temptations of trouble on my tongue // poppy

siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Siltpaw isn't sure what exactly it is about poppypaw that has caught her attention. Perhaps it is the seemingly effortless way the other draws attention to herself - in the same way silt avoids it. Maybe it is that she is seemingly so unabashedly herself. Or maybe it's simply the fact she finds her to be funny - she sparks joy in a way silt had almost forgetting since her siblings passing. Whatever the reason, silt finds herself watching the other molly - hesitant. She want's to make friends, she swears, its just... hard. With no mentor around to other her and no brother to interrupt and hoard her time, the quiet young molly finds herself gathering what little courage she has and plodding over to the other girl, hesitant and shy. "Hi..." she mumbles, quiet and awkward. She doesn't know what she's doing - it all seems so silly and yet so terribly hard. What is there even to talk about. ".... it's cold out, isn't it?" the moment the words leave her lips she wants to take the back, but it's to late. Dull gaze stares steadfastly at something over the other felines shoulder - she cant ring herself to look at the others face even for just a moment. She's probably gone and messed things up already.

// @Poppypaw


Poppypaw is grooming her paws, or pretending to, she doesn't like grooming and she's only doing it so she looks like she's trying to stay clean and put together because then cats will be less critical of her but frankly the entire clan smells like the swamp and looks about as clean as one so she doesn't see the point in looking pretty! She'd rather be spending this time doing anything other than trying to smooth her fur down and picking dried mud from between her toes and fortunately Siltpaw saves her from the tedium with a greeting.
"OH HI HEY HELLO! What's up Siltpaw?" Her voice pitches into a chipper question before trailing off as the other apprentice asks something herself. Cold? "It's so fucking cold, man! My little tuckus is gonna fall right off! Maybe we should run laps around the camp to warm up? OR, go find a nice mud hole and just sit in it! Mud's warm, you know! Least near the bottom cause the cold don't sink too well in it!"

siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

As the fire and ice feline begins to talk, she finds herself briefly overwhelmed. It doesn't bother her somehow - its nice, actually, to have meaningless chatter thrown her way. To be included. Once poppypaw's words catch up to her, she tips her head contemplating. "... does it really?" despite all appearances, the dull furred molly usually keeps quite clean and avoids the mud as much as possible, the ruffled and dull look of her pelt simply its natural state. green gaze flits up to meet copper for a brief moment, trying to judge the other girls honesty. Seeing nothing that makes her think she's lying or pulling a joke on her, she nods, gaze focusing once more onto the ground. "I think running might be better," she says finally. She doesn't feel like leaving camp to find mud - and on the off chance it works she'd be left licking muck from her pelt for hours.