private TALL AS A PALE GREEN TREE ⊹₊° bobbie

❀‿ Bobbie moved like a hummingbird about camp, speaking with the other warriors as she worked on reenforcing the bramble-fern walls of camp. It was like the rogue attack had never happened, she gave instruction and helped out as dutifully as any other Lead Warrior would have. It seemed exhausting.

Of course, by now she had heard the news. Bobbie was pregnant again, and she was going to be a big sister. It was only a matter of time, really, anyone with eyes could see that the two of them were gaga for each other. It did seem quite fast, honestly, but who was she to judge?

(She was happy for them. Really. She was. Like, super happy.)

Still, Lupinepaw was starting to question what the nature of their relationship would look like from now on. Obviously she didn't expect to be treated like a kit—she would hate that—but she wanted to be there, and more importantly she wanted to be helpful to her. Somebody she could talk to about stuff!

Lupinepaw pads over with a mouthful of ferns when she spots Bobbie alone for a second. She sets down the shrubbery and cocks her head to the side with a concerned glint in her eye.
"Mom, you're looking kind of rough," she says, giving the small molly a once-over, "Are you okay? What're you so worried about?"

- Our camp needs strong barriers! Collect supplies and reinforce the fern-and-bramble barrier guarding camp!
  • OOC: @bobbie
  • lupinepaw.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 9mo apprentice of skyclan. padding after falconpaw
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody by pikaihao and chibi by rae
    — penned by eezy
It was giving her a headache. Patching up the walls, dealing out instructions and assignments to the other warriors, the whole damn day really. From experience, Bobbie knew her exhaustion and high-strung anxiety came more than likely from her new pregnancy as well as her innate nervousness, but stars, it didn't make the whole ordeal any less awful. Every second she started making progress on the wall, one of the young warriors would call her over to spell out their duties in detail or, worse yet, need to be taught how to reinforce the barrier so that there wouldn't be paw-sized holes pockmarking it. The threat that lay beyond one cat's incompetence was magnified, the looming weight of a rogue ambush, the teetering possibility that her mate very well might make the mousebrained decision to sacrifice himself for the good of the clan—all of it was riling the tabby up ever more.

So, naturally, when Lupinepaw's innocently concerned questions ricochet off her ears, her brain quickly filters them as not only rather obvious—who couldn't see all the reasons to be worried right now?!—but also a little offensive. What did her daughter mean, looking rough? She was pregnant, for StarClan's sake, she'd had to look kind of rough to bring Lupinepaw into the world at all! And so, unfortunately, her reply isn't her usual sweet-hearted tone but rather a quick, anxious snap accompanied by the soft click of teeth, a nervous habit.

"What do you think?" the tabby mews sharply. "Let's see, there's rogues halfway to invading our camp, it's the middle of leaf-bare, my mouse-brained mate is going to get himself killed, every gossip in the Clan has my name in their mouth, oh, and I'm getting banished to that—that StarClan-forsaken nursery in less than a half-moon!" Bobbie rants, driving her paws angrily into her own bundle of ferns at her paws until they're shredded to useless strips.

It's the pile of worthless, ripped greenery that focuses her attention on the perfectly good supplies she's just torn to bits. Nausea creeps up her throat, bitter dregs of the words left on her tongue, but she can't take them back now. Bobbie levels her gaze with her daughter's, guilt already clawing at her heart. "Lupinepaw, I'm sorry, I just...."

// i'm sorry loopy 😭


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  • Wow
Reactions: pikaihao
❀‿ Lupinepaw played nice.

She tried her best to keep her composure—even around the most obnoxious clanmates—and she only snapped when others tried to embarrass her or passed some high threshold of general transgression. Lupinepaw took pride in the fact that she was likable — she was polite, agreeable, she had a knack for keeping the peace, and she was easy to deal with.

She felt blindsided when Crowpaw seethed and hissed at her back when yellowcough weighed down on upon every breath she took, what had she done to deserve even an ounce of his ire? Absolutely nothing. She'd been nothing but a good sister to him and if he didn't want to appreciate it, it was not her problem to deal with.

Her eyes widen and well up instinctively as Bobbie snaps at her like she's never done before, like she's some buzzing insect in her ear or like she's nothing more than a bratty kitten tugging at her tail and not her grown-up daughter just trying to help her! But she will not cry here, not in front of the entirety of camp in front of literally everybody they knew.

Instead, a frost washed over her, like rose petals and grass blades stiffening in a cold snap. Jade eyes narrowed and long ears twitched backward and she was silent for a second, long enough apparently for Bobbie to realize the ridiculousness of her reaction. She gives a small-voiced apology, but Lupinepaw is already upset.

"It's fine. Sorry I asked." She says, clipped and iced over. So much for being someone to talk to... Lupinepaw didn't know why she tried so hard if everyone was so determined to just push her out and treat her like she was the most annoying cat in the world! She didn't know what was wrong with her.

She avoids her mothers gaze and instead focuses on her ferns, pushing them toward the other with one paw, "You can have these since you ruined all of yours. I'll just go get some more, it's not like I have anything better to do, hm?"

And with that, the apprentice pivots on her heels and strides out of camp without another look back at her mother.

  • OOC: out !!
  • lupinepaw.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 9mo apprentice of skyclan. padding after falconpaw
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody by pikaihao and chibi by rae
    — penned by eezy