private tell me, tell me // luckypaw


periwinklebreeze & 12 moons & demi-boy & he/they & windclan moor runner

Its not a rare thing for peri to spend time with those younger than him, not really - there's less bad blood, less judgement. Only whatever their parents have managed to pass onto them. And scorchstreak had begrudgingly allowed him to shower his attentions on her kits, so he see's no issue in speaking to luckypaw even now. Besides - cygnetstare too had seemed alright with him. Telling a story - now that's something he'd never thought he'd do, not broken as he is, hardly able to manage more than a few words without stammering. But... he'd asked, and so peri will tell

. He sits quietly at their place against the edge of camp for a moment, watching as the days last rays begin to fade away, before he finally speaks. "Honestly, it all h-happened so fast. Cottonpaw v-vanished over a hill, and by the t-time we crested it she was already in his claws, as he t-t-taunted us, th-threatening to rip out her eye," perhaps, if this were a kit-tale, he'd soften his words, but really - it's simply the harsh reality of the world they live in, and luckypaw is old enough to know that. "At f-first it was j-j-j-just smokethroat, but then m-more arrived, like a pack of st-starved wolves," he thinks it an apt comparison - the look in the riverclan cats eyes like that of a predator closing in for the kill.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: @LUCKYPAW
    tw/cw: —
  • a lithe figured black and white tom with a false-pointed pattern and clear blue eyes that gleam periwinkle in the right lighting. he seems perpetually worn and exhausted, with heavy bags beneath his eyes and a slouched figure. he has a speech impediment which leaves him with a stutter and sometimes even completely non-verbal, and his fluffy tail is adorned with daisies.

    physically medium && mentally easy && pacifist
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ccccff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


To Luckypaw, Periwinklebreeze is something of an enigma - while the warrior is fine enough in his eyes, having played around with him and his siblings when they were younger, he knows that Scorchstreak isn't particularly fond of him. In fact, he's pretty sure that it's not just Scorchstreak; even though the boy doesn't partake in gossip too regularly, he's still heard the odd bit of rumors surrounding Peri and around his family. It had put him off from wanting to interact with the moor runner, briefly, not wanting to cross his mother or be seen as something bad by association, but eventually he'd reasoned that if Peri was really that bad, Scorchstreak or Badgermoon would have said something, or Sootstar would have just kicked him out WindClan entirely. Though still a little uncertain, those thoughts and the fact that Peri had been nothing but nice to him had allowed Luckypaw not to shy away from the warrior, and when his curiosity got the best of him, to even ask more about the RiverClan skirmish. At the time, he'd not quite understood the intricacies of the battle, only really understanding that RiverClan had tried to hurt Cottonpaw and that they had also won, in the end, and now that he's a little older, it seems to be a bit of a sore subject to many of his fellow clanmates.

As Peri begins to recount his tale, the tortie quiets down, trying to imagine what it would have been like to be there, too. There hadn't been any warning, nothing at all - just RiverClan appearing, this Smokethroat leading the charge. Briefly, he wonders if that's what the ShadowClan skirmish had been like - WindClan appearing out of nowhere to attack - though really that's where the similarities end, since ShadowClan had turned out victorious and WindClan also hadn't specifically targeted an apprentice like that. At least, not that he'd heard of, he supposes, though surely something like that would've been mentioned by somebody. More details are revealed, and even though he'd known the basics, Luckypaw can't quite suppress a shiver at the mention of Smokethroat threatening to rip out Cottonpaw's eye, tail curling a little tighter around himself. Houndthistle had lost an eye, and Wolfsong, too, at some point, so it's not as though it's a foreign concept, though he can't really imagine Cottonpaw missing one, too; any image he can try to conjure is as unimaginable as it is gruesome.

Again, the mention of RiverClan swarming forwards to strike leaves him feeling cold, eyes darting out towards the gorse tunnel where he knows the other Clan lies. For a moment, his thoughts drift to the new tunnel they're getting ready to dig out - is it really wise to step paw over there, when RiverClan is clearly so vicious and hungry for conflict? Sure, they hadn't been caught yet in the ShadowClan tunnels, but he can only imagine how furious they'd be if it did happen. One wrong move, and maybe he'd be beneath Smokethroat's claws - and, surely, if given the chance, the RiverClanner wouldn't hesitate to carry through and steal away an eye. Still, though, being able to keep tabs on their enemies is important, and might even afford them revenge at some point - clearly, it seems a risk well-worth taking, especially now when the tunnels are still undiscovered. Peri pauses, and Luckypaw takes this opportunity for questions. "Were they just waiting for us to show up? Do, do you think they'd try something like that again?" It had been quiet since that attack as far as he knows, but maybe RiverClan is just biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to steal over and attack another apprentice. "They sound so - so violent. Kinda scary, I guess." Though he tries to say the words with more of a nonchalant air, his true feelings of unease on the matter were clear enough from his body language and the sudden change in tone.