pafp temper, temper ;; caught snooping!

// Please wait for Flora to respond before your character can step in.(:

There is something bitter on his tongue as Fireflypaw walks back from the patrol to the border near ThunderClan. Dawnglare has left his side to go think, or talk to Orangestar, or something- all he knows is that the strawberry and cream tom is no longer by his side. The hefty tom walks by himself now, head low and ears pressed back against his head as he trudges through grass. Something bitter is on his tongue, and Fireflypaw can't get the taste to go away- anger. An emotion he's not too familiar with, not since kithood. He'd always been the type to manage his emotions well, with the exception of sentimentality and being a crybaby when faced with tough moments. It's moments like these that Fi finds that he's completely and utterly on his own, when his mentor is gone to do his star-gifted job and he's left to his own devices.

When he makes it to the medicine den, he can hear the sound of shuffling- his nose trains into a particular scent, familiar and yet not Dawnglare. His ears flick forward, nervousness and agitation bubbling up inside of him. He cannot see the intruder, knows they are not here to seek medical advice; anyone with a brain knows not to touch Dawnglare's herbs, his herbs. Herbs that they had painstakingly harvested, collected through blood and sweat and tears. All of his hard work..

"Hey- Hey! What in Mother's name do you think you're doing? Get away from there!" Fireflypaw shouts with an irritated tone, bulky body shoving his way into the den and to the back- bulky paw swatting out blindly with claws sheathed to smack the intruder away harshly. "Out! Out! Get out!" He shouts, the fur along his spine rising as his milky blue eyes widen in fury.​
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In Flora's defence she had never been told to not touch the herbs before now. Granted, it was something that in hindsight was pretty obvious as a thing to not do. She was on one of her self guided tours again to insure that she could successfully identify which den was what. Flora was simply just curious by the weird smells in here, no one was here to ask. She was curious as a kit and that curiosity had manifested into being nosy into her adult-hood. Life as a kittypet before being a daylight warrior was met with no repercussions for such actions so she had no reason to assume this would be any different.

"Hey- Hey! What in Mother's name do you think you're doing? Get away from there!"

Her head shot up from the commotion behind her. Caught red handed and yet not feeling any shame, she opened her maw to speak before being smacked. She blinks in surprise, unsure of how to talk her way out of this. “Am I not supposed to touch these?” She asked, finally finding her voice in a very late and feeble attempt to placate the anger she had caused. Immediately stepping back from the herbs she bowed her head, ears pinned back I’m sorry” she realised she hadn’t apologised yet, this was absolutely not helping her cause “I was just curious! These things smell weird and I wanted to know what they were. I didn’t think it was an issue."

Her explanation probably didn’t help at all but she wanted to at least show she didn’t have malicious intent. Apart from the step away from the herbs she remained still, unsure what was going to happen from here. She wanted to apologise again, further explain her reasonings but she bit her tongue.

The figure backs away from the precious, star-gifted herbs all too quickly- but Fireflypaw is happy that they are safe. He takes a moment to check on the storage count, nose and paws shuffling through the familiar herbs until he's satisfied. Flora seems apologetic, not realizing what she had done. Annoyance ebbs at his heart and throat, sending another wave of bitterness down his tongue. He's prepared to kick her out right then, to yell at her to never return and to just stay away, but he tempers himself for just this moment.

"And what if what you smelled was poisonous? What, pray tell, would you have done if you had ingested poison and nobody had been here to help you?" Fireflypaw snaps irritably, fluffing out his fur as he turns to stare owlishly wide at the molly. She was older than him, and yet so.. So.. Immature! Why did she not use her brain? Something tore at his throat, gnawing at it like a fierce wolf. "If you don't know what something is, leave it alone and wait! Don't go sniffing around in things that don't belong to you, Flora! Seriously!" He huffs, gritting his teeth.

"These herbs are sacred to us. If something were to happen to even one of them, it would short our storage and affect us later on in the season. Do you understand that, Flora?"

// Anyone may reply now!​
The sound of shouting immediately sends the she-cat's nerves crawling down her spine, as though icy claws had raked their way along her pelt and left her fur bristling in their wake. Her own instinctively unsheathe and sink their way into the dirt below as she hears Fireflypaw snarl, her midnight-furred head whipping in the direction of the medicine cat den while she crouches in panic. Ekat's eyes are wide and startled, even as she comes to realize that the medicine cat apprentice isn't shouting at her, and so she isn't in any trouble — but it still doesn't stop her mouth from running dry, her limbs from trembling at the sudden commotion.

