camp TEA TIME ✧ playing pretend


this tenderness, a feeling i cannot express
Nov 7, 2023
There are games Fluffykit does not care for, the kind of rowdy games her denmates like to play when they’re riled up. She does not like to play fight—even an attempt will get nothing out of her but a squeal of distress and a cry for Butterflytuft. She does not like to pretend to be Clan leader, or a warrior in a battle with a rogue, or anything of the sort. She barely likes to hunt leaves or insects—she’s seen a bug squashed before, and the horrid image of its insides expelling wouldn’t leave her mind for at least three days. However, there is one game she’s good at—one she adores—and it’s pretending to be Butterflytuft. She marches in front of the other kits, her eyes wide and serious as she preens over them. She leans close to Strawberrykit first, attempting to lick him behind his ears.Gotta get you all cleaned up for your ceremony,” she tells him sweetly.

She then turns to her kin, to Coffeekit, and pads over to him. She wets her paw with the rough side of her tongue and uses it to smooth Coffeekit’s forehead fur.You guys are going to be such good apprentices,” she coos, her voice just above the whispery tones she normally uses with others. “Now, listen to Mama, because I have to make sure you look perfect!” She beams. She hopes Strawberrykit and Coffeekit like her game of pretend as much as she does!

  • ooc: @STRAWBERRYKIT @COFFEEKIT but no need to wait :3 open to anyone in camp!
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


Coffeekit was a stark contrast to his more gentle-natured kin. He was into roughhousing, chasing, and competing above all, even if it earned him a couple of smarting smacks from Sangriakit. Though sometimes he also liked to just go with the flow. Practically bouncing in place, he watched as the multi-colored kit cooed over them. Eerily reminiscent of his aunt and her own doting nature. It seemed today his cousin wanted to play a game of pretend, and he would guarantee an exceptional, albeit overzealous, performance. Leaning down, he giggled as Fluffykit flattened the wily tuft upon his head.

Then, in a series of eager head nods, the mound stuck straight back up. His voice practiced in the close quarters as his whiskers twiddled excitedly. "Yes, Mama!" He practically squealed the response before turning to Strawberrykit and aiming to bump his shoulder against theirs. "We're gonna be apprentices! I bet Orangestar is gonna be my mentor!" A grin split his chocolate muzzle as emerald greens glinted with playfulness.
[penned by tasmagoric]


This was a boring game like who wanted to actually play being a mom?. Strawberrykit was highly bemused and if this had been anybody else he would have told them how lame this game was and moved on to do something more fun like chasing the warriors tails or throw snowballs at the apprentices. Anything really would have been more fun than this. But it was Fluffykit we were talking about here and he was certain the other kit would cry if he made a mockery of her game and he did not want her to cry!. So he was forced to play along.

Strawberrykit put his poker face on when Fluffykit leaned in to groom him behind the ears something his own, real mother did daily. He twitched his nose in discomfort, and usually he would throw a tantrum to any she-kit daring to touch him with their bacteria. " Uh yeah thanks mom. That was uhm, thoughtful of you!." he forced a awkward grin before he cast a glance over at Coffeekit, amazed almost over how well they could play this game!. Tch!. He couldn't lose to them!. He had to get his act together for fox sake!. He had to play this game better!.

" Just you wait mom, i'm gonna become the best apprentice you've ever seen!." [/B] he said as he stood tall with chest puffed out with pride. He almost stumbled forward when Coffeekit suddenly bumped his shoulder, and Strawberrykit would cast a look at them before his eyes grow wide when he heard what they just said. " No way!, if there is anyone who is gonna become Orangestar's apprentice it's me!" he protested with a stomp of his paw, eyes now glaring with annoyance.

*✧・゚ Playing pretend? Sangriakit is a master at playing pretend! She bounds over to the three other kits, eager at first to join in on their game, but comes to a screeching halt when she hears Fluffykit’s words. A frown crosses the torbie’s face—how come weird Fluffykit gets to be the mama? And she didn’t even invite Sangriakit to play, too! The kit stifles an upset huff, tail lashing behind her as Coffeekit and Strawberrykit each talk about becoming apprentices. They both think they’re gonna have Orangestar as their mentor, and yeah, Orangestar is cool, but she isn’t as cool as… Twitchbolt! Or Johnnyflame! But having the leader for a mentor would be the best thing ever, so the yellow-patched she-kit bares her teeth in a grin.

It’s slightly mean, because she’s really good at playing pretend, but Sangriakit shakes her head at them. Theyre both doing it wrong! They can’t just say how they want it to go, they have to say how it does go. "Orangestar’s apprentice? Ha! I’m already Orangestar’s apprentice, so you’ll have to find another mentor, ‘cause I’m not gonna share." Her words are punctuated by a laugh, and she puffs her chest out with pride. "And yeah, my name is Sangriapaw!" She adds with a wave of a snow-capped paw, thoroughly enjoying her bragging, even if it’s fake.

It is a strange thing, to hold the name of a paw while not technically being one. It makes Springpaw feel out of place, like she doesn't quite belong with the kits but she doesn't quite belong with the apprentices either. This in between where she hovers mostly just confuses her. Could she join in in games with the other kits or was she supposed to pretend to be grown? Act like she's too good for pretend like the older apprentices sometimes did? Thinking of what the right answer could possibly be makes her head start to hurt so when she sees Fluffykit pretending to be the mother of a bunch of others she makes her way over, her fluffy tail raised high in the air and her turquoise eyes shining with hope. Would they let her join in?

But what she hears when she gets close is enough to give her pause. Theyre arguing about who was going to be Orangestar's apprentice... "But Orangestar already has an apprentice!" she says with a slight huff. Orangestar was her mentor and she didn't exactly want to share, even if she didn't exactly want to train either. The other kits thought that having the leader as a mentor was cool though, and Springpaw wanted to be cool more than anything else.