A reedy frame outstretched by a threadlike stream. Rays of the sun that were slowly warning of Greenleaf's coming arrival burst at a weak bank. It clothed cinnamon patched fur in warmth, but it wasn't long the feline merely enjoyed its presence. It was quickly swept away by the cruelty of a passing cloud. If Greenleaf's cruel period had been present, it would have been welcomed. However, newleaf had consisted of a brisk chill at times. Cruel it was for warmth to be dragged away when having to suffer a long cold season.

Petalnose shifted her attention up towards a willow, lids narrowing as it caught sight of a long limbed avian above. A heron rested above instead of hunted at the banks. She wasn't the only one commanded of rest, although, of many similarities they had in the situation, she still couldn't climb onto a limb yet. Embarrassing it was for an experienced and skilled lead warrior. It was a fault of hers since a kitten. Too sharpened of nails she blamed it on, last she really tried she had torn one.

Why not try again? You aren't one to give up after all. You aren't as frail as before. Why not?

Petalnose's body rounded up as if she were to pounce upon prey. Her tail flicked to and fro as she concentrated, planning where to go and land.

Then she pounced, drawing herself up the tree and onto a limb. Her lungs heaved at the effort. Yet she convinced herself that this wasn't enough.. despite never being able to do this before. She leaped onto the bark again and drew herself higher.

This is enough.

Down she looked upon the territory, everything seeming small. Yet.. she could see more. The beauty of it all. What was she missing?

Then realization struck.. too far. The lead warrior hasn't gotten far without falling. "Foxdung.." she cursed under her panting, scanning the bark for a safe exit. The heron flew in startled realization, although the she cat lingered on a thought instead as she looked down below.

I can fall on my paws from here, right?

// Petalnose has gained more muscle from her incident in leafbare! She is now able to achieve what she hasn't been able to before with newfound strength. However, will she admit she needs help?

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the cool breeze that passed through most did not penetrate the dark tom's thick coat. many a time he had cursed his pelt for taking a longer time to dry than others, yet at times like these, it came in handy. he wandered amongst the willow trees, their leaves shuffling at the slight change in the wind, and he caught scent of his clanmate on the breeze. reed was usually one to laze around and enjoy a nice day such as this but he had been in the mood for something other than laying around today. pity, really. as he rounded the tree, his large paws pushed through the lush plants that called riverclan territory their home, his amber eyes locking onto a lean shape. the tall she-cat he had come across was no other than petalnose, seemingly locked onto the sight of a heron, among the branches of a willow tree. the tom could see the bird clearly from where he was at and he dared not make a move to distract the lead warrior from her hunt.

his breath caught in anticipation as he watched her bunch up, then spring- and unsurprisingly, at least to him, she made it. he felt a pang of irritation at the sight of the she-cat in the tree, an annoying reminder of his recent and continuous failure to climb trees. the scarred tom watched with curious eyes as she suddenly cursed and paid no attention to the heron, the entire reason she had gone up the tree. the large tabby prowled out from under the cover he had been lingering behind, an interesting glimmer to his eye- what is she waiting for? the heron was gone- there was no need to stay in the tree any longer. was she scared? now, reed wasn't a total idiot. of course he wouldn't mock a lead warrior, but man would he tow the line.

"nice jump!" he announced his arrival with a compliment, in case she hadn't seen him approach. that was probably the nicest thing he had said all week. go him! maybe she's not scared- maybe she's just old and can't trust her feet anymore? reed thought to himself, glancing between petalnose and the ground. he couldn't believe a lead warrior would be scared of something as silly as falling. though, it wasn't off the table- reed had a newfound respect for trout after a recent incident and now had learned to be more wary of getting his teeth near fish. he shuddered, and quickly pulled himself out of his thoughts, realizing petalnose was still in the tree. the tom cleared his throat and fought back a smirk, glancing up at her as he attempted to ask innocently, "you comin down, petalnose?"

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed
  • Haha
Reactions: Petalnose

The memory of Petalnose faltering and collapsing was keen in Ferngill's mind, still- the lurching worry he'd felt, the realisation that every friend was one he sometimes took for granted. The long-standing lead warrior had come to mean a lot to him- her sturdy shoulders had always been there for gruff comfort, and he'd always appreciated that. To have thought, even briefly, that she might no longer be there- it was an unpleasantness he didn't like to reminisce on, a nausea that felt like a coiling snake around his stomach.

