camp tell me what you see // intro


New member
Oct 2, 2024

The pale morning light lapped at the washed out splashes of color that decorated the tri-colored she cat's medium length, unruly pelt. As each morning passed, the sun grew weaker as the green-leaf faded. But as the season ended, one started anew for Leafcrackle. She had somehow managed to scrape by and become a warrior-- it didn't feel as good as she had imagined it would, however. There were apprentices foaming at the mouth to be in her position, but she wasn't too excited. She felt a pang of guilt in regards to this, but it wasn't like she could control her lackluster mood. She was just like that.

She wondered if her mentor was proud of her; she felt like she had only done the bare minimum to get by and climb the ranks. Nothing particularly noteworthy. Sometimes she felt like she would rather daydream about unlikely or impossible scenarios all day rather than actually accomplish anything. Again, her thoughts began to wander. Would she be remembered by her Clan once she reached the celestial meadows of StarClan? Would she even make it to Starclan? The questions swirled around in her mind, pulling her from her reality as her amber-honey gaze fixated on nothing in particular in the distant misty morning horizon. Upon a quick glance at her one could tell she was deeply lost in her own ponderings and probably needed a flick of a tail upon her shoulder to snap her back to the present day.


leafcrackle - she/her - shadowclan - warrior - 12 moons - dilute tortoiseshell with white - penned by koi_no_yokan
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Cherrypaw lets out a small yawn and steps out of the apprentice den, the autumnal sun hardly warming his brown and white pelt. His face harkens into a small frown, the air is cold and he doesn't much like the lack of warmth on his pelt. With a small look around the camp, spotting his frenemy. His muzzle scrunches up into a sort of half frown.

"They skip you for patrols again?"
The tom would snark, his maw curled up in a half snarl as he drops into a half-crouch. "I bet if my mentor came back I'd catch four times as much prey as you." The tom challenges, doing a little half-bounce half-strut around her with his tail flicking two and fro. "yeah, yeah and you'd be so embrassed too." The tom adds on, standing in front of her with a half-glare on his features although his eyes dance with mischief.

Leafcrackle jolted upright as Cherrypaw's voice pierced her daydream and dragged her back to ShadowClan's marshy clearing.

"Oh, it's just you," she remarked, heaving a sigh of relief. She was just glad it wasn't a senior warrior ready to give her a lecture for slacking off. Oh, why did warriors have to wake up so early? Why did prey wake up at the crack of dawn only to get eaten? It made no sense to her. "At least I became a warrior on time! Let's see if you can manage that." She retorted, though it was a bit of a weak argument to be honest. She knew Cherrypaw likely wouldn't struggle on that front. In her defense, it was too early for her to conjure up a decent response; her mind was still foggy with last night's sleep. "Well, if you're so sure you can catch so much prey, I suppose I'm not needed and can just go back to sleep then?" She added playfully. Mornings just weren't her thing-- she'd much prefer to hunt under the quiet blanket of night.

leafcrackle - she/her - shadowclan - warrior - 12 moons - dilute tortoiseshell with white - penned by koi_no_yokan
The tom goes a bit bug-eyed at her comment for a moment. "Hey! What do you mean just me?" the tom mewls in annoyance before hiding it by beginning to groom his shoulder absently. "Well -" He's cut off by her remark and for a moment he just stands there, dumbstruck. "I'm on track to be a warrior, you know that!" The tom would protest, his lips curling back a bit as he gets a bit more defensive.

Before he can say anything else, she speaks again, her sardonic remark turning his frown upside down, literally. "Nuh uh, no way, if I have to hunt than so do you. Lazy bones." The tom would add, stepping forward before bumping his head against her shoulder affectionately. "I guess since I have no mentor as of yet, would you take me hunting?" The tom would add, scrunching his face in mock-disgust as he waits for a reply.
"I mean, since it's not like I have any other option, even though I hate to admit I'd rather go hunting with you than be stuck in camp."
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By 'just you' the dilute tortoiseshell had meant that she felt a wave of relief wash over her as she realized it wasn't an authority figure who had happened upon her, but instead the familiar brown and white face of Cherrypaw, but she didn't want to tell him that-- it was too embarassing to admit she'd been shirking her duties again. Sometimes she wondered if she was even worthy of the title of ShadowClan warrior. Surely I'll amount to something, right? She thought, her pale ginger and gray tail giving a flick as he prodded her with a new question.

Take him hunting? Oh, StarClan. She lamented, wanting nothing more than to sink into her bed of moss and let her stress ebb away like the last waning sunlight that drenched the forest before leaf-bare sunk its frigid teeth into the heart of the marshlands. But deep down she knew it would be good for her to get some fresh air and clear her head outside of camp, so she gave a nod in Cherrypaw's direction. "Okay," she agreed as she rose to her white paws, shaking out the stiffness in her muscles. "I guess we really should take advantage of this weather before a cold snap chases the prey into their dens."


leafcrackle - she/her - shadowclan - warrior - 12 moons - dilute tortoiseshell with white - penned by koi_no_yokan