Once her initial stab of fear manages to ebb, the she-cat picks up on the scalding words that Fireflypaw spits in Flora's direction — and she turns to look at the retreating daylight warrior with a sinking stomach. The former kittypet has only been a part of SkyClan for half a moon or so, and Ekat remembers the older she-cat's bright eyes filled to the brim with wonder the first time she had entered the camp. A part of her hopes Flora's spirit isn't too crushed from being shouted at, although she supposes that the scolding is deserved. Ekat hadn't been informed not to enter the medicine cat den, she'd only reasoned that she shouldn't. And although she possesses no medicine knowledge, she's aware that herbs are precious for the Clan. Still, she's sure Flora hadn't meant to cause trouble on purpose.

However, Ekat has neither the conviction nor the courage to tell Fireflypaw that he could be gentler as he shouts at the daylight warrior. She merely stands there, her mouth drawn into a tight line and her ears folded back as she watches Flora in silence.​

Fireflypaw raising his voice is never a good sign for anything, so when ginger ears grab hold of his friend’s shouts, the lead warrior stops what he’s doing, malachite eyes looking in the medicine den’s direction. The brown molly facing the healer’s wrath is a newcomer — one that Greeneyes hasn’t had the opportunity to interact with much, but he suspects she doesn’t know much about how the medicine den works, and in that regard, the importance of the herbs stored within it either.

Still, he understands his friend’s anger. He understands what can happen in times of shortage, what lengths they may have to go to if Dawnglare and Fireflypaw aren’t able to treat the clan’s sick. Startled heart pounding, Greeneyes pads over to try to diffuse the situation, though he doesn’t stray too far into the den himself. “ He’s right, Flora, “ the young lead says in attempted calm tones, a silent gratitude to Fireflypaw uttering the newcomer’s name — a reminder he’s sure to commit to memory.

It’s important that nothing happens to their herbs — “ he tries to explain, hooked tail swaying behind him. He suspects Fireflypaw’s anger might’ve been more effective, “ Cats have died in shortages, others have had to travel very far in order to get more of what the medicine cats need. So it’s — You can’t touch anything in there without them giving it to you, okay? “ He feels like he’s talking to a kit, like he’s scolding his kin, though Flora is older than him.

Maybe next time you're curious, just ask? “ he suggests. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

For a brief moment the idea of just leaving crossed Flora's mind as she stood in the den. Realistically it wouldn't go well so she decided against it but she wasn't so sure if she was supposed to stay either. Her eyes widened in surprise at their words, the idea of something poisonous being amongst the herbs hadn't crossed her mind.

“I don't know what I would have done” she mumbled, staring at the ground. It was strange, being scolded like this, she didn't grow up with other cats. Nor did she have parents for very long that could have gotten her used to being scolded, so this was a foreign experience for her. This guilt sat uncomfortably heavy, like a rock was placed on her chest that was pushing all of the air out of her. At least she thought it was guilt? There was fear mixed in there for sure, while she started to understand that he was justified in his anger it still caused her fur to raise.

Hearing the shuffle of paws made her look up from the ground, that rock feeling heavier at the realisation that there was now an audience here. Her eyes faltered on Ekat, she hadn't spoken with her but she remembered that polite greeting that the molly had given her when she joined. She wondered what she thought of the maine coon right now, would this affect anything if she spoke with her in the future? The sight of Greeneyes made her grit her teeth, having someone she didn't know here made her feel even worse. “I wasn't thinking about the consequences, I thought it would be harmless to look.” she admitted with a sigh, forcing herself to look at Fireflypaw. She fought to keep her nerve, the fear she felt towards the medicine cat apprentice in this moment threatened to make her stumble on her words.

After considering what both Fireflypaw and Greeneyes was telling her, the guilt she felt from being reprimanded grew. The idea of something she thought was harmless potentially leading to the death of another didn't sit well with her. “I-I understand, thank you for explaining this. I'm sorry for messing with your herbs, Fireflypaw.”

Flora paused as she tried to think of some kind of solution to the problem she had caused to begin with. “Can I… Fix this somehow? Can I make it up to you?” She wasn't sure what the extent of her damage was, and as much as she wanted to leave and not think about this anymore she also wanted to set things right.


Worry speared in Mallowlark's chest at the sight of commotion by the medicine den... perhaps an obvious reaction, yes, but he was so unused to this lurching, ever-present stress that had plagued him so for the last few moons. Wide grey eyesstung against the air, his ever-there smile viciously slathering, as the hulking tom stalked over to see what was happening- but oh, it was just a fool. Dancing around, carelessly prodding at sacred stuff! Who didn't!

She said she was sorry, though... that was when the snowy shadow of a tom began to chitter with laughter, amusement and bewilderment both slipping through his fangs. Had to learn somehow, he supposed... had to learn to repent for it, too! For who was she to know the consequences, the importance of what she prodded at, especially when his mate was not here to tell them.

"An offering, of course," he chirped, laughter bubbling up and out of him, unblinking eyes settling owlishly upon hers. "Heaps of meat! Hah-" A flood of bird-bones, where would she get them? "Or just the nicest kinds, with the stuff that rips away all clean..." A luxury or a feast, one or the other. Treating them was the right way to go!