the days after the dog broke camp walls were a blur. work had continued as usual, but time felt slow. it felt like a punishment had been bestowed upon her for not performing better in the attack. it only took one blow for her to be down and out of the fight, one blow and her life was flashing before her eyes. the warrior was sure she wasn't going to survive., she couldn't even remember how she did. but here she was, and the doubts that came with it made her wish the dog had finished the damn job. nightbird felt smaller than ever, her confidence gravely shaken, but now she was tasked with training. combat training nonetheless. it was funny, she couldn't even defend her camp yet here she was about to tell others how to.

she had chosen to wait until night fell to conduct this, almost especially because shadowclan seemed to favor that time to be thieves. the moon was covered by a thick layer of clouds and camp seemed much darker. "anyone well enough for a spar, come to the sandy hollow," the volume of her own voice seemed to bounce around in her skull, resulting in a wince. there had been a steady headache plaguing her, but others had far worse injuries. she could handle a headache. the dark molly stood with a stretch before making her way to the clearing.

nightbird sat, waiting for everyone who wanted to come to arrive. her tail flicked around her paws as she watched thunderclanner's trail in. once they were all settled, she stood slowly, eyes dashing over everyone with a squint as she tried to regain focus. "i want you to focus on where your opponent is without relying wholly on your sight. trust your senses, and don't get hurt. we have enough warriors out as is," she huffed, a series of hard blinks following her words. "pair off now and get started. the longer this takes, the less sleep you get before dawn patrols."

[ ☾✩ ]

Cloudypaw remembered Nightbird's heroics during the dog's attack. The image of the warrior tearing at the beast from atop its back had etched itself into her memory forever. She had been the first the jump into action, and it was her quick thinking that had kept the nursery safe. As far as Cloudypaw was concerned, there was not a greater warrior in all of Thunderclan.

Which was why she leapt at the opportunity to learn from such a warrior. Turning away from the apprentice den that she had been about to duck into at Nightbird's call, and hurrying to follow her out of camp. With how much she had struggled with her own training, and extra help she could get would be valuable.

When they arrived and the warrior explained what they were doing, Cloudypaw could only blink. Figuring out where her opponent was without using her eyes? That sounded hard. She would be able to smell them well enough, sure, but she wasn't sure as to how she'd get more than their general direction from that. Still, she nodded along.

Glancing around, she searched for someone for her to pair up with.​

She detested sparring, the thought of pitting her claws against another in a dance that may one day turn into something deadly, teeth gnashing at borders, blood on the snow; she wants to be anything but a combatant, wonders if a life as a nursery queen might be better fitting her, or maybe Berryheart could use an assistant with his duties in the medicine cat den. Moonpaw wants to keep moving by, go hunting as she hears Nightbird's insistence on any cat not currently assigned anywhere coming to learn. The tortie hesitates, she could easily pretend she hadn't heard it and go about her business but she's thinking about Raccoonstripe staring at her critically from afar, how he never says it but she can feel his dislike toward her for her father's bloodline. Is it spite that turns her paws in a pivot, marches her over to where she sees her fellow apprentice looking around lost and uncertain or is it something else...she isn't sure.

"Fight me, Cloudypaw."
There was a small edge to her voice not usually there, her thoughts idly drifting to the day she can prove she is not Moonpaw, daughter of the kittypet king, sister to the lost Morningpaw...but Moonpaw, one of ThunderClan's finest apprentices. The tortie point lifts her head, "Attack me first." She insists, before closing her eyes. She's good at hunting, this can't be any different. What is fighting if not hunting a cat for prey rather than a mouse? As soon as she has the thought she's mortified by it, but finds it still rings true somehow, as horrid as it is.

Cloudypaw was relieved when she spotted Moonpaw marching over to her. Usually she would need to muster up the courage to ask someone to be her partner, but having someone ask her would be much easier. Moonpaw didn't ask though, she demanded. The edge in the other apprentice's tone worried Cloudypaw. She tried to shake off her concern though, right now she had to focus on her training.

"Um, alright." Cloudypaw acquiesced, closing her eyes before settling into a clumsy crouch. She felt even more awkward than usual without being able to look down to adjust her footing. It was hard to resist the temptation to open her eyes just a peek to make certain she wasn't embarrassing herself. Only the thought of Nightbird catching her doing so allowed her to keep them shut.

Slowly and carefully, she tensed. Then she flung herself blindly toward where she had seen Moonpaw last, attempting to bowl the other apprentice over.
Raccoonstripe goes to the Sandy Hollow with Nightbird, sitting near her with his tail tucked around his paws. He doesn't know how much he's wanting to spar just now, but if another warrior is up for it, he'll humor them for at least a little while.

The tabby watches with interest as Moonpaw and Cloudypaw pair off. Critically, he evaluates the two apprentices, circling one another until Cloudypaw decides to strike. He does not cheer for Moonpaw; nor does he make any jeers toward Cloudypaw. He only watches. Cloudypaw is a purebred kittypet, and despite being kin to the deputy, he has already witnessed numerous blunders on her part. Moonpaw at least has Howlingstar's blood on her side.

"Show me what you've learned... Moonpaw." It's said under his breath, as if to himself rather than to her. Has any of his skill in battle rubbed off on Moonpaw? Has the dog fight or the ShadowClan raid given her any edge?


Pebblepaw, restless in their extended stay in the medicine den and all too eager to train once more, was not able to sleep. The lilac tom was almost well, enough to feel confident that he wouldn't be in trouble if he snuck out for a while and took it easy. His tail had an awkward kink to it from the dog's weight bearing down on it that short time ago but it didn't hurt anymore, that much he was relieved about. Having caught wind of Nightbird's plans to train at Sandy Hollow, Pebblepaw shadowed the group of healthier warriors, hoping that if he could not fight then he could at least still learn by watching overs. He set his gaze upon the night sky, unable to spot anything but the condensed mist of a chilly leaf-bare morning. Soft copper eyes searched for a moon that didn't seem to exist that day, frowning as he came to a standstill at the outskirts of the hollow. An ever-obedient tom, he'd barely left his den until now, all he'd known was stuffiness and darkness the past few weeks. He'd hoped he could see something beautiful, instead, the universe had just reminded him that he was wrong for doing this.

Quiet as the mice ThunderClan hunted, Pebblepaw sunk to his belly, taking note of Moonpaw and Cloudypaw's immediate scuffle under the warriors' watchful eyes. He craned his head forwards, prepared to cheer his sibling on... until he was reminded that he really, really wasn't supposed to be here. He only half-attempted to keep himself stealthy, not bothering to hide amidst the ferns yet not drawing any attention to himself either. Even though he couldn't voice his support for Cloudypaw, a wary smile began to grow on his face for the other all the same.