₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw was glued to her littermates side while they were staying in Skyclan and it had only been a few days but the smoke molly already wanted to go home, several worries sprouting in her mind as she pondered if Cicadastar had been released or safe... Or dead. It's a thought she doesn't dwell on for long and nearly bumps into a Skyclan apprentice, a low growl leaving her throat and her pupils narrowing into slits. It's all so new to her, she had never been in another clans camp and she hated it or was beginning to but she tries to keep stable, calm, and collected for her younger littermates. She felt it was her duty as the eldest and firstborn that she kept stable enough for Starlightpaw and Cicadapaw lean on her shoulder if they ever needed, that the two of them could confide in her and she would do everything in her power to make sure it was alright. Especially when Smokethroat was preoccupied with his own worries and temporarily herding around the Riverclanners like her missing father had, she couldn't imagine managing that and potentially losing a mate... So she would simply herd and care for her littermates as their big sister and in the small absence of Smokethroat.

Her bottlebrush tail sweeping behind her and gently brushing against Starlightpaw's flank before gently nudging Cicadapaw with her pink nose, Beepaw takes a few steps forward only to turn around to face them. Bicolored gaze examining them briefly and after a quick look over them, she lets out a soft breath parting his jaws to speak "Are you guys... Hungry?" The river royal asks tilting her head slightly to the side and thinks about how they'd have to accustom themselves to the taste of land prey which is enough to make her grimace on the inside, it wasn't fish... But she supposes that they'd need to get used to it now when the first snow fell and the weather got cold to the point where the river would freeze over.

She focuses her bicolored gaze on them once more and bites down a snort amusement at how much taller both Starlightpaw and Cicadapaw are compared to her while they inherited the long deer-like limbs of their father, she had been born rather short even if she does not mind it in the slightest. Maybe she would grow to be taller even if that's not her main concern at the moment. "How are you feeling? Glowbug and Fawn?" A gentle half smile present on her maw as she sits down curling her tail over her paws and waits intently for their answers. Admittedly, she had not been able to get much sleep either from being somewhere completely new and the underlying fear of those rogues having followed them... Seeking more blood to spill and overcome with greed.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
( )  Beepaw's clinginess is mirrored by her youngest sibling, Starlightpaw latching onto his littermates like a burr in their pelt. It feels as though the second they leave Starlightpaw's sight, some tragedy will befall them, some terrible fate that Starlightpaw will be powerless to stop. Every glance at Cicadapaw brings the memory of blood dripping down his chin, freezing her blood to ice. She looks to the SkyClanners with disdain, with wariness. What should make them any different than the rogues? The other Clans are not to be trusted, are not their friends, at any moment they could turn and bare their teeth to their temporary guests.

It's humiliating, having to shelter here, cowering from the rogues like the kittypets who they've come to for help. Grumbled worries come from beneath their breath, muttered self-soothing accompanying their lashing tail. They silence when Beepaw turns to face them, holding their body still for only a moment.

Then Beepaw speaks, and the words rush out of them like a torrent. "Hungry? Of course I'm hungry, there's barely any food here, and -- and certainly nothing good. I'd do anything for some fish right now." The words keep spilling, a snapping staccato of nerves and tension. An undercurrent of anger seeps through them, directionless and choking. Starlightpaw's eyes are unfocused. "I can't stand it here. All these kittypets running around --"

His teeth snap, eyes flashing. "and those foxhearted rogues. What if they follow us? What if they --" killed Cicadastar, for good. What if they're keeping him prisoner? "We shouldn't have run. I feel -- you want to know how I'm feeling, I feel like, like --" The torrent slows to a sluggish drip, and something in Starlight crumbles. They curl in on themself, shuddering. "We -- I should have done more. Stopped it, somehow. I hate this." It's whiny, it's childish, it's true. Starlightpaw's eyes meet his big sister's again, something pleading in them.

  • //



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