Jul 4, 2022

He shouldn't have to do this anymore.

Shouldn't have to train, shouldn't have to listen to Skyblossom's every order. He's old enough to become a warrior, has been for moons. And yet?

And yet, Batpaw is still Batpaw. Still an apprentice. Not Batwing, or Batfur, or Batstrike. Just...

Just Batpaw.

Embarrassing, how everyone else his age is well into warriorhood.

Hunting lessons. They're doing hunting lessons. And, perhaps he struggles to pay attention sometimes. Perhaps he still has yet to consistently catch prey, but still - shouldn't he be a warrior by now? Surely the warriors still struggled? The dark-furred tom follows his silver-furred mentor, ears perked up, listening for his next catch.

Stay alert, he reminds himself, Pay attention.

His reminders falter as birds begin to chirp in the trees, as he slows to a stop behind his mentor. He looks up at the trees, looking for the birds. There, he sees them. Flapping between branches, singing their songs to one another. The apprentice does not go after them, however. Just... watches.


Oh, how he'd rather be a bird. He bets birds don't have to be apprentices.

"... Batpaw? Batpaw!"

The tom blinks, looks over toward the voice. Skyblossom. Right. Hunting. He was... He was supposed to be hunting. He dips his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry," he mumbles, padding back towards the annoyed molly. A swish of the tail is her response as she continues walking, expecting him to follow. He does, his steps falling behind the older feline.

"You have to pay attention, Batpaw," she tells him, disappointment thick in her voice. She only wants what's best for her apprentice. Batpaw knows this, knows he fails her. "Stars, you'll be an elder before you get your warrior name, at this rate! And I, well, I'll be in the stars!" The tom looks down at his paws as she talks, a sigh escaping his mouth. A bird. He'd rather be a bird, right now.

"Yes, Skyblossom," he says, dejection heavy in his words as their patrol continues on, "I'll try harder."

I've no time for confession
"Hey, if you do end up in those stars before me then tell them to cut us a break," a humored voice trails out of the treeline and simultaneously a snipe's carcass comes rolling into view. Wolverinefang wipes blood from his maw, disappearing it into the black of his leg and holding back a sneeze. He hates hunting when it's this cold but he was nagged into it- like just about everything he gets off his rump to do.

Shifting his eyes over the pair, the warrior huffs lowly at the context of the words he overheard. He's got no business telling anyone how to teach their apprentice considering he doesn't have one himself but looking over the older Batpaw, it doesn't take a genius to see that he really is a little up there in age to still be a paw. He surely can't be that bad and Wolve's wondering if he's being held back for his own good or his mentor's own good. "Maybe give him a break too. He looks like he wants to jump in the river right now." He's no emotional scholar but this kid looks plum miserable. "Kid."

Perhaps he's misreading the situation though, since he doesn't know all that much about trying to be something worth anything. Once upon a time, Wolverinefang did try his hardest and he met his goal: he survived childhood and he got through the apprentice crap. Since then, it's sort of just been the afterparty for him. Ran out of gas, so to say. Epecially after his own mentor took the long dirt nap. "Or at least stop for lunch." Wolverinefang pushes the bloody breasted bird toward the pair even though it kills him inside to give away. He can always catch another, even though it'll suck to do so and it probably won't be as good as this one. Well, too late now, and the hefty tom turns his head away as if he doesn't really care either way.
✦ ★ ✦
Fogpaw isn't out to hunt during his walk across the territory though hunting isn't any issue for him. His silence is impeccable (though he wishes it weren't), making him an adept prowler. Yet right now, he's hunting something that can't quite flee. Fogpaw holds a bundle of ivy leaves in the side of his mouth by the vine, trying desperately not to get the taste slathered to his tongue but so far it's rough going. He tries not to swallow as to not get sick but has to take breaks on his way back to the medicine den. Bonejaw didn't ask him to get it but he had little else to do and sunhigh is the best time for looking for herbs anyway supposedly. Though, these are more for storing herbs, he thinks. He's no medicine cat in the making that's for sure. He wouldn't be happy as one anyway and he's glad that his mom has never tried to force it on him. The apprentice just knows a thing or two from watching his mom that he can be useful with the basics sometimes. Regrettably useful.

