

‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. — It's no secret where Gentlestorm had gone seeing as he had told Tornadopaw before he had left yet he had made the mistake of not saying why he had gone to Riverclan and by himself. Although, he's a former warrior and knows how to protect himself if need be but he hadn't needed to do it when he had been escorted by Foxtail and Moonbeam to the Riverclan camp where he had met Robinheart and a few other Riverclanners. Some of them were a lot friendlier than others and if anyone asked him, the kittens had amused him the most as they squeaked and demanded to know how he had managed to slip by the warriors as he stood in their camp. The scent of Riverclan clung to his pelt mixed with his usual herb scent yet he doesn't mind in the slightly as his snowy paws step beyond the territory he had stepped into and let out a relieved breath at the sight of the thick undergrowth and oak trees that made up Thunderclan's territory.

It doesn't take him long to close the distance between the border and camp, he knows this forest like the back of his paw but he treads along rather slowly having been a bit tired from his trip. He reminds himself that it isn't anything like the journey or the trip to Highstones so he may commune with their ancestors but several cats, so many questions, and teaching Moonbeam about broken bones had taken a slight toll on him. A nap would be good and perhaps well deserved but he doubts that he'll get that far when he actually steps into camp knowing what may be said about him or towards him. Gentlestorm's ears angle forward only to twitch already seeing a few faces turn in his direction and he blinks back at them unable to say much, they were well aware that he returned to them. He would always return to Thunderclan.

/ continuation of this, it's been 2-3 hours that he has been gone >:] as a heads-up


    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀❀ BREATHING ISSUES
    ✿❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ TRAVELING HERBS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 53DAF6v.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    56 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    demiromantic bisexual ; widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
leafhusk wasn’t worried about gentlestorm ditching them for riverclan, she knew their healer has his home set in thunderclan. she was worried about what could’ve gone wrong, it has been too quiet the past moon, and thunderclan’s luck is up in the air. if their only healer was lost… stars, she doesn’t even want to think about it. dealing with this while the council is still low in numbers, doesn’t help her stress. she spends the next few hours pacing, loudly complaining with her clanmates, and professionally complaining with her council members (as per my last patrol…).

it is impossible to miss gentlestorm. everyone’s been watching the gorse tunnel with baited breath, and when it rustles, the tension doesn’t leave the air. it thickens, and boils- "he’s back!" she announces, a pale eye twitching. leafhusk feels like an annoyed parent with how her pelt prickles from irritation. gentlestorm has a bleeding heart that can be felt throughout the oak forest, and the last place she expected it to bleed was for the river.

does she feel betrayed- possibly, she’s still learning how to see the high positions now that she works alongside them. "what was so important that riverclan needed you?" her tone is clipped, finalizing the question with a challenging, narrowed gaze. she waits.​

Much as Leafhusk has already observed, almost everyone - including a pawful of kits - had kept their eye on the gorse tunnel that served as entrance and exit since Gentlestorm had gone off and decided to help RiverClan without breathing a word of it to Howlingstar. Softpaw supposed that was a decision he could make, but it wasn't one that could be made without consequence; and Gentlestorm was lucky that the consequences for his actions hadn't been in the form of an injured Clanmate. There were no other medicine cats to take his place, if something happened to him, or to fill his role if he'd been gone for longer.

Softpaw stands from where she was sitting when Gentlestorm returns to camp, but before she can say anything, Leafhusk beats her to the punch, calling everyone's attention to the medicine cat come home. Flicking her tail anxiously, Softpaw can't help but also feel somewhat betrayed by how easily Gentlestorm had gone off to RiverClan; had he afforded any thought at all to his own Clan? For as much as heart was an important aspect in becoming a medicine cat, Softpaw figured that you couldn't have too much heart without a little thought to go along with it.

⊱⊰ Among those anxiously awaiting their medicine cat’s return is Hopekit. The kit sits at the nursery’s entrance, his deep copper glare trained carefully on the camp’s entrance, and he is nearly as quick to react as Leafhusk is when the familiar tom’s large form makes its appearance. Leafhusk greets Gentlestorm first, and the lilac kit’s voice raises next in a cry of relief. "Gentlestorm!" He calls out from across the camp, tail flickering behind him as he launches himself at the medicine cat. He presses his face into Gentlestorm’s leg, relief loosening the tension that he’d carried the entire time his uncle had been gone.

Wait, no! He’s supposed to be mad. Mad that the older tom left, mad that he left for RiverClan of all places. Mad that he left Orangepaw and Softpaw and Hopekit all behind and didn’t tell anybody where he was going. What if he never came back? What if he was gone forever? What if… what if he’d disappeared, and nobody ever knew what happened to him? The little tom pulls his face away from the medicine cat’s leg, backing up until he’s a couple tail-lengths away from his uncle. "I’m mad at you," he says after a few heartbeats, as his features dip into an expression of displeasure. "You smell gross."

  • ooc:
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
  • Sad

Gentlestorm was a cat that, once, Burnstorm had thought that ThunderClan could rely on, that he could rely on. But the snow speckled tom had broken the clans trust by running away when he did. Burnstorm finds himself pacing during the healer's absence. A scowl drawn across his dark features, his tail swinging madly behind him. What if something happened while he was gone? When would he be back? During his absence, a million and one scenarios burst into the lead warriors mind. An injury that could not be recovered from without a healer befalling one of his kits, a sickness that could only be cured by paws who held knowledge of herbs. Finally though, Leafhusk's voice calls out from the entrance of camp that their medicine cat was back. She wastes no time in questioning him and Burnstorm comes to stand by his clanmate's side, his golden eyes narrowed into an icy glare as he affixes his gaze on their medicine cat.

