camp Tell it to the frogs || chasing frogs

[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] They were everywhere, of course a lot of them were gone now, the population beginning to dwindle more and more as the days go on, and yet still some managed to find their way into the camp where the kits could easily play with them, which ended up with the frogs hiding or escaping into areas where they couldn't get to. Which was fine by Sycamorekit, he hated seeing them around, they grossed him out and he could not wait until every last one of them were gone or at least harder to find, besides eating frog after days and days of having them got tired after awhile. So when one frog hopped into his vision he huffed and fluffed up his own fur before beginning to chase the creature around camp.

This definitely beat being bored out of his own mind and it most definitely beats being pestered into joining game of mossball. Each day Sycamorekit got a little braver showing himself around kit, but still the tom clung close to Marblekit or Lilacfur, even allowing his counsins to get closer than he did when he first had joined. When the frog came to halt the tom crouched into an attempt of a hunters crouch, body too low to the ground below him, ears perked up and his tail swishing from side to side. Yet he pounced anyways and the frog hopped out of his grasp leaving a soft pout on the cinnamon tabby's face.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorekit 𐃉 He,She, They, Shadowclan kit, 4 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



The flurry of movement that was Sycamorekit chasing the frog around camp was amusing to Haretooth, who had taken position to happily witness his antics. It was good that the tabby was displaying what he perceived as an act of hatred towards the frog. While their numbers had started to dwindle he still felt a spark of irrational irritation whenever one of the creatures came into view. If he wasn’t merely pleased in watching someone else terrorise the little fiends he may have joined in, but he wouldn’t wish to be perceived as childish for assisting a kit in this little game of his.

Sycamorekit’s absolute blunder of an attempt to catch this frog caused the warrior to tsk in disappointment. He understood that this was a child, untrained in the ways of proper techniques in how to capture prey. The disappointment was immeasurable though, the majority of it was linked to his general displeasure of seeing a frog escape rather then aimed at the kit themself. The tom was an avid supporter in teaching ShadowClan’s young these life skills early. Clearly the tabby must have had some limited teachings to even attempt a hunter's crouch, no matter how poor.

Long pale limbs sauntered towards her, sitting a few paces behind to not scare the frog away further. “Don't stay so close to the ground. It’ll get you a little further, less resistance.” His tone was impassive but there was a knowing smile. “No frog will be able to hop away from your wrath if you know to hone the destruction. Impressive effort, when I tried that as a kit I fell face first into the marshland, I couldn’t get the grime out of my teeth for days.”


The influx of frogs was both a blessing and a curse upon Shadowclan. For the first time in quite possibly her life, Starlingheart knew what a full belly felt like. But with the frogs came danger, other hungry creatures bent on also taking advantage of the rise in population, other clans who saw an opportunity to cross into their territory and take what she has no doubt would have been freely given if only they had just asked. They had more than enough, after all.

Many of Starlingheart's days, when there is nothing else to do, are spent sat just outside of the medicine cats den, watching the going ons of clan life, the apprentices returning from training, the warrior from hunting, but most importantly she watches the kits. Many of them are her own flesh and blood, related to her through some means or another and she cannot help but feel protective over them.

She watches with a lone gaze and whiskers twitching in amusement as Sycamorekit creeps up o na frog that had made the mistake of wandering into camp and while she watches she thinks back to the days she had found herself in a similar position. She had been young abck then, and had begged to be able to keep it as a pet. The adults had indulged her, for a time. But she is certain that later on she had seen it in the fresh-kill pile. She cannot say she blames them thouh, prey had been so hard to come by and they could not have spared any.

Haretooth offers moer guidance than she could ever hope to, what with her limited knowledge when it came to such things. But still, she smiles as she approaches "It was a- a good try Sycamorekit" she says, hoping she sounds encouraging so that her young niece would not give it up. Practice made perfect, after all.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

For generations, the mere mention of Sycamorekit's name will stoke fear in amphibious minds all throughout the territory. Frog folklore shall tell his tale in hushed whispers and gruesome details—a stone-hearted predator, hell-bent on terrorising those naive enough to stray near the swamp's great hollow, in which ShadowClan resides. Sycamorekit does not know mercy towards frogs, nor does he appreciate it. He will do anything it takes to protect his clan, without regard to consequence or morality.

Heh. He'll sit on that, and share it in a minute or two.

