Another day, and another day to learn something new. Vulturemask had been informed that he was going to have a private lesson with Dandelionwish today so they could go over more about the herbs, to increase his knowledge. There was so much he yet didn't know. Far too little. It was worrying considering the time limit he was under. He was trying to not think about that though to take one day at the time. Thus far he had done a splendid job of keeping his cool through all of this. Beside their lessons he realised the two had barely spoken to one another, not in the way they used to. With Tigerfrost constantly breathing down their backs, and with everyone else who was watching them Vulturemask couldn't act naturally around them anymore. He had to be cautious for both of their sakes.

" So...what are you going to teach me today?" He would ask as he sat put in front of the other, watching with a twitching ear as the former medicine cat prepared for todays lesson. Vulturemask gaze was low that day, focused on the task at hand while deeply in his own thoughts. There was so many things he wished to say but he couldn't bring himself to. Maybe he never would.


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His knowledge, he was realizing, was much more limited than he previously thought. Dandelionwish expected to be able to drag this out longer, a lesson every other day, repetition, repeating, going over it until the dark tom could answer his questions with ease. But he was running out of his garnered information, every new day was another realization he was coming to an end of his supposed usefulness and he wondered why no one thought like he did. The chocolate tom was not going to condemn his clanmates for their ignorance, but any fool with sense who had seen Sootstar's treachery from the beginning and knew her to be cold and ruthless as they came would take one look at him and know his days were literally numbered. His knowledge of the camp, how many lives Sootstar had, the territory, where their medicine cat den was, the herbs around, the burrows, the tunnels, his clanmates numbers and his medical knowledge. The tom was a liability too powerful to simply be allowed to walk away and if a misunderstood dream was enough to set the leader's paranoia into motion then surely she had come to that same conclusion. He was dead.

Despite his thoughts, he focused on the task at hand, herbs arranged in neat piles on leaves with a paw gesturing to them in turn, "I believe we're past the worst of leaf-bare's ailments, but you should know how to handle whitecough should it come up again and even the more mild of colds too. They get worse as they exist untreated." He nodded, mismatched eyes on the first cluster of herbs, one a familiar piece of catmint but an old dried one with no use other than to see what it looked like, "Catmint is the best to cute whitecough and even greencough should it advance. If we've none of that this next one-" A paw waved, "-is called chickweed. It's plentiful near horseplace and isn't as potent but still worth it if there's no other choice."
And often times they never had choices. Do what you can, come to terms with mortality.
"You'll find catmint near two-leg places, I think they grow it. I've never seen one just out in the territory before."

Aha, so another lesson of whitecough and greencough then?. Vulturemask would listen with ears perked upwards thinking he had enough knowledge about that now after having to treat so many with the catmints they had miraculous manged to found. " Right. Greencough will then advance to blackcough which is untreatable which is something we absolutely wanna avoid at all cost." [he wanted to make sure he was correct on that one. Chickweed though?..if not having catmints. That was wonderful new information to him. A good second option to pick from if they desperately need a herb to this troublesome cough-sicknesess.

He would nod his head when it got explained where to find these two different herbs. Chickweed at horseplace and catmint at the twoleg place. Don't forget about it. " Anything else i should know about this three different stages of colds?. there no way at all to save a cat with blackcough and how do you know it has advanced that far beside them coughing up blood..or is that...the main symptom of it?." he further went on wanting to know as much as possible about this after all he had got throw right into this filthy sickness which he wanted nothing more than to cure entierly...If only he could.