teenagers scare the crap outta me & Quillstrike

Jan 5, 2023

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Green eyes where alight with excitement, a little fuzzy thing in the tawny jaws of Bananapaw. She had just gotten this new stuffed toy from her twolegs as a 'birthday' thing, whatever that meant, and she was more than excited to share it with the clan! Her birthday was always something huge her twolegs held for her, with a little meat pie and presents! Catnip toys too! She wished she could've brought the food to the clan, but that probably wouldn't go over well. Still! Bananapaw trotted along happily with the toy in her jaws and humming to herself as she pushed through the camp entrance and looked around. Spotting tabby fur, she quickly rushed over and pounced on Quillstrike with her front paws on his right shoulder.

"Lookit! I gotf toy!," She spoke around the toy in her mouth before quickly putting it down, "My twolegs celebrated my birthday yesterday! I don't know what that is, but they got my lots of cool stuff! Like this!" It was a small and furry mouse, it squeaked when it was pushed around the ground and her eyes shined with her excitement, "Isn't it cool? I figured we could play with it together! Like keep away or something with the others! Oh oh or maybe the kits!" Bananapaw bounced on her toes as she rambled onward excitedly about her newfound joy.


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He grunted as paws connected with his shoulder followed by the muffled words of a very excited Bananapaw. Quillstrike gave her a confused look, momentarily mistaking the thing in her mouth for actual prey untul she dropped it at their paws and began chatting away. Bananapaws style was always a mile a minute, but it didn't seem to bother the tomcat all that much as he dutifully listened to her explain about her twolegs and wanting to play with this new 'toy' of hers.

Quill couldn't help but eye the things skeptically, giving it a careful sniff before wrinkling his nose at the offending scent of plastic and fake fur, not a shred of real mouse smell too it. Lousy prey, but it wasn't really meant to be one by her explenation, so that hardly mattered. Playing, though? Quill had never really done much of that growing up- not with other cats, at least. But he guessed if it was her that was asking, he could give it a go.

"Yeah, that could be fun." he agreed, batting the toy mouse toward her with a flick of a large paw. "Twolegs sure are weird. Why didn't they just get you a real mouse?" he asked, honestly curious. He supposed the gesture was well meaning enough, but still, it was a strange decision in his eyes.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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She gave a slight shrug of her lithe shoulders, "Twolegs dont really like animals in their houses. There was a real mouse once in the house and they freaked out so hard," She gave a laugh at the memory and waved her tail behind her. She looked up at Quillstrike with warm eyes and tilted her head slightly to the side, "Do you not like it? I mean I know its not much- nothing compared to a good mossball or a real mouse," She looked down at the mouse that had been batted away by Quillstrike and her ears flattened slightly.

Bananapaw valued her home. Everything her twolegs did for her she would never be able to repay them for. Skyclan though- was also valued and her other home. A home away from home in a sense. And Quillstrike was one of the most important cat to her besides her family. She wanted to share it with him, it a part of her that would never leave. She'd always be a kittypet, it was inevidable. No matter how hard she trained, how proud she made her mother or sister, it would always boil down to one aspect about her; being a kittypet.

She wrinkled her nose slightly and lowered her head, her bubbly energy evoprating like steam off a hot rock, "You know what I overheard today? Chrysalispaw called kittypets selfish," She ranted to Quillstrike about it as it popped into her mind. The creamy and white cat sat down on the harden floor with a soft thump sound, "Selfish. Can you believe that? Shrimp didn't know any better!" Bananapaw shook her head and lowered her ears against her skull once more.

Then soft green eyes looked to the tabby tomcat, they shone with unshed tears as she got over emotional- again, "Does everyone see me like that? Selfish?" She thought she had influenced Chrysalispaw in a way he wouldn't be so negative towards kittypets. Didn't he like her? Weren't they friends? He was always so kind to her- she brought him a present too for Valentines day and he said they where selfish.

There was a soft sniffle and she lifted a white paw to rub at her nose, "Am I always going to be just a kittypet?"


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"It's fine." he replied. " Thought you wanted to play with it?" Or had he done it wrong- was he not supposed to bat it at her? He wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Luckily though it didn't seem as if she were too hung up on it, because something else came to mind that apparently was a far worse offense. "Oh yeah, I heard about that." he replied, recalling the gossip going around by the fresh kill pile later that day about how one of the new daylight warriors had taken more than his share, resulting in some not so friendly confrontations.

"Nobody thinks your selfish." he assured her with a soft sigh, the sight of unshed tears softening him somewhat as he leaned over to give her a gentle bump with his shoulder. "And half the time I forget you've even got twolegs." he added, the words far from a lie.

He didn't like seeing Bananapaw so distressed. She was too happy and outgoing of a cat to be on the verge of tears over something as stupid as a careless statement from another apprentices, and even though he technically outranked her now, the two new title over a two month age difference didn't change the fact that she was still his friend and that they'd basically gone through their apprenticeship together.

"Chrys is an idiot if he actually thinks those things. If Shrimpys a glutton it's because he was raised to be that way. It doesn't mean all kittypets are like that- Sheepcurls not selfish, is she?" he asked, remembering when the female went by Churrodream back when she was a daylight warrior.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

There was a part of her that wanted to play with it, but she wanted to play with Quillstrike with her new toy. Those deep green eyes of her looked up at the tabby tomcat- when did he get so tall? Regardless, he mentioned that he didn't think she was selfish and that he even forgot she had twolegs to go home too. Bananapaw blinked a few times before her gaze softened and she gave a little weak purr, "You really think so? I-I try to be the best warrior I can be ya know? Like you and Twitchbolt, and Butterflytuft and-," She started to ramble and cut herself off with a shake of her head.

