pafp televangelist ࣪ ᥫ᭡ . gossiping


the rabbit is starving
Jul 28, 2024

the sun dissipates beyond the hungry black nettles, dipping beneath the jutting horizon and dousing the land in swathes of black. it feels safer, easier on the eyes in this late twilight — eases into the shadows alongside sharpshadow and allowing abyssal features meld with the shadows, illuminating only the delicate striping of dovesoft curls at the lead’s side. its long - knotched body is coiled loosely around the pile of ribboned bone shards, bits and pieces of meat running red like the fleeting dusk and thinly - furred head turned towards a sky beginning to dot with twinkling life. leaffall wind weaves through the barren trees and a plush tail comes to wrap its lilywoven flank, nestling into familiar velvet comfort, ” it won’t be much longer — until they arrive. “ its a gentle, ghostly whisper ; overcrowded teeth gnaw on colorless bottom lip, turning his eyes away from the emerging heavens towards . . the one in charge. it’s maw trembles kindly despite the undercurrent of nerves that laces it’s throat in wire, ” do you — do you think . . that they’ll return a -star? “ they could retrieve a warning instead, maybe . . an omen, a dream, a tell of where to find him. something. or they could not.

it’s a dreary thought. a repetitive thought. she feels the ache of loss all the same . . sharpshadow, it imagines, feels it most.

it switches tactics. stretching out ivory - mitted paws and sinking thistlethorn claws into the soft earth to drag himself closer, conspiratorially, towards its companion. night gleams oilblack eyes a curious amber along severe, jagged features, ” i’m sure . . that salamandersnap would be pleased. “ voice like chitin and chattering mandibles, a bashful purr that lifts his chin with a slow blink of amusement. gossip. it was a beaming light and he a lowly moth ; hypocritical, it knows. it was just like mother, ” she had her hide served to her, for what she said the other day. asking who we think they’ll name deputy, crowing about it being what’s best for the clan . . all loud enough for mirepurr to hear. shouted at me, even, “ a petulant lip comes to pout dramatically. she’d been silenced quick enough by lilacfur, ferndance, thrasherthroat . . it looks to its paws, almost embarrassed, as if scolded for the way it’s heart still skittered like a frightened beetle about his rib cage when he thought of them. it’s throat clears, twiddling pearlescent claws with warm ears when sapish eyes fix upon her again, rolling fragile shoulders, ” she seems eager, is all. “ eager to say smogmaw is gone, eager to urge mirepurr into power . . and seemed to have her tail all up in knots while so.


    a tall, haunting lilac tabby with dark features and syrupy amber eyes.
    he carries through life an uncanniness he cannot shed. a unique culmination of atypical traits has given it stature like something dredged of nightmare ; like his mother he is doused in sleek waves of marbled lilac, plush softens the underlying jut of sinew and bone at his chest. from afar, he seems unworldly, if a bit sick ; all popping vertebrae and thickly veined membrane, doused in thick waves of fur like his mother. if it weren’t for a face like oil - slick rot & buzz of hungry horseflies clouding it’s features into pitch black, cutting off sharply at the neck as if earth has come to reclaim him. his long snout is torn in ribbons stretching towards the outer corner of his ear in an overgrown and toothy glasgow smile, the only cut of age - tinged color against stark shadow.
    severely hyperdontial. maw is seemingly overcrowded with teeth ; occasionally catches on his lips and inner cheek, especially when eating or speaking.

Sharpshadow was... in charge, she supposes. She isn't sure what in charge is supposed to look like, aside from the impassive, and yet all-seeing gaze of Chilledstar. Aside from the dredged eyes and hunched back of Smogstar. Maybe sometime soon — sooner than she'd like, she fears — Mirepurr would be melded into that image too. She takes up the form she's most familiar with; the one poignantly absent ( and perhaps, poignantly dead, but she refused to believe that. She would refuse until Mirepurr returned with a star as proof ). Sharpshadow sits with a hunch in her spine, and maybe the most terrifying realization for her to make is that it takes no effort. It's what she always does, isn't it? And yet only now does she see the echo of Smogstar in it. It makes her want to rip off her own skin. At the same time, she feels as if something terrible will happen if she doesn't do it.

So... she keeps up her façade of Smogstar. And apparently, it's practically him already. Loonface is beside him, his nightmare of a face familiar clicking soft syllables together. Sharpshadow says nothing at first. His jaw tightens at the observation. Its eyes are on him now, and Sharpshadow wonders if it's looking for someone to talk to, or someone that's in charge. Was it working at all? Making the lines of his face steadfast and serious? " I... I don't know, " he answers. It's underwhelming. It's really, really lame, but it's honest. " I feel like picking either is a- a bad omen. " He didn't really consider himself superstitious... but omens were real, weren't they?

Okay — so then, Loonface is coming closer, leering at them with this... conspiratorial sort of look. If Sharpshadow's face had been holding up until then, it almost certainly breaks now, twisting into something visibly stressed. ( ...Visibly normal, more like. That was his normal face, wasn't it? ) But at the mention of Salamandersnap, Sharpshadow snorts. " I bet, " he replies dryly. She doesn't recognize it as gossip. They were just... complaining. Those were different, right? His ears perk to attention. Whatever discomfort he felt, he forgets all about when he gets the opportunity to hate something with someone else. " You're kidding. " he gapes. How could anyone be thinking about that already, when Smogstar's status was such a big question mark? When it was only today they had departed from that moonstone, and who knew if they would even find lives there.

( The extra note — about Loonface being yelled at. That was like, definitely irrelevant. And dumb. ...For whatever reason, Sharpshadow humors it with a quirk of the brows at the comment ).

She seems eager, is all, she says at last. " She is " Sharpshadow agrees easily. Along the hunch of his spine, an already-nightmarish coat ( He and Loonface had that in common ) seems to prickle. " Called him a coward the other day. Smogstar- He's- " Sharpshadow hesitates, as if he can't stand the thought of complimenting him in public... and he kind of couldn't. But Smogstar had done things right, as much as he hated it. He'd done things right, hadn't he? " He's no coward, " he finishes quietly. Then there's a steady rise of his voice, with what he says next. " Y-y'know, I bet... I bet Salamandersnap's thinking she'll be deputy, and then she'll be praying to StarClan that Mirepurr p-pulls a disappearing act too. "