes he were better at speaking. His eyes flick to Swanpaw and he understands but they will never be as bad as rogues themselves. They were heartless murderers that played with them. Killed Cicadastar over and over again to prove a point. His maw twists into something akin to a snarl before he forces himself to relax. The young tom picks his way to settle beside Carawaypaw and he tucks his tail around himself. He does agree with one thing. They should chase Windclan from the forest. After what they did to Smokestar and the news that they claimed Highstones for themselves they are no longer with Starclan. Starclan should cut all communication with those rabbit munchers. Yet he freezes as Cicadapaw talks about killing all of them. His ears pinning back against his skull he shakes his head. That would not be right. They have kits, queens, and elders who can not defend themselves. Even as young as he is he understands that much. Then they truly would be rogues.

His maw parts for a moment as if he might say something before he just suddenly closes his jaws again. He wishes he could force his voice normal. But he guesses they may be able to tell what he is thinking on the topic of Windclan. His heart is not too darkened by the moorclan that he would wish absolute death upon them.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlepaw - tom / 3 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior / mentored by lakemoon

Moonpaw had never really been one to gossip, not really. She enjoyed learning about what was going on around her but had never truly participated in the conversation - or at the very least she had never gotten it started. Today would be no different, ears pricked as she listened to the words that Nettlepaw began to speak to the other apprentices around them, her usual soft hum of slight agreement and just general interest coming soon after. WindClan... that was a conversation she wasn't sure she wanted to get involved in, but for once the white moggie couldn't help herself either.

She had talked to a few WindClanners while they had been in the burnt sycamore - it was hard not to with so many cats surrounding each other - and none of them stood out as cats that would do something so... evil. Though they hadn't talked about StarClan nor their leaders in all honesty, just simple things and playing the part of the friendly neighbor, so maybe it wasn't the WindClanners doing it out of their own thoughts and ideas but rather coming from their higher ups - or from the cats that Sparkspirit had mentioned. From that conversation and from seeing it with her own eyes it seemed as though those that were nicer - those that wouldn't even dream of doing something like this - were far and few between, and they suffered for it. It could only make her wonder what the clans would be like without those cats around the territories - but WindClan would likely be no more.

Stories from when the clans were first formed flicker to Moonpaw's mind and she looks to the others for a moment before maw opened. "As much as we hate them I think we still need them, maybe just less and less with how they're acting now. The older cats told me stories of the clans forming, how they were told all five clans needed to be in the forest, and then how all five needed to be there for the journey to the mountains... maybe WindClan isn't acting like they belong and that should be fixed, but who else would have helped chase those dogs away when our cats were traveling back home with the lungwort?" She didn't agree with the actions of WindClan and it was evident in her tone, but she wouldn't condone killing all of them either, but maybe those who followed their leader so closely in the moorland clan needed to be dealt with, whether it be by death or exile. She could only hope that whatever happened would be for the best of all the clans.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Bubblepaw so despises these sorts of talks. When everyone is so grim and serious, thinking of bad things like war and contemplating politics. The silver tabby sits quietly beside her brother, picking at him every once in awhile to move a hair back into place as she listens idly to the gossip in the apprentice den. There are talks of chasing them out and punishing them in ways Bubblepaw feels should be left up to the discretion of StarClan. Cicadapaw even calls for WindClan's slaughter.

"Our father always said that WindClan is as mad as the hare they chase," Bubblepaw parrots the phrase she's heard not just from her father, but from many RiverClan cats. Though she once held no personal opinion- negative or positive- of the moorish rabbit eating cats to the north, she now understood why it seemed WindClan was regarded in a similar manner to the rouges they'd fought off not so long ago. She frowns though. She isn't sure that the right option is to chase them away- should the whole clan be punished for the crimes of few? Still, Swanpaw seems to agree with her quiet sentiment, so she can't be all wrong.

"Is there not another way?" Bubblepaw speaks as if her audience of apprentices is the council of RiverClan itself "Couldn't we just... Get rid of the bad ones?" But as the words slip out of her mouth, she recalls that she isn't sure she's able to think of any WindClan cats that are good natured. Good things and good news simply do not come of Sootstar and her clan. Bubblepaw glances towards Swanpaw, and she feels pity for his good heart. Heart is something that the siblings certainly share, but it is conveyed in manners so radically different that they are incomparable. Swanpaw is soft and sensitive and Bubblepaw is outspoken and air-headed.

Here, Moonpaw is a voice of reason in a sea of outcry. Though her parents had been less whimsical, teaching about StarClan and the laws of the land rather than tales of the past, she too had heard of the way the clans were formed. She nods quietly. "Couldn't we just be rid of the bad ones?" she reaffirms her sentiment "Surely you don't all think we should displace kits and their mothers? What about the cats who worked with ours to bring home the lungwort like Moonpaw said?"

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