tell me its not my fault [private]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


The chimera moved with purpose as he led Twitchbolt and Figfeather from camp, long legs steering him off into the woods determinedly. He refused to believe that Banana was avoiding him on purpose- there was just no way hed upset her enough!

But she didn't tell you here she was going, and nobodys seen her at all.. an unhepful voice reminded him, jaw clenching as if to keep himself from growling in frustration.

There was no way he could have failed this quickly... right?

"We'll search up toward twoleg place first- I've already been to Tallpine and the Rockpile, and even though we aren't on greatterms with Thunder or River I expect they'd say something if they found one of our cats over there in trouble."


skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Quillstrike's strides were loping and direct, determined. He had always known the chimera to be the determined type, sure of himself- but there was urgency about him, about them all, that Twitchbolt had seldom seen. Worry writhed in his gut too, enabled him to keep up with the longer strides of the taller tom- though he was conscious not to leave Figfeather behind, too. Honeysplash surely, surely, would not have just... left. She had nowhere else to go, did she? And- and she loved Quillstrike. And he loved her, too.

"Right," he said with a sharp nod. His eye twitched, thoughts whirring in his mind, stirring his thoughts around. He had to, had to, keep his worry under control. Freaking out wasn't going to help anyone, least of all Honeysplash. "She can't have- have fallen into a twoleg trap, I don't think. She... she'd know what they're like," he murmured. She had been in the Shelter, too- and being an ex-daylight warrior, knew very much about the practices Twolegs used to tide cats over. Still, they could not rule out the fact her scent might be around here.
penned by pin ✧



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Quillstrike’s long strides are difficult to keep up with. Figfeather would never admit it, but she finds herself slacking behind more than once. A lot of expeditions she took on the territory were solo, even when on patrols she moved at her own pace to hunt and border, she’s not use to having to keep up at such a speed… Thank StarClan our territory has so little undergrowth, I can’t imagine being a cat like me there! She already had grumble not tripping in sprawling roots and fallen branches. Twitchbolt seems to lag behind sometimes to ensure she was still keeping up, wordlessly she was grateful.

Figfeather nods at Quillstrike’s plan, it would be illogical to look in places already searched. But before they continued… ”You really seem to think that she’s in danger, Quillstrike. I understand your worry but… is there anything you’re not telling us?” Suspiciously Figfeather asks, she knows it was fair to be paranoid with everything that’s happened… But whose to say she just hadn’t left camp for the day to be alone? So long as Silversmoke hadn’t assigned her to any patrols and she came home with some prey the clan would forgive it easily. For some reason Figfeather thinks there’s more to this, and before she goes sticking her nose into twoleg holes she wants to know the full picture. ”…Like… did she give you any hints these past few days? Y’know… about leaving?” She hates to say it, but what if Honeysplash missed kittypet life too much? What if she had gone to find a new twoleg to replace the ones who had abandoned her? Maybe they wouldn’t let her out of the nest anymore…


He nodded at Twitchbolt words, agreeing completely. There was no way that Honeysplash had just fallen into another trap set by the twolegs. She was too smart for that, knew the consequences too well. It must have been a predator then, or something that happened right on the border between twolegplace and the pines.

”You really seem to think that she’s in danger, Quillstrike. I understand your worry but… is there anything you’re not telling us?”

"Like what?" he scoffed, gaze snapping to land on Figfeather accusingly.

What was she trying to say? That Quill was keeping secrets from them?

”…Like… did she give you any hints these past few days? Y’know… about leaving?”

"No, she didn't." he replied, agitation audible as his attention returned to the trail ahead of them. She hadn't, had she? "We just got together. She was happy- why would she just leave?" he asked, but there was something hidden within the frustration this time, something small and nervous and not at all certain.

Had she been happy, though? Had Quill done something to fuck it up not even a moon into things? He tried to run through the last few days in his head. Had she been acting off? He wasn't sure. He hadnt really noticed anything, only that today she suddenly wasn't anywhere to be found.

"She's always following me around and coming over to talk to me- ask Twitch." he he said, mismatched gaze momentarily flickering toward his friend in search of back-up. It was only then that a thought occurred to him, and he turned to set his gaze on the pair once more. "Why- did she say something to either of you? About.. not being happy?" His heart dropped at the idea that his mate had been pretending the entire time, secretly going to her friends and complaining about how miserable she was.

His fathers voice cackled in the back of his head, howling in laughter, Nobody will ever want you, boy. Ugly, worthless, waste of space that you are.

He stifled a growl as he tried to ignore it, looking ahead once more in hopes that his friends wouldn't notice just how much this was really hurting him.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Muscle-spasms grew more intense at Figfeather's inquisition, despite his better judgement. It was a sensitive spot to prod at, and that much was obvious with the agitation of Quillstrike's response. Even if it was... difficult to think about the answer to her question, however, Figfeather was not entirely wrong in asking it. Molars latched together in an icon grip, blinking as he thought, pelt prickling. When Quillstrike motioned toward him for input, Twitchbolt paused for a moment, unready to talk. Scrabbling, his mind smashed together a response that tumbled clumsily from his jittering maw. "Mhm, yeah," he agreed, having witnessed plenty of times Honeysplash careering toward Quillstrike, doubtlessly searching for his company.

He did not disclose what he knew about her jealousy. Surely that would not drive her away? Not when it meant nothing...

Quillstrike set his sights forward again, attempting no doubt to hide his emotions. Twitchbolt knew him well, though- knew him well enough to say he had never seen the other tom like this. Something must have struck a fragile spot, fracturing it and turning the spines into shards of sharp worry and determination. "She- she never said anything to me about leaving. Just that she, she, she... missed her Twolegs." They were heading toward Twolegplace- but Honeysplash's housefolk had abandoned her.

"Maybe she... she found new Twolegs...?" The bicolour tom sounded desperately unsure of his own theory, even as if left his mouth- he could not think to trust a kind that had abandoned you mere moons ago. Honeysplash was no longer a kittypet, not even a daylight warrior anymore. She'd vowed to SkyClan only weeks ago- what could have changed, if she was not in danger? If she was smarter than to wander into a trap?
penned by pin ✧
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