private tea, milk and honey never satisfies me ⋆ gentlestorm

doepath ࿔

the poison stains my mouth
Jan 4, 2024
It's pretty easy to tell, the way his gait becomes more rigid, shuffling more sincerely amongst the sandy terrain. He is intermittent in his presence, not so much physically as emotionally; she can't blame him, is certain there is a different weight and burden involved in being the one leading last rites. In saying goodbyes, knowing that it's his careful ceremonies of woven petals that make all the difference. Could StarClan find their bodies without the scent of lavender...? Did they follow the sweet smell like it were a mourning dove's call, beckoning them to scoop a tender soul between their paws and whisk it skyward to dance amongst starlight?

Doepaw wishes she could see them... Wishes that she might be able to take solace in knowing there are lost ones far above, watching and twinkling in silent 'hellos' every night. But the sky... is just a nebulous, darkened swatch of colorlessness. There's nothing to blink at with wetted eyes and cry relief for seeing. Bravepaw can see them though... She hopes that whatever star joined the dark tapestry that night had been bright- easy enough for him to recognize immediately as Batwing's.

She doesn't remember her father. Wishes she could forget her mother. The jealousy still sits somewhere at the front of her throat sometimes, makes her want to gnash saliva-dripping teeth and bite and sink into it so it'll go away... so it'll stop being rubbed in her face that she wasn't good enough to have Leopardtongue. Wasn't smart enough to have someone like Flamewhisker. Was not cherished enough to have something like Moonwhisper. There are so many more queens with every passing moon, it feels... suffocating. And lonely.

Gentlestorm is a solace she doesn't speak of by name, only in careful nosiness and moments of quiet. Her head pokes past dangling ferns and brambles to the heady, earthy scent of his den and he seems... tired. Maybe it is in the slowness of his breaths, the fact he doesn't immediately stir from his nest to say her name in gentle, honeyed tones... Rather than say his own and risk waking him, an idea spawns in well-meaning paws that briskly flutter over the den's floors towards the hulking, snoozing mass of the medicine cat. One paw, gingerly, presses at his shoulders, then another.... and with a small 'hup' of effort, the fawn feline clambers on top of him entirely, loafing neatly along his back to steady herself before hesitantly kneading a paw into knots of ashy fur. Then the other...

What a thoughtful surprise! A little friend to cuddle with... (and, if her tiny purrs are any indication, it is a tiny bit of a selfish comfort for her as well).

(sorry for no dialogue uhhh im really good at just yammering LOL)
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'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — His body had finally tired after all the overwhelming and devastating events that had happened within the moon, he found little solace when scattering rosemary and petals on the body of his best friend. All he needed was to worry about was too curious kittens stumbling into his den with too big clumsy paws but he had been able to keep them at bay with stories and playing with them while their parents were busy. Those moments were rare yet he cherished them all the same as he got to bond with the newest generation of Thunderclanners even if he had fell asleep during storytelling. He couldn't be blamed entirely for it due to everything that has happened so he found peace within his den, drawing a tired sigh from his parted jaws, and settling into his rather lonesome nest. Large snow dipped paws stretching out and his claws unsheathing briefly before closing his eyes shut trying not to think of the bodies with scattered rosemary and petals.

His sides rose and fell, a soft snore or two left him, and he didn't hear the pawsteps that found themselves approaching his den. It's a peaceful and dreamless sleep that he's fallen into but he suddenly feels paws on his body and lets out a soft noise yet his eyes don't open, he simply shifts to get comfortable. The kneading and purring is what makes him finally stir, his copper eyes fluttering open sleepily as he mumbles out rather quietly "Doo... Don't eat... The herbs," Gentlestorm lifts a snowy paw to rub the sleep from his eyes to realize who it was trespassing in his den and thankfully for him, it wasn't another kitten trying to eat his herbs and accuse him of poisoning his patients. His gaze focuses tiredly on Doepaw though he doesn't tell her to leave or get off not minding the company of the young molly, she's the closest to what could be considered a daughter to him but these thoughts are never spoken nor does it let it slip into his actions.

"Hello Doe," The large tom purrs quietly letting his eyes close once more and relaxed at the gentle kneading at his pale coat, he rests his chin on his paws and decides to ask "How has training with Wolfwind been?" There's a brief pause before he remembers that she had attended the gathering and ponders for a heartbeat if it may have been too overwhelming for the young molly, "Did you like the gathering?" Oftentimes, Gentlestorm didn't attend the gathering either mostly due to not seeing reason to do so and Moonwhisper having her kits the last one. He met with all of the medicine cats during the meeting anyways so he saw no point in leaving for the night especially since he had no protege just yet, he didn't want to take any risks.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
He mumbles something in his sleep... and she freezes for a moment for fear of waking the gentle giant. Something about the herbs? Eating them? A girlish giggle escapes her despite her best efforts not to rouse him, turned quickly to a small- oop the moment she catches sight of swirling patches of umber.

"Hiiiii Gentlestorm," she purrs in a soft sing-song harmony, set about gently tangling her claws in and out of his fur but not so hard to prick at tender pinkish skin. "Wolfwind is so... uhm... nice," she answers with an assertive nod of her head, closing sunflower eyes as her lips draw to a ginger smile. "She's very... patient." A trait Doepaw wouldn't have thought possible for someone so boisterous to have but a pleasant surprise nonetheless.

"Have you known her like uh... a long time," she asks, tilting her head to emphasize the question before continuing to the bigger topic; The Gathering. "I didn't even know that like.. so many cats could exist! It smells soooooo bad," her nose scrunches up at the memory, the reek of fish and rodents and muck being the most memorable. "Glad that... Fallowpaw ended up here! At least the trees don't uh... stink."

"You have like.... special little medicine Gatherings right? Where's that at?" She couldn't imagine walking much further than she'd already had to (clinging tightly to her mentor's poor tail of course) and the story of the Journey eludes her still to know the thought a little laughable in comparison.​