Sep 24, 2022
) Stepping into the wild in the search of a better life always seemed like the beginning to a fantasy tale, but yet it was the reason why so many had come to be at SkyClan. It wasn't just a fictional tale but one of hardened truth.

Bearheart blinked slowly as he stared down at the recent additions to the freshkill pile as he mulled over what to take. His stomach growled with hunger but on this occasion he wasn't there to pick something for himself, so it would just have to growl and ache without reward to be had. Eventually the Siberian cat selected a tasty looking squirrel before making his way towards a feline with a new yet familiar face. He wouldn't lie, he was glad that Maeve had decided to come back to the camp with them. If her future kits were to survive the harsh leafbare then they would stand the best chance with a strong clan backing them!

The tom set the squirrel down near the she-cat and he nudged it forward with his nose. Standing up straight again he then beamed a warm smile down at the ragdoll. "Hey, how are you doing? Are... are you settling in well? Oh! I also brought you something to eat."

// @maeve

19 moons - skyclan queen - speech

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maeve never had any expectations of clan life; she never knew of it to begin with, being so sheltered in twolegplace. when she first discovered that cats lived out in the wild, her imagination drew badger-sized savages with razor claws and maws big enough to swallow a cat her size whole. fortunately, skyclan was not at all like that. she knew that warriors, as they were called, fight and hunt- but life for maeve seemed easy. almost too easy. at times the free food, bedding changes from apprentices and general check ups from pretty much everyone were a bit overbearing, but you'd never hear her complain. she'd simply meet you with a soft smile while she quietly waited to be left to her own devices once again.

the queen was resting around in camp when bearheart approached her, one of the first cats she met here in this unfamiliar face. she matched his smile with a grateful one of her own as he placed a squirrel in front of her. she had already eaten today, but just looking at the prey made her stomach growl again. already she vastly preferred fresh prey over the dry kibble she was fed in twolegplace. more flavor, more texture. she accepted it eagerly, taking a few bites while bearheart began to speak.

after a few bites, maeve nudged it back towards bearheart, watching him expectantly. she swore she could hear his stomach growling, and felt it was a nice gesture to share. with a small purr, she replied, "i'm doing well, thank you. i think i'm adjusting fine- i'n sure sitting around in camp is barely a fraction of clan life, but i'll adjust to that later." she pondered whether she'd suit the life of a warrior after her kits were born and old enough to become warriors themselves. even though they weren't born yet, the thought of her kits one day going out on their own scared her a little, but she pushed the thought away for now. "though your culture might take even more getting used to. so many rules, so many names.. how did you adjust to it?" she asked, remembering that bearheart, much like many other skyclan cats, were kittypets themselves.

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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ step out into the new normal


) No major invitation was required before Bearheart swept his head down to consume what was left of the squirrel, a silent prayer of thanks echoing from his appeased gut moments later. Guilt did somewhat grip him but it was short lived as he found himself focusing on the conversation being had. He was honestly having a feeling of deja vu, even though he was once on the other side of the conversation.

"I can hardly call it my 'culture'. I'm actually still settling into it all myself. I only just recently put my kittypet name to rest, I used to be called Totoro." Bearheart explained as he settled himself down for a comfier sit by laying on his belly with his paws tucked under him in the warmth of his own body. "I've been with SkyClan for a couple moons now, but I was what they call a 'daylight warrior'. That just means a part-time warrior who still returns to their twolegs. I had an owner, a good owner, but... well, she was killed. I had no where else to go except here, and they've accepted me in. But adjusting to life as a full warrior is proving... a little more difficult."

Bearheart exhaled softly as he let the tickle of grief threaten to consume him from the inside, but he pushed it back. No tears, not today. "It all takes time in the end. Everyone finds their role here in the clan and what they excel at. We all help each other, no one has to struggle through things alone." Thus far he hadn't really encountered any problems, and the clan had been there to help him through his darkest days. If SkyClan hadn't been in his life he honestly didn't know what he would have done with himself. "If you have any questions on specific things feel free to ask me though, I'd be more than happy to help."