Tell Me It Gets Better [Leechpaw]


for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

[retro to hawk attacks! <3]
She was brimming with excitement. Her first apprentice- and one she happened to like at that!
Echolight had given Leechpaw the night to rest before taking him out on their first adventure together- it can't be easy to have to switch from one mentor to another, and the calico wanted to let the ebony tom have time to simmer on the change.
The next morning, however, she had searched him out and brought him breakfast, giving him time to eat before taking him outside of camp.
"Tell me about yourself, your favorite food, favorite training techniques… I'd love to get to know you" Echolight began as she led the other to the open moorground, "personally, my favorite prey is fish, and my favorite thing to do is run- I go on one every morning, there's nothing better than feeling the wind in your fur, it's like you're flying" she continues, hoping that by letting the apprentice inside her life, he may follow along. She keeps her voice leveled and paced, not wanting to overwhelm the typically stoic apprentice, but the warm glow in her eye betrays her attempts to tame her eagerness.

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It would be a lie to say that Leechpaw was just as excited about this like Echolight was. He had...actually liked his former mentor. Or maybe liking was a to strong of a word...But he hadn't disliked them. White-eye had been the perfect mentor as well. She had been a former loner, one he too was planning to be one day after he was ready to take care of himself out there. So learning from her had been his ultimate goal to learn everything there was to know about being a loner so he had the best chance to survive. But now she was gone. She had abandoned him leaving a sour taste on his tongue. Whatever. She had just been a tool for him to use. He could found another one who could serve thier role even better.

Turned out that one would be Echolight, a molly he knew very little about beside knowing she come from this big family who claimed to have lived here on the moors for thier entier life. A family who seemed to have each other backs. A brightful family. Leechpaw had tried his best to avoid them but now he was stuck with one of them.

Leechpaw had obidently followed his new mentor outside that morning to start what he thought would be thier first training session. In the middle of the silence between the two though, Echolight broke the ice with something that was familliar to him. Leechpaw's ears fall back. During thier very first training session, White-Eye had too start asking him questions about get to know him. Back then he had cooperated with the former loner in hope they would share information about them as well. To learn more about thier loner life. But what purpose was there to share information about himself now?. Before he could debate on it, Echolight shared stuff about herself with him. Leechpaw snorted when she mentioned fish to be her favorite prey.

" Fish are gross." he muttered, sharing his dislike which for his mentor apperantly was her favorite. If she liked fish so much wouldn't riverclan have been the best clan for her then?. He decided to not point this out, having enough control over his tongue to not insult his new mentor the first thing he did. " Ugh, i feel like everyone in this clan loves running." He didn't get it. Leechpaw actually didn't enjoy it all that much. Maybe because he had struggled to find his balance as a kit on his long and unsteady legs.

Leechpaw catch up to them, to walk beside them and cast a side-glance and captured that excitement in her eye. In someways Echolight was reminding him of Rosepaw, who too could shine up like a sun when he was excited about something, or talked about his passions. After a moment he would turn his gaze away from her. " Well...i don't like fish. I don't really have any favorite food to eat." If he could be honest found most food to be tasteless, sometimes even gross depanding on what mood he was in. " I prefere to hunt at night and...i like rainy days. I like tracking and stealth...I think i'm starting to get good at it too. " White-Eye had never given him a proper feedback on that to be honest..." I'm not the best runner." he finished with a frown. Ironic since he was probably one of the tallest cats in this clan but speed made him clumsy. It was difficult for him to control his legs.


Confusion had Echolight silent for several seconds after Leechpaw had finished speaking. Fish?
Realization widened her single eyes gaze before embarrassment pooled at her cheekbones. "Did I say fish? That's so weird! I meant rabbit… though I suppose I've always wanted to try fish!" She quickly corrected, but able to keep her up-beat demeanor with ease.
"I can definitely see how you'd make a great night-hunter, you'd blend in perfectly. It's okay that you don't have the best running skills, no one can be perfect in everything" Echolight reassured confidently. "Would you say you excel in hunting or combat?" Based on Leechpaw's responses, Echolight would have guessed hunting, his spindly build and silent pawsteps definitely added a natural boost to the skill. She tries to keep her gaze from being glued onto him, instead turning her attention mainly to the moor ahead of her.

Uhh, what now?. Leechpaw was suprised that Echolight actually took back her previous statement of fish being her favorite food. Rabbit made more sense since there was plently of them here on the moors. Still, how could she had done a major mistake like that?. " Uhm, okay. Have no clue how you could mix up rabbit with a fish but...alright." He watched her with a suspetiouc eye for a moment before he just brushed it of his shoulders. Turned out his mentor was a weirdo.

Had she just compliment his dark fur?. Leechpaw twitched his whiskers. Receiving compliments was weird. " You really think so?. That i can become a great hunter?." he would ask, his facial expression not showing much emotion. Leechpaw at best wanted to become a decent hunter who could kill his own food but reaching levels higher then that?. Sounded like a goal for another cat. Leechpaw didn't have much of ambitious beside what he personally could gain from reaching a certain goal.

Thinking again, he tried to remember his previous training sessions with White-Eye which had been few. To say if he was better at hunting or fighting was a tricky question. " It would probably be hunting. I have not done much of combat training...not in real practise like sparring." he paused and stopt walking, his ears laying itself flat on his head. " I don't like to be touched." It makes me sick. Avoiding to look directly at his new mentor Leechpaw kicked a stone that had been laying close by. Frowning he shook his head. " Anyway..."