technicolour - riverclan patrol

Nov 28, 2022
Buckgait had deemed this an easy enough patrol to only warrant the two of them making the trip - but now, with her nicked paws stilling near the SkyClan scent markers, Apricotflower hesitates. She hasn't been here in several moons - not since she left with Beesong, left her family and the remnants of the pine colony behind ... to be back here is weird. But, despite that and the way her mind is a little foggy with that annoying sluggishness that comes with her sneezing, she sniffs and says to Clayfur in her usual chipper tone,

"This should be easy. I think the last patrol was recent so our markers should still be strong, right?" It's half a rhetorical question, half an attempt at socialising - while she and Clayfur are on good terms (she thinks), Apricotflower isn't sure what to make of the quiet between them all this way. Maybe he's just preoccupied, or looking for more weird things to eat.


  • apricotflower, warrior of riverclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. big scar on her left shoulder, little scars on her paws.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


Clayfur likes SkyClan. A lot. Like, the line group was his and Ice and Beetle and Lily and Mud’s home before RiverClan was, and no matter what happens under Blazestar’s rule, Clay will always have a soft spot for the kittypet-accepting clan. Unlike WindClan, he doesn’t feel as though he has to watch his back around SkyClan—the same goes for ThunderClan, but the sight of the ThunderClan border just reminds him of fire and danger and he avoids it as much as possible. He’s glad that Buckgait assigned him to come to the border with SkyClan, and he’s glad that his patrol partner is Apricotflower, instead of someone like Smokethroat or Lightningstone. At least Apricotflower is nice—which means that he hasn’t had to listen to someone complain about how he keeps getting distracted on their trek to the border.

He hasn’t been paying much attention at all as they’ve been walking—something he feels a bit guilty about, but he’s just distracted. Despite his glee toward this assignment, the lanky tabby can’t stop worrying about winter. What if the river freezes and they cant catch any fish, or what if the scarce prey can’t sustain the entire clan? Surely the territory hasn’t needed to sustain this much life during the cold months before.

He snaps to attention at the other RiverClanner’s question, scenting the air with a sigh. "Yeah, it seems pretty recent. We should be able to get it done quick!" Not that he hopes they get finished quickly; he hopes to visit with some SkyClanners today, if they’re around. He wonders how they’re doing with the cold, especially since some of their warriors also have warm people houses to go home to at the end of the day. Does SkyClan have enough full-time warriors to support themselves? Hazel eyes flick to his patrol partner, and he shrugs off his concern. He should only be worried about his clan. "You came from Rain’s group too, right?"
( ) "Hey there, pretty kitties." A voice that coos like a dove and is just as soft floats down above the Riverclanners heads. Deersong would slowly blink in her usual warmth and the deputy would raise her tail as a silent signal for the patrol behind her to wait.

"What it is, Riverclanners? Hope the fish have still be swimmin for ya." Her dialect was strange, but a note of friendliness could be heard all the same. With another motion of her tail, the cream and mocha molly would leap with impressive grace down from the tree, assuming her patrol would come down behind her and she padded up to the borderline with a whimsical tilt of her head, "Remarking the border today?"

// @Snowpaw
tagging for apprentice things lol

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Water laps at his paws and he breathes in the cold air. It is chilly that much is certain and he knows he has no skill in fishing, his attempts have all failed. He finds it amusing to say the least but it keeps him busy after the hunting he has done previously to bring back birds and squirrels. A light smile is on his scraggly maw, droopy ears moving slightly as he hears voices. That must be Riverclan he hears and so perhaps he should go and say hello. Shifting the always tired looking warrior makes his way from the shallows to head further down the river. His thick tail waves behind him as he hums quietly to himself a jumble of tones as he takes his time. Despite the chill he is in high spirits and he lightly jumps over a fallen log as he sees them.

"Bonjour, mes amies! How is everything? Bien, ouais?" The tom calls in a ligjt tone as he settles down. He doesn't have any duties right now so he doesn't mind having a quick chat with the neighbors. It'll be nice to pass some of the time.
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Clay. The ginger king had been more close to Clay's brother-in-law, Mud, all those seasons ago when Mud had been of the pine group. He had watched the older kids grow up, had thought of Mud similar to a brother, in the way that most of the soldiers of the pine group thought of each other. He hadn't thought about Mud or his family for some time now and seeing Clay again brought back ...... memories..... memories of harsh words thrown at Mud's expense, labeling him a traitor, a turn-cloak in the worst possible ways that the ginger king's vocabulary allowed. He hated them for leaving, for disrespecting Rain's memory, for... leaving him.

He doesn't know if Mud remembered any of what he said, he doesn't know if Clay remembers or cares, but the sight of the ... admittedly fishy warrior made him grow hot under his fur.

Deersong and Foxgecker pull ahead of him, greeting the RiverClan warriors without a care in the world. He sits back, hesitant, a dour look plastered on his already scrunched-up face.
✦ ★ ✦
"Yeah, I came with Beesong when StarClan called him to the river. My kin still lives here, though. You were pine too, right?" She muses, then realises that the way he'd asked meant he'd already answered that question. Apricotflower flushes all the way to her ears, and gives her pelt a couple of awkward licks - but a familiar voice above their head catches the RiverClanner's attention. Ah, she knows that one. She doesn't know that the pale she-cat is now SkyClan's deputy, but recognises Deersong all the same - Apricotflower waves her tail in a greeting towards the older she-cat as the patrol leader drops gracefully from the trees.

"Hey, Deersong. Fish are still swimming, but the river's cold ... Might want to keep your paws out of it, we've had a few close calls with the ice already. How's prey running in SkyClan lately?" Her question is half aimed towards her old acquaintance, half aimed towards the unfamiliar but friendly-sounding ginger tom who's joined them. Behind them she catches sight of Crimsonbite - not someone she'd ever been close with back in the old colony days, so aside from a brief nod she doesn't acknowledge him.​
  • apricotflower, warrior of riverclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. big scar on her left shoulder, little scars on her paws.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


Clay is in the middle of forming a response to the she-cat’s question, a chuckle and confirmation that he’s also from the pine group of cats, too. He opens his mouth to say it, though, and is cut off by a soft voice from above. It’s Mothcat, his voice supplies, but he scoffs to himself. Mothcat doesn’t come out during the day, dummy. No, it’s just Deersong and a few other cats. Some are cats Clayfur has seen before, and some are totally new to the lanky tom. Deersong, for one, is as friendly as anyone else in SkyClan, and Clay is glad that she’s the first to greet him and Apricotflower. "Yeah, we’re remarking stuff. We won’t bother you too much, I hope," he replies to her questions after his patrolling companion responds to the deputy’s other question.

The second SkyClan cat to join them is one who Clay can’t put a name to, but he offers the warrior a smile anyway. Foxgecker’s words are met with a blank expression, though—the smile falls right off his face out of confusion, and Clay is sure he looks like an idiot. Bien? Bonjour? Those aren’t real words! To the ginger-furred warrior, he gives a quick nod. Because yeah, everything is going okay. And he, like, totally understood the rest of those words.

A face appears behind the others, another cat familiar from Rain’s group, and Clayfur’s bright grin grows even brighter, if it’s possible. "Crimsonbite," he calls, ears perked toward the other tom (his name is Crimsonbite now, isn’t it?). "How’s it going, dude? What’s new?" He isn’t sure why the golden warrior is hanging back from the others, but maybe he’s just a slow walker.