tallpines hunting patrol


It was Johnnys first time leading a patrol of any kind, and the patchwork tomcat was determined to see it go well. He'd een waiting for a chance to impress the other Skyclanners, to show that he could handle the work and the respionsability, and Orangeblossom was finally giving it to him.

"Alright, we aren't sure how far traps have been set into the territory, so I don't want anyone ducking into cover- stay out of burrows and places where the brush is thick. If you need to find cover for some reason, take to the trees." he instructed as Tallpine came into view.

He would be damned if Skyclan lost anymore cats on his watch.

"Otherwise, happy hunting!" he said, flashing the patrol a lopsided grin as he signaled for them to spread out egin their hunt. Orangelossom wanted birds, so thats what they'd try and bring back.

@MOMOWHISKER @sheepcurl @GREENEYES @Sootsprite.


Oh, Greenpaw's excited for this patrol!

Though it could very well be his last hunting patrol as an apprentice - a bittersweet realization, as he walks beside Sheepcurl - the task at hand is an exciting one! Catching birds!

The first thing he'd ever caught, the boy has since enjoyed catching them more than other prey. He's been told before, how hard birds are to catch but the freckle-faced apprentice thinks it's actually kind of easy, once you get the hang of it. And it's kind of fun too, chasing after them, if they try to make their escape.

Ears twitch as he listens to Johnny's orders. Right. Of course. His excitement nearly made him forget about the traps, how they could be anywhere. Greenpaw will be sure to watch his step while he's off chasing birds. Once the daylight warrior - one of the three on this patrol - finishes speaking, the apprentice's gaze brightens, and a nod of the head acknowledges the patch-furred tom's words.

"Will do!" he says, before bounding away at Johnny's signal, ready to search for birds around the Tallpines.
Sheep wasn't quite... raring to go, would have much rathered preferred to stay behind and cuddle with Red, especially after her announcement to him, but she supposes she probably has quite a few sunrises before moving to the nursery. It wasn't like she'd complain, but her mind did drift away to certain daydream topics as they walk towards their destination. She's besides her apprentice, but shes lagging further behind, completely lost in thought.

How about... Scarletkit, after you? Or... Oh, she was excited. A little too excited, she realizes, after she almost smacks right in to one of the stopped patrol members. Ah... They've arrived. Johnny speaks instructions and she looks a little cautiously towards each of her hunting members. Who would be the next to get snatched away in to the unknown...? She suppresses the thought. "Good luck," she'd dip her head to each of the members before narrowing her eyes towards Green in a playful manner. "And be careful." she'd meow sternly before watching him run off, deciding to part towards her own preferred spot of hunting around the tall-pine.