camp TALKING TO THE MOON | return + gathering patrol


Fireflyglow rushes through the camp's entrance, head swinging wildly as harsh, wheezing breaths leaves the heavyset tom. He is searching for a particular scent, a particular person. Someone he can trust, someone who would act quickly without much hesitance. His nose twitching as he inhales the scents around camp. The recent rain had left the scents more dull than usual.

"Someone bring me Figfeather! Right now-" A warrior tries to calm him, and Fireflyglow's fur along his spine rises. "NO! Get Figfeather right now, tell her to form a patrol of those she trusts, those good with tracking!" Fireflyglow rushes out, panic settling in his bones. He doesn't need the whole Clan to track down something that might just be a regular dream, but something doesn't feel right. He wants to throw up. No, no..

"Quickly! I'll explain on the way there!"

// Feel free to have your character react, though the patrol has already been pre-chosen! Dated to before the clan meeting!​
  • Sad
Reactions: Thorny
He couldn't help but worry as Fireflyglow had gone to the moonstone, and though he wasn't alone - he had Greeneyes with him - Daisypaw had still felt as though he had gone alone. There was no Dawnglare by his side, no bicolored tom to move alongside the blind medicine cat, and as the moon rose higher into the sky and more and more time passed with no sign of the older medicine cat that fear gnawed at his stomach more and more. Had Dawnglare meant it when he said he wished they would all die? That he was leaving the clan? It couldn't have been true, the blue apprentice didn't believe it. Still that thought wormed it's way into his head and he stared with ears pricked towards the entrance, begging himself to not fall asleep where he sat.

It would be hard to fall asleep now that the voice of the medicine cat, panicked and rushed, burst through the camp entrance. "Figfeather! Fireflyglow needs you, he said he wanted a patrol with trackers." It came out rushed as soon as he'd grabbed the attention of his mentor, eyes glancing back to the larger medicine cat before he moved forward once more, and though he knew it wasn't guaranteed that he would be allowed to go he waited near the older feline so that if Figfeather were to allow it he would be ready. Figfeather would gather the best... he just knew it, and though he wanted to ask what for - or rather who for - he couldn't help that sinking feeling within his stomach once more.

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  • DAISYPAW ♡ he/him / apprentice of SkyClan

    ♡ born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    ♡ adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    ♡ brother to Weedpaw, Fluffypaw, and Budkit
    ♡ mentored by Figfeather
    ♡ speaks in #708abb
    ♡ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ♡ penned by tikki


Figfeather would have had to be deaf in both ears to not hear Fireflyglow's shouting. It was this, combined with Daisypaw's quick beckoning, that caused her to rise from her nest she napped in, bits of moss still clinging to her fur as she groggily hurried out. She had not the faintest idea why she specifically was being called, and before she could even think about a patrol, she looked to her medicine cat and brother to see if anyone had laid them harm. It was only when she witnessed them both unscathed that she began to look around frantically for warriors.

"Uh... okay... @edenberry ?! ... are they here? I need Edenberry, @spicepurr , and @DOEBLAZE . @Howlfire , too." Figfeather yowls, praying to StarClan that all of them were in camp to hear her call. Figfeather can practically feel the blue eyes of her apprentice burning into her and to him, he nods. "Let's go."

Her paws make for Fireflyglow prepared to follow him wherever he intended to lead her.
Perhaps it was good fortune... or bad luck... that saw both Edenberry and Spicepurr in the same space but held at a distance. They search for her in the corners of their glances, wanting to acknowledge her and reassure her of their loving presence... but it is always met with inattentive glance and eager escape. It seemed that she couldn't continue to avoid them, as Figfeather's cry rings through the camp's clearing, a mandatory summoning followed by Fireflyglow's bellowing.

What has shaken the medicine cat so deeply that he begs for aid? They are flattered, of course, to be considered someone worthy of tracking down a scent to its end (they had tried and watched as the sands of Honeysplash's scent slipped between their paws) but... the concern now becomes who are they tracking?

