camp TEMPORAL SPIRE \ check-ups

Quiet descended upon their camp, the canid chaos purged. Long since had rabid jaws been trapped shut, ran out of their lands and back to the underworld from which they ascended- and as ThunderClan began to regroup, a lull forming in the buzz of conversation and the frantic worrying, Berryheart chose his time to strike. Not with his claws, of course... with what little wisdom he had accrued.

The worst injuries had been tended to, of course- urgency had gripped the return, but there were always those who hid their scrapes. Even the tiniest cut could bloom into an infection if gone uncared for, untampered with... and he would not let his Clanmates be foolish enough to hide anything from him. They had no reason to do so, unless they wanted to endanger themselves. And never had he understood those who were purposefully untruthful, especially about injuries.

"Which of you are hurt?" Directly asked, not a moment wasted as soon as an opportunity had arisen; Berryheart's modus operandi. Askew eyes lay dead-set, still as stone, and his long-broken jaw sat slightly-ajar. Inwardly he was psyching himself up, deep breaths taken in preparation for dealing with wounds. The less he had to see bloodied gashes, the better.

/ set after the dog battle!
In the wake of the battle, Lily had held back from seeing her brother in the medicine den. Her only battle wound occurred when a dog grazed her shoulder with it's teeth. Well, her muscles were sore, but she didn't think that counted. There were injuries far worse than hers. She had escaped mostly unscathed, so why would she interrupt his work?

However, it seemed that all of the cats with serious injuries had been treated by now. Berry called for the less-injured cats and she didn't hesitate to step forward.

"I have this mild cut here."
[ earth girl ]
"I am." Cloudypaw breathed as she dragged herself over at the medicine cat's call. She felt exhausted. Every part of her body ached and more than anything she just wanted to fall back into her nest and sleep.

Compared to some of her clanmates though, she had gotten off easy, and she knew it. In total, all she had to worry about was a bump on her head and a few scratches and bruises from her tumble. It could have been much worse. It almost had been. The image of the dogs slobbering jaws lunging for her stuck in her mind, no matter what else she tried to think of. If it hadn't been for her clanmates at her side, it would have ripped her to shreds. There wouldn't have even been anything for Berryheart to treat.​

Thank Fortuna that she had emerged from the encounter with the dogs relatively unharmed, and a linen coat only suffered scuffs and scrawls, though her pelt had already been remarked by the rough hands of abraded time. Even the most careful masterpieces did not stand the test of time, and even the most pristine pelts would grey at hoar-tipped tousles. It was inevitable for her to be wholly unscathed, but she was lucky to have not sustained something worse. Luck rarely comes twice, she mulled over in her head. Blood ran from scrapes and bruises upon a weasel-like stature, as the leaf-bare air stung against the exposed flesh, as it whistled and played a dangerous game of needle and knife. The winter was unbearable for her short-coated self, and even more so now that some of her fur had been ripped from its hinges. Still, an odd gratitude took hold of her, as if she derived some sort of joy. It was more akin to relief, though. She still bled, and she was still alive.

"I am only mildly wounded." Came the collected voice of the molly, olive eyes twinkling as she faced the medicine cat, as if stars had been born upon the garden of earthen green. The gaze was but a mirror of the constellation-dappled sky, and the sun reflected upon the blooms of an unreadable expression (but an expression, nonetheless). In the Diviners, there was no such thing as a medicine cat. They knew the basics of remedy, sure, but there was a factor of destiny as well. If one were close to death, it was better to usher them into that inky sea of spelled fate. Her gait trailed just behind Cloudypaw and Lily Pad, just a distance apart from the two strangers - they were blood-kin, but she did not know them. She was cautious around the Thunderclanners still, even as she had pledged her allegiance (even if she was somewhat lying) to the clan. Yet, she nodded her head to Berryheart as if to communicate that he should treat those more grievously injured first. If there was one thing she had retained from her childhood, it was to allow her superiors their heavensent right to their pickings. In this case, it seemed to be a gesture of goodwill.
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His older sister first; he would regard Smiles with a small smile of his own, hardly recognisable to those who did not know well the nuances of his face. With so many major injuries his marigold supply had been considerably drained- with these minor scrapes, hopefully solely cleaning them with water should do nicely. Concentration kept his crooked jaw clamped shut as he began careful and precise treatment, disposing of the wad of moss after he was done before stepping away to admire his work. Not a trace of blood-scent... good. He doubted he could have stayed that close for much longer without toppling into a faint.

