pafp TALKING IN YOUR SLEEP / mudfight


Oct 14, 2023
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER Blazingkit had been walking along the camp with the rest of his littermates with his bottlebrush tail raised and he led the way not really certain of where they would go, he simply wanted to be out and about. He pauses using a paw to sweep a few pine needles before letting out a thoughtful hum and he grinned having the most fantastic, best idea ever pop into his mind "What if... We got a bunch of pine needles and one of us could pretend to be a po-pooooor-poooorcuuu-poooooorcuuui-porcu... Porcupine!" The tabby tomkit says after struggling with pronouncing porcupine and remembers how their parents briefly mentioned it a few times, this weird creature with a bunch of quills on it's back and hurt to touch. He tries to imagine such a being in his mind but his imagination puts together some odd beastie together and he nods matter-of-fact like he has seen a porcupine before in his short time of living "They're big and scary... With a million quills on their body and they have sharp fangs to chew their prey with! And uh... Big gigantic claws!"

He already has a bunch of needles gathered near his large paws and he's focused on his task wondering if he should volunteer himself to be the procupine or if one of his sisters wanted to play the part of the big bad porcupine. His thoughts are interrupted when he feels a fat droplet of water hit the top of his head and Blazingkit leaps to his paws in surprise before whipping his head back and forth to see what had fallen on him. It's when he realizes more droplets fall from the sky and instead of squealing to his sisters to run for cover, his little body fluffed up dramatically as he turns his owl sized eyes to Hawkkit and Wolfkit "Follow me! We must take cover!" He declares with a puff of his chest and flees to the nursery, anyone watching would see a blur of red tabby fur slip into the nursery for cover from the rain.

The scent of rain clings to the air and what seems like an eternity to Blazingkit, really it was just fifteen minutes, the generous downpour ends and all the needles he had spent all morning was scattered or had floated away in little streams. A small paw sticks out of the nursery with pawpads lifted towards the sky as if feeling for any more rain and soon his head pops out from the nursery as he squints at the skies, he silently curses it for ruining his made up game of porcupine. The second born and only son steps out of the nursery until he's in the clearing, his forest green eyes scanning the camp noticing a few puddles and drawing closer only to realize how the ground squished underneath his paws.

Mud! His expression turned into that of joy immediately and he glances mischievously behind his shoulder, a big toothy grin on his maw. If one of his sisters draw near, he manages to grab a pawful of mud and fling it at one of them "MUD FIGHT! Blazingkit cries out and scoops another pawful of mud ready to throw it at anyone else that dared get near.

/ please wait for @Hawkkit and @wolfkit to reply

  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan
Wolfkit likes to do what Blazingkit tells her to do, so today she is patrolling camp with Hawk-kit to protect them all against porcupines. As Blazingkit speaks of the mysterious monsters, Wolfkit pictures them with a perspective even more warped by imagination and story than his; to her, a porcupine is a long, slinking creature, catlike in anatomy but positively bristling with pine needles longer and sharper than she'd ever seen litter the forest floor. Their maws gape and slobber, full of white daggers of teeth; their claws are nearly the size of their bodies, ready to cleave kittens in two at a moment's notice. The thought makes Wolfkit shudder. "I wanna... can I be scary? I wanna be the scary one!" she squeaks, the shiver down her spine making her grin.

Blazingkit starts gathering needles to stick into their fur, so Wolfkit gathers some, too, though they don't get far before their brother calls out in alarm. Follow me! he commands, and the kitten follows, ducking out of the rain alongside their siblings. The nursery is warm around them, and is certainly good protection from the cold and damp outside, but their chest falls at the thought of no more porcupine, especially after they'd spent so long gathering all those pine needles. They wanted to be a big scary monster! It sounded so cool! Wolfkit watches the rain with wide yellow eyes until it stops coming down in such a sheet, and all that they're left with is the evidence of rain.

The smell is tangy but deep with earth, as if the rain had woken up the very ground to assert its dominion over them all. Wolfkit is not immediately drawn out; only when Blazingkit exits the nursery with a delighted squeal does she realize her desire to join him. MUD FIGHT! he yowls, and Wolfkit's ears perk with her own excitement. She'd been born into mud, whether her parents liked it or not, and feeling it squish between her toes again was a form of comfort she'd been missing ever since they'd moved to new-home. Wolfkit tears out after her brother, her long cream-hued limbs instantly dyed brown by the drenched earth, and aims to bowl Blazingkit over no matter the consequences. "I'm gonna win!" the kitten cheers, tail flagging wildly behind them.

  • 72111278_0Dicsw9wHLezqWU.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi & reference by me
    — penned by meghan