They move with limbs agitated by purpose, casting anxious glances to the she-cats that crowd around to join the patrol, as if asking them to explain what they cannot decipher... Surely one of them must have a guess? Their stomach rolls uncomfortably, growing pained by anxious gnawing. "I'm here," they mew, glancing between lead warrior and anguish masked healer, "Who are we tracking? Is someone lost?" Curiosity begs questions that will be answered in time, impatient and hungry for knowledge as if it might prepare them for what they may find at the end of this trail.

  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 17 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
Wow, Fireflyglow's a mess, is the first uncharitable thought that comes to mind. Cherryblossom slinks out of the warriors' den, smoothing down her fur with quick, practiced strokes of the tongue as she walks. The former medicine cat apprentice insists on urgency, that he'll explain on the way there, like he has any breath left to spare on words. A frown, not concerned but doubtful, dips onto her jaw. "Is this not, like, an Orangestar problem too?" Her mother was getting pretty round these days... maybe it was best not to bother her.

Daisypaw darts off in search of his mentor, white tail streaming in the night like a flag. The tall molly is on his heels almost instantly, names flying through her teeth like stray feathers. Edenberry? Spicepurr? Cherryblossom isn't too upset at not being recruited—she's hardly known for her tracking abilities—it's more the mention of two daylight warriors that surprises her. "You're still here?" she murmurs, coming up besides the ink-lined cat she pads after. Whatever. "Stay safe." The calico brushes her muzzle against their unscarred cheek, sunshine hues lingering on the bramble void behind Fireflyglow. "This looks... serious." Dawnglare has to be at the root of this somehow. She leaves Edenberry with an expectant look: "Tell me all about it when you get back."
Perhaps it is the chaos from the day before that stills kittypet paws to remain sentry in camp. The shouting that Spicepurr had only been privy to after, the claims, the borderline threats - to be frank, she's glad she wasn't here to see it herself. While she hadn't had a close relationship with Dawnglare or his partner (or anyone really, due to her own false tales and distance,) it likely still would've been a terrible beast to experience.

She's tired from staying awake but she continues to monitor the quiet camp, tail lazily twitching behind her. The quiet is swiftly broken by thrumming paws, and then shouting - Fireflyglow, she recognizes instantly, Greeneyes beside him, though his maw is clicked shut. Shouting, almost yelping really, and soon Figfeather is drawn out. She's barking names (herself and her sibling among them) and Spicepurr dutifully stands and makes her way closer, dull eyes narrowing with the lingering surprise and confusion.

She assumes placement near Edenberry, setting down her own childish peeves with the other for this occasion... until Cherryblossom eeks through and murmurs a, "Stay safe," to her partner. Spicepurr feels her jaw tense and hurt almost immediately, and though her gaze flicks away in a second, she keeps her mannerisms purposeful as she turns her head and shifts a step away. Figfeather signals and Spicepurr takes the short reprieve, being among the first to follow quickly.

You would have been hard-pressed not to have heard Fireflyglow's yelling upon his frantic return. Even before she was summoned onto the patrol by Figfeather, Howlfire was approaching, lured over by her elder littermate's panic. It is so unlike him to be like this that she knows something must have happened to rattle him so. Was it a vision? Something the other medicine cats might have said? It seems they wouldn't be getting an answer any time soon at least, as Fireflyglow tells them he'll explain on the way.

Howlfire falls in line alongside the other cats Figfeather has gathered: Edenberry, Doeblaze, and Spicepurr. All good and capable cats. Howlfire considers ordering Ghostpaw to follow but decides to let her apprentice stay back, not knowing if there were potential dangers ahead. "Lead on, Fi," She mewed softly.
" I'm here. " Doeblaze materializes at Figfeather's call, the pinfeathers of her quick meal—a robin—still clinging to her jaws, hastily scrubbed off with one forepaw as she shifted on the other. A bright orange quill flutters to the ground as her eye rapidly scans the scene quickly forming. She would have had to be damn near deaf as well as half-blind not to catch wind of Figfeather's yowling. It's lucky she was in camp for once, she ponders at the back of her mind—behind other, less pressing trains of thought.

