camp talking in my sleep (bird in camp)

The sun was high above the camp, a nice break in the weather compared to the blizzard that had wrecked havoc on them recently. Tired of the stale nursery air, Flamewhisker was stretched out near the nursery, enjoying whatever little warmth the sunlight provided. She would pull her jaws back in a long, relaxed yawn. She watched the apprentices play in the clearing, and she felt a surge of impatience rush through her. She couldn't wait for their children to be here...she couldn't wait to play with them, and watch them dig in the mud, or even throw snow at her. The queen often wondered how many they would have, but she was also excited to not know, and to just let it be a surprise. Part of her wished for three, or maybe even four. Two boys, and two girls would be neat. Although...that also meant more mouths to feed...maybe a smaller litter would be better.

As the red tabby was lost in her thoughts, a bird landed in front of her paws, just out of reach. It chirped at her, almost as if it was teasing her. Flamewhisker's eyes widened, and she through a paw forward, attempting to catch it, but it was too fast. It flew away for a moment, before landing just a little further away. She let out a growl, and lashed her tail. "You're lucky I'm too slow. I'll get you another day." She thought about reaching at it again, or even trying to pounce at it, but she knew there was no use. Perhaps someone else had seen it, someone not as close to popping as she was.

sandpaw was busy with chores. she had just finished bringing the elders some soaked moss, and was quick on her way to the nursery next. almost there, she spotted flamewhisker reaching out after a bird. the queen missed it, but it soon found another spot to lay, luckily it was in her path.

she stalked forward slowly and executed her own pounce, but it was clumsy and fumbled. the bird floated away once more and sandpaw didn't care to see where it went as she realized she had dropped the lead deputy's moss in her attack. "sorry, that was for you," she said with a nervous laugh, "stupid little bird ruined everything. i can get you some more that's not covered in dirt," she added with a grin.
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She had been resting in camp after returning from hunting. Hollow Tree took notice of the bird when it flew away from Flamewhisker. Then watching Sandpaw try to catch it. The warrior didn’t see where the bird went and assumed it finally left. Unless it was cocky enough to stay within reach of a ton of cats. Getting to her paws, she moves over to the expecting queen and her adoptive daughter.

“I think that would be good Sandpaw.” she said, though, part of her thought Flamewhisker may not mind if it was dirty. But it would help keep Sandpaw busy. “The birds are getting careless. Landing in a place like this. But maybe it’s a sign there are more of them to hunt now.” Hollow Tree added.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]