Softpaw's quiet presence is noted by him, but it is Hopekit he takes more notice in. The young tom says he's mad at Gentlestorm and he cannot say he blames him. He's mad at him too. If anything were to ever happen to him.. stars. Burnstorm did not want to think about that possibility. "It was very irresponsible of you to run off like that.. in aid of another clan, no less." Even a kit knew better, it seemed.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
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Ivytwist never really bothered with the medicine cat den. Cats went in sick or injured, and - for the most part - came out better. She had no desire to be a part of whatever that entailed. When Gentlestorm had wandered off earlier, she wasn't concerned in the slightest. He'd go do his hokey-pokey thing with the other medicine cat and then come back. And she was right!

The warrior looked up from her grooming to see the scruffy tom meander back into camp. She wasn't as miffed about the situation as Burnstorm or Leafhusk, though. "See? I told you guys he'd be fine!" She nodded at Softpaw's observation and wrinkled her nose. "You do smell like rotted fish, though. No offense." She moved her paw in front of her nose to block the pungent smell.
[penned by muddly - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ FOR YOU, I AM A CHILD, BELIEVING

Thundergleam had a great reverence for their medicine cat- anyone should- but his decision to leave for RiverClan without so much as a moment's notice was disquieting, she had to admit. Faith, and learned properness, taught her that medicine cats were boundlessly wise. They knew more than any warrior ever could- Gentlestorm's connection with StarClan surpassed even Thundergleam's. Where she was sent cryptic prophecies in dreams, Gentlestorm could communicate with them directly. It was a wonderful, wonderful thing to think... and in truth Thundergleam wished her own prophecies were dotted with starry ghosts.

Her place was not as a medicine cat, though. She was a healing balm in other ways... a purger of suffering without the use of herbs. Somehow...

Disdain knitted the voices of those who strayed near, especially Howlingstar's council. Thundergleam looked to Gentlestorm with a rosy uncertainty, too. "I can only imagine you foresaw we would be fine- but ThunderClan still should have been told." Yes, she too knew everything would be alright- for StarClan would have warned her of a disaster, and her dreams had been fairly innocuous.
penned by pin ☾

a lot of cats seemed upset at gentlestorm. he wasn't gone that long but they all had their different opinions on why he shouldn't have left at all. but isn't... that what medicine cats were supposed to do? help others above all? he doesn't know but he does know he's not upset. he's just glad gentlestorm is back. he trots over, settling beside hopekit and offering a gentle nudge to the younger of the two, nodding in slight agreement. gentlestorm did smell different, but he doesn't mind! he hopes that in the little bit of time he was gone that he made some friends! that's what orangepaw would have done!

"hi gentlestorm! I waited for you!"

about two hours in he had gotten tired and hungry enough that he relented to come back to camp with his mentor and other warriors that were around— espeically thundergleam who seemed pretty concerned about him. if it was up to him, he would have waited right there until he came back but it wasn't. he had to follow the rules so he came back. and he waited at camp. but it was okay now, because gentlestorm was back. he hopes he doesn't get into too much trouble.


⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Like several of her clanmates, the red tabby had been watching the camp's tunnel, eagerly awaiting to see if their Medicine Cat would return. If she had been able, she would have lead a patrol to the border to demand him back. She wasn't worried that he would leave them, no, the fluffy tom was a loyal clanmate that she trusted with her life. What she worried about was Riverclan trying to keep him. Their Medicine Cat was still young and inexperienced, they would have a lot to gain from a fully trained healer. There were a few...slightly decent...warriors in Riverclan, but she still didn't trust them. She wouldn't trust the clan until Snakeblink was dead.

After what seemed like forever, Leafhusk's voice rang through the camp to alert everyone of his return. The queen was on her paws in an instant, joining the rest of her clanmates to question him. Their newest council member wasted no time in asking why Riverclan needed him, followed by a scolding by Burnstorm. An irritated ear flick was cast after Ivytwist's statement, I told you guys he'd be fine!. "There certainly could have been many other outcomes." Flamewhisker said cooly, narrowing her gaze ever so slightly. "You're lucky they let you leave! What if it had been a trick? Did you not think of that beforehand?" What probably seemed like helping could have easily turned into unnecessary bloodshed. Something she would not have risked so easily.

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 32 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    widowed mate to flycatcher / / mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowpaw, sunkit, mothkit, scorchedkit, and squirrelkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

. ° ✦ For such a short time away, Gentlestorm's abrupt departure had spread incredibly fast! Whispers of it had even reached the patrol Bravepaw had been on at the time, as they passed another on that had heard from another patrol that had heard form another... It was a very gossipy day in ThunderClan, to say the elast.

His patrol had concluded before his uncle returned however, and he wondered along with the rest of his Clanmates just what in RiverClan had needed his attention. He hoped Turtlepaw was okay, that something hadn't happened to her. But Bravepaw was confident even if she was, Gentlestorm would have her in good paws. Of course ThunderClan would have the kindest medicine cat, the most selfless medicine cat, to aid their neighbors!

Leafhusk had announced the snowy toms return and like his younger sibling, he rushed to physically greet him. "Heh, yeah you do." Bravepaw muttered against his fur in agreement to Hopekit. However, the apprentice was not nearly as cold as others present, and he made a show of such as he stood in front of Gentlestorm protectively. Stay behind me! He wanted to say, he would make sure the tomcat would get back to his nest safely.

"Helping another Clan was a noble act! Isn't that part of being a ThunderClanner?" Had the stories of unity that secured his mothers life, his Clans survival, mean nothing outside that? Of course Gentlestorm would understand that much, he had been out there doing it all!

"He's not mouse-brained, he's our medicine cat." Bravepaw puffed out his chest as he channeled his namesake to defend the tom.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.