" Is he— " okay? She snaps her jaws shut before she can finish her sentence, but Fireflyglow's laboring breaths and frantic shouts promise nothing good. Speed is rapidly becoming of the essence, so she brushes wordlessly past Cherryblossom to join the other hastily summoned members of their impromptu patrol. A scan of faces—Edenberry, Spicepurr, Howlfire, even Figfeather—reveals no new information to be gleaned. In his haste, Fireflyglow seems intent on leaving them in the dark until they're moving. A capable patrol, if quickly gathered, with a pawful of good noses to boot.

She stands restless with the others, her paws thrumming with rapidly summoned energy as she waits for Fireflyglow's direction.



How many red flags could a cat come barging into camp with? Quillstrike stiffened as a disheveled and panicked looking Fireflyglow made their appearance, snapping at a warrior to bring them Figfeather. He stood, mismatched eyes narrowing on the medicine cat with curiosity and fast growing suspicion. Something was clearly wrong, and it left Quillstrikes paws itching to remedy it. Wrongness meant danger, and danger meant something threatening his clan.

”Agreed.” he replied as Cherryblossom spoke, ”At least tell the rest of us where you're going so we know how to bail you out if something goes wrong- or in case Orangestar wants to know where her cats are.” the chimera spoke as he accompanied the group toward the camp's exit, the words aimed at Fireflyglow, who was the only one with any idea of what was going on.

skyclan - male - 30 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Just as he expected, Figfeather had put together a decent patrol of cats and others had begun to question his intentions behind asking her to do so. Fireflyglow stiffened at the questions.

"I received a vision." He admitted with a grimace. "At the moonstone. I saw Dawnglare, just barely- he told me.. to come find him. All I have are sounds, but I can only guess it is twolegplace that he ventured off to." Hopefully they could figure out the rest, the reason why he was so worried. There was so much left undiscovered about the powers medicine cats wielded. It could just be Dawnglare using his dreams to torture him, or Dawnglare could be dead. He didn't want to think about the latter, though.

Turning on his heel, Fireflyglow leans in and gently headbutts his mate affectionately. "I will return to you." He says softly, "I love you, Minty." He whispers, pressing his forehead to the tom's own in deep appreciation for the tom. Then, he rushed out of camp- expecting the patrol to follow on his heels. His dark tail disappears like a shadow in the night, leaving behind remnants of mint-scent and pine.

// out!​
His spirit is one beckoned toward commotion. Though, with the frenzy Fireflyglow meets them all with, he could not attribute such an instance to this sixth sense. Patrons crowd despite the hour. A patrol is summoned with franticness, to be headed by Figfeather. The apprentice's face is alight with surprise. What could have possibly spearheaded such a thing, straight from the moonstone? The answer is clear in mind. Conversing with the stars, and then... panic in their name. He is designated onlooker ( And he stamps down his frustration, at this... ) Made to be another amongst murmurers, then, the beginnings of a question flows unsteady from his tongue. " StarClan- have they spoken? " reverie touched. Had it been Blazestar? The kin between them, delivering something grave—

Suspicions made into truth. ( Candorpaw feels a fleeting moment of glee, despite the circumstance, glad at his own correctness... ) Up and away it flies, though, chased away by the remaining of their noble world. The Moonstone... Could it be a vehicle for more than the dead?

Confusion brings his pointed face to a furrow. He is no Medicine Cat. Were he to follow in the steps of his father, he would likely understand this little more than he did now. A mighty head would swing toward its clanmates, wondering their thoughts trailed just the same way... To find him, that implied life, did it not?

But he is certainly in danger, isn't he, if he requested a rescue by Fireflyglow's paw. He has questions, nearly asks if all Medicine Cat's had such a power, or only him... but the urgency of it all rings clear to him. Encouragement, then. His brother needed not the bogging down by questions. " Let- Let your noses be keen. Your paws swift! " They are already leaving as he says it. Perhaps an instinct left over, he casts a glance to Cherryblossom.