camp tell me im not dreaming .. camp prompt

"-I won't hold it against you for getting in a kitten-cuddle, they love to snuggle into tails." Hazecloud was wrapping up the last of her best kit-watching advice to the flame pelted tom. Lichentail had instructed the nursery-dwellers with the important task of lining stones along the shoreline for better visibility. The snowfall overnight had proven it to be necessary, a layer of ice-crusted powder muddling the edge of the island.

Hazecloud had already tasked her little gems with actually gathering enough rocks to use and a rather impressive collection had turned into several kitten-sized piles. They were eager to do something different, to be given an important task like they were any other warrior.

"But if they won't quiet down you can come get me and we'll switch places, unfortunately only one of us can feed them." The misty-coated molly laughed and poked her head through the sedge to look at them one last time. Peacefully silent while bundles against the moss.

"Alright you three, I have a special prize for whoever gets done with their pile first. BUT, no rushing. Whoever's done first with a neat, stable line of their stones will get my prize. No sloppy work, no shortcuts. Understood?" Her gaze swept over her leaders kin with a smile as she waited for their 'yes ma'am's'. "Then get ready, and... Go!"

// @FERNGILL @RIVERKIT @SHELLKIT @PEBBLEKIT. no need to wait for anyones reply ^^

Ferngill had been enraptured listening to Hazecloud's advice, every ounce of his attention paid to her words. This was a big duty! Even if some warriors would think it was just kit-sitting, for Ferngill it was a lofty matter of trust, and a duty he would not bear lightly. But he'd carry it with all the light he could muster, grinning sunnily at Hazecloud as she finished off her advice. Hopefully they wouldn't have to switch places... he wanted to make a good impression on these kits, and he had not the special prize that Hazecloud bore for the completed kittens.

Silken tail at the ready for the young kittens to grasp if they so wished, Ferngill offered Hazecloud a grateful nod. "We'll have the best time," he promised, offering her one last bright grin as she stole a look at her kittens.

They weren't much for conversation, obviously- but Ferngill didn't mind. Looking at the amazement in their milky-blue gazes was so, so cute- and it was so interesting how their downy-fluff pelts looked like a mix of the two parents'. "I've been so excited to meet you guys properly," he chimed to them, whispery and soft, as inviting as he could manage. "I'm Ferngill. I hope we'll be good friends."

Of course, he knew they probably didn't know what he was saying. But part of him hoped very, very, very much that they understood, somehow.
penned by pin
Her eyes would focus on Hazecloud and Ferngill, surrounded by the pair of kits. Curiosity got the best of her, and she found herself walking over to the group. "What are you all doing? Can I help?" While unsure of what they were doing, (and perhaps she could be included in earning a prize as well) and it seemed like it could be fun? Maybe. Gazing between Ferngill and Hazecloud, she would wait for a response before approaching any further.

she is brimming before he even arrives. a clear, buzzing excitement trembling at every edge of her since lichentail had come by, and hazecloud had let her her litter in on a special task they’d been assigned. she was almost jealous of the babies, despite the way she’d scrambled out to collect her pebbles — she loooved ferngill, just from the times she’d woven near his paws, whatever conversation they may have had a pleasant blur in the background of her mind. a foundation — she appreciated him, his soft tone and brilliant smile. it was a rarity amongst the winterlands. it had only taken moments after the ginger tom arrived, nestling in the insulated, milk - scented nursery did she arch and rub against his flank in greeting.

her eyes gleam despite the straight, stony line of her maw, tail jutting upward, ” ferngill, ferngill — did you, um. did you see our rocks? “ a breathless inquiry, pride bowing her up, a paw coming to rest on his larger forearm to lift her off the ground. she still isn’t the same height, but it’s close enough to receive the praise she is expecting. despite her eagerness, the queen addresses her litter instead. her head whips back at the sound of a prize, and oh. questions flood her maw but she doesn’t voice them, the excitement welling up in her throat so much all she can do is make a sound of excitement, a half - meow half - squeak that has her looking eagerly towards her brothers. she could beat them, for sure! ( she doesn’t know how much they let her win. ) she sings a cheery yes, maam the moment she can, her tail still flapping with energy and thrill.

she moves to follow hazecloud with a skip, eager to twine between her limbs since there was room too now, with the babies outside of her belly. but before she can, she hears someone speak ; just outside the sedge curtain that sways far more gentle than the way she suddenly rips it back, steps out with a first a side - eye of agitation.. before the lilac girl gives eelpaw a blatant, balking up - down. an apprentice, trying to steal their prize with her massive feet and longer legs.. the nerve! she fluffs out her fur — it does damage to her intimidation tactic, but shellkit is nonethewiser. her nose wrinkles up at the apprentice, a petulant no! that’s not fair. tumbling hot from her maw, not a hint of hesitation lingering at the edges of that sharp meow. ambered eyes flick towards the apprentice, ” you’re too big, and.. plus you don’t even have pebbles and i’m not sharing mine — haaazecloud! “

her head snaps towards the molly, fully expecting her to scruff the apprentice like she did her and take her elsewhere with a firm no. gasping an inhale from the sheer amount of words she’d coughed up, she takes a moment, bows her featherdown head to find her breath again — but to emphasis her point, she stomps a paw against the snow. it, like her bristling fur, does little.

  • i.

  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

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