Fogpaw drops the ivy at his paws and desperately licks at his fur to quell the bitterness. As he's forcefully going, that's when he realizes there are voices nearby. He steps over the plant for now to go see, catching a glimpse of a young cat and two warriors though he only recognizes one. He's not exactly fond of Wolverinefang so he repurposes his attention toward Batpaw and his mentor. A nervousness takes him at the idea that springs to mind, almost making him tremble in place. He's younger than the other tom but hearing the disapproval in Skyblossom's voice, he hopes that he's not intruding or being demeaning. That is, if they can even figure what he's trying to tell them. Fogpaw steps forward on uncertain paws and gestures his paw toward himself. Then he licks his lips, paws the ground, and motions over his shoulder toward the marsh. He then points to Batpaw and tilts his head with a quizzable look.

Does that make sense? He's not sure and he's suddenly feeling very sick to his stomach and his paw pads feel dry even on the soggy ground. Fogpaw wishes that he could just say, "Do you want to try hunting with me?" Maybe a change in routine might be helpful or to not feel all brow beaten about it. In a last ditch effort, unsure if they get him as an almost mortified expression appears on his face- he flexes his claws and points to the birds flying above. He imitates a bite then gestures to himself once more and back to Batpaw before hanging his head. He can feel his head hot with embarrassment and frustration.
they all had to learn one way or another. no one teacher had the same style of teaching, and that was what made cats within the clan so different. their paws following along the patrol, ears twitching back and forth with a small grunt of a growl leaving. too loud. they can't possibly hunt if someone insists on scolding their apprentice right now. the tom will learn one way or another, but there were definitely different ways this could have been handled, considering what the hell they were doing right now.

"i'm all for breaks, but i'm more for silence. we need the prey so everyone just focus. batpaw,"

they start, tail lashing behind them with a raise of their brow.

"i'm sure you feel very upset considering you were just scolded by your mentor but now isn't the time to let it fester. if you need to cry, cry later. right now, we have a job to do. and so many damned mouths to feed. so pick up your head and do as you're told. you can hate the world later."

they grunted before turning away, with a sigh. the femme's gaze only lingered on the birds for a moment before they shook out their own pelt, following scents of anything nearby.


To his embarrassment, others notice this interaction between Skyblossom and Batpaw. Great. Just great. He wants to climb up in that tree, now, hide among the branches just as the birds do.

"He gets enough breaks," Skyblossom says, "He's not a kid anymore. He needs to take things seriously."

He knows. He tries. It's just... difficult, sometimes.

Lunch, Wolverinefang suggests.

Batpaw's stomach growls at that. He could go for something to eat. The tom looks at his mentor, who shakes her head at him.

"You haven't caught anything today," she reminds him. Right. No lunch until he catches something and contributes to the kill pile. He'd almost forgotten. It's not like... It's not like he doesn't pull his weight around ShadowClan. He tries his best where he can. Why can't... Why can't anyone see that?

Fogpaw appears out of nowhere. The silent thing, almost scares him in the midst of the situation. He gestures. Uses his own little language that Batpaw has no way of knowing. But, he can try, right? Guess what the younger apprentice means? Paw towards Fogpaw, paws against the ground, paw towards himself. A tilt of the head. A question.

Focus, Batpaw. Focus.

The dark-furred tom looks at him, replays the gesture in his mind. He wants to... do something. With Batpaw. Claws out, towards the birds. A bite.

Eating? No, Batpaw isn't allowed that yet. Hunt... Hunting? Eyes light up at the realization. Hunting! That must be it. He turns back to face Skyblossom, proud of himself for figuring out what Fogpaw meant.

"Can I hunt with --" His question is cut off as Chilledgaze makes their way over. "Everyone just focus," they say, before directing their speech towards him. "Do as you're told."

His shoulders slump at the deputy's words, his moment of pride buried under another surge of embarrassment. One day he'll be a warrior. He won't have to listen to mentors. One day. He'll try harder. He has to.

"Yes, Chilledgaze. Sorry," he apologizes once more, ears flattening as he remembers their orders for silence. The birds can chirp, but he must stay silent.

He turns back to look at Fogpaw, nods his head at him before pausing, looking at the sky. "Later," he tries to tell him in such a short gesture, a struggle on his part, "We can hunt later."

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