Mist bathes the dry pit of the Sandy Ravine, imparting a barely - there dampness to the grittiness of the sand under her paws as she steps into its flaxen walls, barely echoing the river it had presumably once housed. Usually, such light sprinklings of dew burn away with the dawn and the rise of the merciless sun, but today it's chosen to linger on the land, tucking the sun into a nest of hazy grey and cloaking the earth below in a light mist that filters the dewy blushed - blue light of the sky above and brings a pleasing coolness to Doeblaze's calloused paws—and presumably those of her charge, who trails behind her in a fog - blurred figure of electric - spiked cinnamon fur.

" Here we are, " she mrrows, although she doesn't doubt Silversmoke'd towed @Emberpa🇼 out here countless times before. It's part of why she'd made the slightly unorthodox choice of requesting an apprentice spar with her—she had never seen eye to eye with the missing tom, but she could not deny that he trained formidable fighters, her son among them. Exactly the kind of skillful opponents she needed to hone her own sorely lacking ability—and besides, it might be good for Emberpaw to focus on something besides her mentor's absence. After all, the silvered - tabby tom is still noticeably absent, only adding to the gloom hanging over their Clan like the shadow of a carrion bird.

" Ready? " Doeblaze confirms, pacing a quick fighter's circle before she darts forward, aiming to seize Emberpaw by the shoulders with both forepaws in a grappling move, pushing the apprentice earthwards. As is typical with her fighting, there's a head for battle behind the idea, but her execution is lacking—though not quite so much as usual, her stance set in stable lines as she recalls how easily Johnnyflame had bowled her over. Her strike is limited in its force, though, by the subconscious concern that she might accidentally injure an apprentice.

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There was a strange air around Doeblaze whenever she interacted with her mentor. A dislike, maybe. They clearly had a history together, but she found no need to inquire, nor was it worth the time. The environment shifts gradually and the soft blades of grass turn to the gritty grains of sand. As one would become sluggish and imbalanced with movement, the earth was no longer a stalwart area for combat, causing the sand to shift underneath them. The sun reflects off her cinnamon and silvered coat, her short coat soaking the heat and the rippling of refined muscles under her coat as they bask under the sunlight in the sandy dunes.

Automatically, her paws allow themselves to adapt to the wear of the sand once more. A gaze representing the very flames that devoured the moors shifts over the lilac tabby; analyzing her movement in the sands and already looking for any weaknesses. Doeblaze was approximately the same size as her (the older she being smaller by a little) which causes her to continue her strategy's formulation. Loss of her left eye made open weakness and it would be wise to attack from the blinded side, but that would depend on Doe's agility and reaction speed. A solemn inhale and exhale parts freshly scarred lips, her stance adjusting slightly.

Ready? ”Mm.” Emberpaw simply states in agreement, sharp almond eyes narrowing as the older she-cat darts forward. It wouldn't be wise attempting to dodge and lose footing in the sand, thus she takes allows for forepaws to grapple around her and attempt to bring her to the earth. As she allows for the former lead warrior to sink into the sand, the fiery serpent aims to strike her prey. Suddenly, Ember jerks Doeblaze to the right in an attempt to lose balance and sweep her hind right leg from under her with a foreleg. The apprentice's narrowed gaze darts to the positioning of their feet and tosses sand in her face with a stray forepaw attempting to blind her before roughly head-butting her while she recovered from the sand.