Smogmaw is an unmoving audience from the sidelines, standing sentinel-still, save for the involuntary turn of his head. A dull and listless stare, dead and unreadable, observes the kit scramble helplessly along the muddy ground. The deputy chuckles shallowly when Sycamorekit misses his mark at long last. Lingering at camp's edge, he is in-between patrols and itching for a distraction to engage his thoughts before duty returns. Watching this particular scene was just a smidgeon more captivating than sitting in the warrior's den, dwelling in limbo.

The pampering begins shortly thereafter. Haretooth and Starlingheart are swiftly at the little one's side, and they deceptively affirm what was clearly a terrible job. Like, come on. Anyone with the barest hint of intuition in their bones could have caught the thing. There's no need to put false hope in a naive child's mind. Encouragement is one matter, unrealistic assurances are another altogether.

"At least you scared it away," he remarks on a slow approach, head hunched and shoulders held at an unsightly posture. "Now, that frog's prob'ly going to tell all its friends about you, y'know. The great Sycamorekit: the defender of ShadowClan, and a ferocious foe to all frogs!" Alright, maybe he's a bit of a hypocrite here. 'Unrealistic assurances' and all that. He can't help it, though. Telling tall tales to kits is an addiction he hasn't quite kicked yet.

Smile coaxed upon his maw, the tom playfully lashes his tail near Sycamorekit's twitchy whiskers.


It was a sleepy day. All of the rain recently had caused an overbearing feeling of weariness upon Gigglekit's poor little form, and she would have enjoyed nothing more than to curl up at Needledrift's side and sleep the days away - but alas, it was not to be. Her mother had insisted that the kits go out and get some time to play while the rain was away, and Gigglekit had waddled out after being poked and prodded. Once she was out of Needledrift's view, though, she took it upon herself to flop back down on the ground and watch her cousin chase after one of the many frogs that had since invaded and been slaughtered in ShadowClan's camp.

She was watching with half-lidded eyes as Sycamorekit tried to pounce on the frog and missed, but Gigglekit's attention wasn't fully captured until she noticed all the older cats surrounding her cousin, offering words of praise and encouragement. Gigglekit wasn't sure if her cousin had done all that well, considering the frog had managed to get away, but if everyone else was complimenting him, who was she to deny Sycamorekit that?

"You'll get 'em next time for sure," Gigglekit yawned as she trotted over to Sycamorekit, squeezing past Starlingheart and Smogmaw to get closer to her cousin. "Maybe I can help you out, too!"


✧ . Though there’s less frogs than there has been — and thankfully, less intruders in the nursery — the amphibians are still a noticeable presence in the camp. Enough so to shift Morelkit’s attention toward them whenever they appear, and his older cousin’s too, apparently. As Sycamorekit follows the frog, a cobalt gaze follows cinnamon fur with interest and anticipation as the older kit crouches down, as he pounces toward the invader and almost catches it.

Good one! “ the tabby echoes congratulations he’d been hearing around the camp as of late in the case of actual catches. Though it would’ve been neat if Sycamorekit actually caught it, Morelkit still thinks it was a good attempt. Gigglekit and his aunt think so as well — the gray kit nods in agreement — and even Smogmaw joins in on the chorus, with such praise that makes the tom blink in wonder at his namesake.

Will they really? “ he asks, looking toward his cousin: defender of ShadowClan, a foe to all frogs. Sycamorekit must be proud of that — Morelkit thinks he would be, if such a title was bestowed upon him. He contemplates it for a second, before a question barges past the rest of his thoughts. “ Why… Why do frogs jump all the time? “ Had it not jumped away, his cousin might’ve been able to catch it!​
  • MORELKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A blue tabby and white tom with pale, blue-gray eyes.
    ✧ . Needledrift x Chittertongue ; Adoptive son to Ferndance
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
So many frogs in camp....So many snacks that could also be little friends. Her clanmates are hard at work catching and chasing them off and Garlicheart was happy to help at first, but there's so many now that she's nearly given up. She is learning to coexist with the frogs. They are now clanmates. She even has one sitting on her head.

Sycamorekit nearly catches one, but it escapes. The frog is free. It will now cause a ruckus somewhere else.

"It was a good try!" She agrees with Starlingheart. "And Smogmaw's right! That frog will go and tell all the other frogs our camp is dangerous!" Her father's wisdom is boundless, this frog will never forget this near death experience. The one on her head is safe, though.

Morelkit has an important question though.... Why do frogs jump all the time? Why DO frogs jump all the time?????


She doesn't know. Thats a good question, Morelkit. "....Smogmaw, why DO frogs jump all the time?" She asks. Were they trying to fly?? Did they not know how to walk????​