camp teeth — non-venemous snake bite


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
———————— ————————
STUMBLING INTO CAMP, FLAKED BY HIS YOUNGER BROTHERS who didn’t seem to realize he didn’t need help, Only making matters worse as Smokefang snapped at his brother leaving Youkai to twitch, annoyance radiating off of him in waves despite the pulsating pain on his flank. Idiots.

The brothers had wandered into the think of the forest, spending time together as they hunted. Or rather, watching his younger brothers snap and wrestle in the undergrowth-like kits. Not that he blamed them for their childish behaviors. He really couldn’t. Not when most of their kitten hoods comprised running in fear or licking at bloodied wounds.

The snake had been nestled beneath the pines while the obsidian-hued brute drew near, latching onto his right flank, digging into the tender flesh until sanguine fluid bubbled to the surface, staining the obsidian fur dark ebony. Damn, this is annoying.


Duskpool shifted until he sat on his haunches, wincing at the pain that pulsed in tandem with his heart, blood roaring loud in his ears as they twitched. It wasn’t noticeable with the long tendrils of fur, nothing eye-catching.

The fear had slammed into him the second it slithered away with the help of Smokefang, but even then, he wasn’t sure if it was venomous or not. Would he die? Youkai wasn’t sure whether to feel relief. The thought of dying wasn’t terrifying, but the thought of leaving his brothers and adoptive kits was. “Would you two stop your bitching?” He snapped, whirling around to face the two bickering brothers with a pained huff. “Damn voices are grating my ears.” Got enough to deal with than listen to you two bicker like toddlers.

He’d apologize later … When he wasn’t potentially dying from some stupid snake he hadn’t seen while reminiscing on the past. Who knew the past would bite me in the ass. He couldn’t help the choked laugh that bubbled out from his throat at the irony of it all.


thoughts speech
.people say that ———


——— i am heartless.
———————— ————————
THE SECOND DUSKPOOL AT BEEN BITTEN, SMOKEFANG SURGED INTO ACTION with a rumbling snarl, swatting the snake away without a second thought. “Fuck—Youkai!” His brother’s old name slipped out, staring at his older brother with panicked hues. Fuck. Fuck!

Pollux wondered if this was some cruel reminder that they could lose someone just as quickly as they’d dropped their guard. His attention drifted to Youkai’s slumped form, biting back the whine that wanted to escape. Damnit. I’m not a fucking kit anymore. He didn’t have the luxury to seek comfort, not when he had an idiot for a littermate and an older brother who didn’t seem to give a damn.

“Castor! Fucking idiot—” He cursed, urging the amber-eyed brute who scrambled over despite the initial shock. “Gotta get him back to camp.” He muttered, ushering them forward, spewing out profanities every few minutes until he caught sight of the familiar barrier that surrounded their … whatever it fucking was. Smokefang wasn’t sure whether to call it home or someplace bound to kick them to the curb even if he’d been a warrior for some time. Old habits die hard, go figures.


His icy blue optics narrowed, watching as Shadowfire stood at the edge. “You coming or what asshole?” He snapped, ignoring Youkai’s muddled specks of annoyance at the bickering littermates. “You can’t say shit, Duskpool.” He snapped, turning his cold hues to the annoyed brute.

“Come on, old man.” He snapped, dragging the male to his paws without prompting, nostrils flaring in annoyance. “We gotta get your damn ass to the med den before you kick the fucking bucket.” He rumbled. “You’re not leaving me to deal with Castor.” He huffed, optics twitching at Castor’s protest. I’m not losing another damn cat I even remotely care for.

thoughts speech
.fight it, or accept it ———


——— fear it, or control it.
———————— ————————
AMBER OPTICS WIDENED, STARING AT THE TWO WITHOUT REALIZING how serious the situation was until Pollux snapped at him, springing him into action. The black-and-white brute ignored Smokefang for the duration of the half-stumble half-jog they managed.

“Almost there.” He muttered with a breath of relief. His body sagging from its tense state.


Upon slipping through the familiar entrance and into camp, Shadowfire frowned, fur rumpled along his spine. He got bit. His mind supplied, reminding him of the severity of losing his older brother, even if they weren’t exactly brothers. They were biologically related, born years apart, but they were family.

Shadowfire scoffed at the comment. “At least I’m not some cold-hearted—” He uttered, snapping his maw shut with a click. “Nevermind.” He grunted with a curl of his lips, watching Smokefang urge the older tom until he stood, favoring his right side. Please don’t fucking die. I don’t think either of us would handle it well.

“Pollux. Calm down.” Amber optics narrowed, staring at his brother knowing damn well anger wouldn’t get them anywhere. “Anger isn’t going to fix it.” Shadowfire huffed, tail flicking as he edged closer to the two, offering an apologetic chirp to Youkai who merely huffed, rolling molten-copper hues.

“I’ll go get someone. Stay here.” Without waiting for a response, Shadowfire hurried off, deeper into camp with a swish of his tail.

thoughts speech
Shadowfire carries himself into the medicine den faithfully, and Fireflypaw knows this means someone was hurt. Nobody ever made their way over to the medicine den for no reason; sure, Greeneyes visited him at times when his mentor wasn't around, but this was different, surely. "How can we help you, Shadowfire?" He hums, not looking up from his pile of lavender and cobwebs. It's obvious he's busy with sorting, but he stops when the tom begins to speak.

Firefly is more keen a speaker than he, offering kind words upon entry; fleeting things that seemed to slip easily, no matter the time of day. Dawnglare glances upon this one similarly, gaze raking across, searching for some sort of spark. He could not find it though, upon observing that black and white face, thickly built, eyes simmering like embers; unlike the cool silver he typically saw with such a coloring. A stranger, then– practically, perhaps. Someone he would like to see less, regardless.

An auburn head pokes out past the new mooned face of his apprentice, and suddenly he is here, leaning more readily into them than they would him for space was for him to invade. His space would be all his own, of course. " Show– tell– " he had no preference, not really, whatever would have them gone sooner. Blue eyes narrow upon amber ones, the hue a slight too similar to the sun, if you asked him... " ...your problem, that is. "

He stands on the tips of toes, drags himself from the burrows maw so he has a chance to glean what is there. He glances something, someone; smoke form that has his lip curling into a grimace. It isn't him, he hopes. " I'd hate to see him, " he tells the stranger. Not again.