To see her springing like that, armed with the strength Ferngill had always associated her with, lit a smile like a fire-glow on Ferngill's bright features. A silken-furred form wove over, interest sparking in his eye- Reedstrike graced the air with a compliment, and the ginger tom watched as the heron Petalnose had been presumably pursuing took to the air, melding with the clouds again. Well- she probably hadn't been trying to hunt it...

Still, he noticed the flicker of uncertainty in her eye- the way blue-splashed eyes lingered upon the ground. Reedstrike's voice pierced toward her yet again- you coming down? It was encouragement of some sort that cemented Ferngill's grin upon his face. Oh, he was sure Petalnose could to it! And to give her that little heartening push, he chirped, "I think Reedstrike's offering to catch you!"
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Had she caused a scene? Her gaze snapped to Reedstrike, glowing of frustration from the situation,"Of course I am." She rumbled, dragging her nails down the bark and stretching her limbs down towards a branch. She landed upon it gently, glaring down with furrowed brows as a jump tempted her. Although, if she had wanted to practice such, she needed to learn to get down. It was common sense, she supposed she hadn't planned the situation well. It was an intrusive decision decided on her cursed stubbornness. She wasn't really going to give up on a skill she didn't excel at. Never.

Ferngill cheered her on, despite the positivity, she tensed. Attention was the last she wanted, whether she was doing good or bad. The assumption made her attention draw back on Reedstrike, "Hard pass.." the collision could do them both worse, a result of a possible visit to Moonpaw for a preventable situation. She'd rather go with a fractured limb, better one hurt than two. She always found her way out of things when she wanted to.. even if she willingly shoved herself in the situation in most cases.

Her limbs stretched down the bark when there wasn't any branches to aid her, tail swerving to and fro to find her balance.

Would she jump? Would she drag down? Would she get hurt?

Petalnose suddenly dug all her claws into the bark, stretching one limb after another. Her eyes targeted her landing spot, convincing herself that she was doing well.

But then a piece of bark slipped underneath her claw, causing her make the ultimatum to jump the risky height. It was a risk she had to take, something she'd rather chose over tumbling forth on her head.

"Watch out!"
Thud. Upon the hard earth she expected to fall but fur she felt from underneath her, peering down to see the familiar orange color of her friend, @FERNGILL . Sorely she jumped off at recognization, shaking her fur with an grumble, "Ugh.. I didn't mean to do that.."

"Impressive," comes the rumbling tones of Swamphowl as he sees the unfortunate moment that Petalnose manages to crush Ferngill with her body. "Might be good to ask for help before making a jump like that next time so you don't flatten any more clanmates," he suggests in his regular deadpan sarcasm, expression flat despite the slight amusement underlining the words he speaks. He draws his tongue repetitively over one large paw, grooming his fur as he watches, offering no more words of advice. Perhaps he could do a bit of climbing himself in a bit... he rather enjoys it, at least moreso than something like swimming; maybe he'll make some time to do so between patrols and conversations.​
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Reactions: Petalnose

Of course he'd had faith Petalnose would make it down by herself! She was a strong, dependable warrior- and a good friend of his for many moons now. What Ferngill certainly hadn't been expecting was the method that the patchwork molly chose...

Watch out, she shouted, but there was certainly not enough time to move out of the way- Ferngill's sole eye widened before he was completely blind, vision blackened by the brown-spotted body that had landed right on top of him. For what felt like an eternity Ferngill was plunged into stunned silence, even as Petalnose leapt away..

I didn't mean to do that, she said, and that assertion broke Ferngill's silence- he star-burst into a fit of laughter, ignoring the slight ache of the collision, shoulders shuddering with amusement. Every time he seemed to want to start saying something, giggling interrupted him again- it took him a good while to regain his composure. "I, hah, hope you didn't mean to!" As ever, his tone was lighthearted, breezy and easy, even if others thought he could very easily be upset. "As long as you're alright, Petalnose," Ferngill checked... though she didn't seem to be standing funny.
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