Quillstrike then brought up Sheepcurl, and she seemed to consider his words with a thoughtful look across her pale striped face, "No shes not..neither is Grapejuice or any of the other day light warriors- Shrimp just didn't know," She said softly with a slight shrug of her shoulders then she gave a small nudge with her muzzle against his shoulder, "Maybe Chrysalis needs a lesson or two from you. I think- once he gets to know a daylight warrior it won't be so much hatred," She didn't want him to hate her. Though his actions confused her. He liked the present she brought him for Valentines day, he was so kind to her in his prickly way, but he called them selfish. Bananapaw wondered if she could change that about him. Show him she was just as much of a warrior as he was.

Bananapaw flicked her ear slightly and then looked up at Quillstrike with a sweet smile, it reached her green gaze, "Where would I be without you? Probably lost in my own mind," She gave a giggle at the thought of spiraling downwards into her own self doubts. He could always pull her out of it for sure and she was grateful for it. Even when they where apprentices' together, he was her rock and a place of logical sense. She then headbutted his shoulder, "Come on, lets play some? Or are you too warrior-like now for a little bit of fun?" Those eyes of her shone brightly and she waved her tail behind her.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
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"You really think so? I-I try to be the best warrior I can be ya know? Like you and Twitchbolt, and Butterflytuft and-,"

Honestly, he hated seeing her so torn up about something like this. It was so obvious to Quill that her being a kittypet had absolutely zero effect on her performance as a Skyclanner, and the fact that she couldn't see it herself as frustrating, all because of some stupid comment from Chrys.

"Im sure." he replied, the words falling confidently from his maw. "You hunt and patrol just like anyone else, you fought against Windclan when they raided and you helped drive off the fox that killed Twitches parents. Any cat that thinks you aren't going to make a good warrior is either blind or jealous that they aren't as accomplished."

He nodded his agreement that Sheepcurl and the other daylight warriors were worthy of their status, and that Shrimpy just didn't know any better. "Not every cats made for the forest, but to say that every kittypet is selfish is dumb." The truth was that all cats were selfish, some just less than others- and it had nothing to do with where they came from.

"Where would I be without you? Probably lost in my own mind,"

"Minds suck." he said, wrinkling his nose. "Glad I can help."

He knew all too well just how dangerous getting trapped in your own head could be, and he hoped that Banana never fellt into the kind of holes he did when the darkness got the better of him.

"Come on, lets play some? Or are you too warrior-like now for a little bit of fun?"

He snorted in amusement at her words, getting to his paws as she gave him a little headbutt. Physical contact like this, in the casual sense, was still new to him, but he didn't hate it with Bananapaw. "Oh, I'm *way* to cool to play games now." he said, the smallest of smirks on his lips as he swung a lazy swipe at the shecats ear.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Bananapaw reared up on her back legs with a laugh as she was lazily swiped at, and she pushed at his chest with a front paw, "Please, you'd have to be cool to start with and we both know you're kinda lame," She teased him back with a little grin etching across her pale muzzle. Then the tawny and white she-cat took off running into the forest at full speed, "You're it! Catch me if you can, bird boy!" She called behind herself.

Paws pounded the ground beneath as she dashed through the undergrowth and towards the twolegplace.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png


The push to his chest didn't so much as cause him to sway, and he repressed a pleased smile as he replied. "Sounds like you got the wrong guy, cuz I'm basically the coolest thing alive right now." he informed her in that classic deadpan of hers, not sounding impressed by her scandalous assumption that he was anything but cool. Of course, the myrth in his gaze suggsted he was far from serious.

"You're it! Catch me if you can bird boy!"

"Bird boy?!" he echoed after her, continuing on with charade of being offended. "i'll show you a bird boy." he muttered as he bolted after her, swerving to launch himself into the first tree he saw.

Large paws and powerful legs carried him up the trunk with startling ease, and from there he raced through the treetops overhead, leaping through the branches as confidently and sure-footed as any damn squirrel as he began to overtake her.

Once he'd managed to position himself on a low hanging branch ahead of her, he leapt down and aimed to gently tackle her into a large tuft of grass.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Paws pounded the ground as Bananapaw bolted for the nearest brush to hide in and her fit of giggles was hardly quiet by any means. She peaked out of the bush to see if Quillstrike had followed her but she didn't see the tabby tomcat. Her brow furrowed slightly in confusion- where did he go? She padded out of the brush and opened her mouth to call out to him in worry when a body collided with her own. An attack from above! She yelped in surprise and dropped to the ground, wiggling under a large body before she looked up at the other. She gave a squeal of joy and swatted at her muzzle with a sheathed paw, "Hey not fair! You cheated!," She mused with a smile that never seemed to fade from her muzzle.

The tawny and white she-cat wiggled out from under him and crouched playfull in response, "You wanna go? We can go right here right now, Quill!" She crowed a challenge and smirked in response. Of course she knew she'd loose. She was the worst fighter known to Skyclan, and she wasn't nearly as strong or fit as Quillstrike. Her softer life outside of the clan didn't really give way to being able to work out like they could.

Though unknown to the little white she-cat was something far from threatening than that of Quillstrike. A heavy stench wafted through the air and a low growl sounded from behind them in the brush, the twolegplace not too far behind them, and she felt herself freeze. Panic started to rise in her chest and she shakily looked back behind her. A large figure, standing several tail lengths high with fur as short as velvet and menacing brown eyes glared down at the two cats. Bananapaw felt her voice catch in her throat and she finally found her footing, shoving Quillstrike back towards the tree.



With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png