Then, to Stumbles. Minor scrapes dotted her form, all of which received equal treatment, though she seemed sluggish and unsteady on her feet most of all. Disorientated- exhausted. His eyes grew steely with resolve, firmness of instruction in his tone when he told her to "Rest." Her own nest would do... and would likely be better suited to her tastes than some cooped up corner in the medicine den. Sleep was often the best medicine for many ailments... at least, ones that were internal aches. He'd found any stomachache or headache was always best cured with a nap.

Star-eyes was next to approach, her voice about as calm as his. Tranquility seemed to radiate from a she-cat like her, confirming her injury yet staying as stable as a stone. He dipped his head, appreciative of her lack of panic- but was beckoned forward nonetheless, sticking with his moss-method. "Still a wound," he murmured softly, politeness radiating from his tone despite his sparse words. A well-raised tom, he never spoke anything but kindly- he was sure Big Mama would have quite a word with him if she found him disrespectful. There was nothing that writhed beneath her fur more than that.
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After the battle with the dog, Flycatcher had held back from seeking help from Berryheart immediately, so as to allow his more badly injured clanmates to get the treatment they needed. Flycatcher didn't deny he had a few aches and probably had a small wound on his neck - though he couldn't see for certain - but he did not wish for the medicine cat to waste herbs on what he deemed relatively minor injuries. Flycatcher pads over, joining a growing number of cats coming to seek help. "I believe I have a minor injury on the back of my neck where the dog pulled me off," Flycatcher explained, trying to turn his head to gesture to the injury in question. "Also, I've got a few general aches from getting thrown off too," He quickly added. "If you have any suggestion for how best to alleviate that I'm all ears."

Rabbitnose hated near death experiences. Awful things. His face is bloody from his newly torn ear and his chest is stained red from the bite he was given. They weren't fatal, he didn't think, but the sure bled a lot.

Which..... Wouldn't that make them fatal?

Whatever, he wasn't an expert. He waited outside the den, seeing as many were inside already.

"I could use.... Several cobwebs." He said as he was forced to shut an eye that blood decided to drip into.

He hated blood. It was sticky and got everywhere and it was all over him!! So what if it was his own blood. It should get back inside his body where it belongs!!

Sunfreckle didn't want to make a fuss about anything, but he knew better than to just hope things worked themselves out. Berryheart was their medicine cat and it was his job to keep them all health, so the less he made it difficult the better. He had taken up a comfortable spot nearby, still dazed and with a cloak of moss slung around his neck seeped red and keeping what blood he had left properly inside him where it ought to be. It was hard to not feel a touch miserable at being thrown around by the dog, but the victory had been well-earned regardless and his minor upset was a worthwhile compromise.
The red tabby watched the others gather and slowly dragged himself over to join the collective, leaning into Rabbitnose as he came to a stop with his head low and ears pinned back.
"...took a good bite out of me..I can't even see it..." Not that he could see the side of his neck well anyways but the fact that it was covered in sticky tabby fur clumped together with bits of dirt now as well made it even harder to determine where exactly.
"I want a nap."

Exhaustion mixed with new found peace felt her body heavy. The brown feline limped towards the medicine cat. Hoping her brother wasn’t overwhelmed with all the injuries. She had gotten bitten on her hind leg from one of the dogs. It had stopped bleeding for the most part. But it hurt like nothing before. Hollow Tree would wait for her turn though.

“I got bitten on my hind leg. It isn’t bleeding too bad.” her yellow eyes were half closed. Finding a spot to sit down without applying too much pressure on her injured leg. Hollow Tree wanted to sleep but knew better than to risk an infection. But that didn’t stop her mind from drifting off. “I can wait if there’s more urgent injuries.” mostly thinking about Rabbitnose who looked covered in blood.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]